Al Gore was just a moron trying to get attention. No difference in the other spectrum as Trump.
It was shameful to see Al Gore get the Nobel.
While his mansion wasted more power than 3000 houses combined.
I have some very precious things and many more I wish I had. My Mom is a ****** without warning. I have somethings like my Dads Gold Watch, my Grandfather who worked on a railroad-pocket watch. A few things my Dad brought home from and marked Occupied Japan. My Gran's Victrola. Most of the things she tossed or gave away. The thing I am most disappointed in is my Grans Bible.
Throughout the Bible Gran documented generations and generations of Births, Weddings and Deaths from both sides of my Mom's family that was/is massive in the decades in the States. My Mom has no sentimental attachment to anything so just about anything my Sis and I had from our childhoods are in landfills. What I have is from when I was an older teen and started packing away, by that time I was onto the phrase...I threw/gave that away.
Dad had a very nice, ruby and diamond ring, It was a single cut cabochon ruby. A half inch by a half inch, with diamonds around. Sister kept that also. I remember Dad kept it in a special box, and I would look at it every day as a child. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever saw. It was special and he only wore it to church. I just wish I could have had something from dad. Sister told me she had everything appraised, and kept the "good" stuff". Dad had a wonderful picture of his Mom, I asked if I could have a copy, sister kept that too, and I'm still waiting.
Dad had a very nice, ruby and diamond ring, It was a single cut cabochon ruby. A half inch by a half inch, with diamonds around. Sister kept that also. I remember Dad kept it in a special box, and I would look at it every day as a child. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever saw. It was special and he only wore it to church. I just wish I could have had something from dad. Sister told me she had everything appraised, and kept the "good" stuff". Dad had a wonderful picture of his Mom, I asked if I could have a copy, sister kept that too, and I'm still waiting.
It is annoying isn't it? I do have some copies of photo's of my Dad and his brother and sister. I have one of my Grandparents when they Wed when she was 14 years old and he was 30 years old. Too much was just tossed. I have nothing from my Aunts, Uncles, Mom growing up. What is left in my folks home I really don't want much if anything. I think my Mom still has a few strands of pearls and a few other things. I already have one of her two wedding rings and my sis has the other. My Sis picked what she wanted. Still the ring I have is likely worth
about $30 K as is the one my sis has. Its very nice and lives in a safety deposit box. You guys know me pretty well, I walk my Pup for fun, I need a 3 karat diamond the vast majority of days on finger for what? I like it don't get me wrong but rarely have the occasion to pull it out.
And that is amusing. We have cleaned up our act dramatically in my lifetime alone. Not just the air but rivers and lakes. When I was small seeing people throw garbage on the ground genuinely confused me 'cause my Mom would have knocked me upside the head.
I do question Disney at times though. It's a given it is a warm climate but they have gotten away from the big beautiful trees which make those parks so much warmer. We all know the areas of the Magic Kingdom but if you look at the World Showcase of yesteryear it was pretty and shade could be found pretty quickly. Our parking lots here have trees, not enough trees but every bit does help. Now AK, the park has some nice trees, even an effective fake tree.
We are back from the doctor. The stone has moved further down, just above the bladder. Hubby goes back in two weeks. If it isn't out, then they will go up with a lazer, and blast the's the size of a small pea. Ouch! Check to make sure the ureter isn't damaged put in a stent and hope the rest passes. If not, they will go up and retrieve it, and put in another stent. We are feeling major stress at this point. If they can't get it out, hubby's kidney will shut down, and he will be in big trouble according to the urologist.
This is intense. Let's pray that the stent will help the stone to finally pass through his system. Mr. Bets needs lots of hugs from you during this difficult time.
Al Gore was just a opportunistic moron trying to get attention. No difference in the other spectrum as Trump.
It was shameful to see Al Gore get the Nobel.
While his mansion wasted more power than 3000 houses combined.
I turn lights off when I go to sleep or leave the house during the day. I am guilty of using lots of electricity. I use air conditioning, turn on lights outside all night, have so many computers, cells, TVs, Tablets etc. either plugged in or completely charged. My refrigerator is new but massive. I have a garage door opener so I don't have to get out of the car to open the door. I do however have many solar lights outside. Sadly they are not reliable as the sun often doesn't fully charge them on cloudy days. There is lots of things I can blame on politicians other stuff not so much, sometimes it is just life or who happens to be in power at the time when things go down the toilet.
Dad had a very nice, ruby and diamond ring, It was a single cut cabochon ruby. A half inch by a half inch, with diamonds around. Sister kept that also. I remember Dad kept it in a special box, and I would look at it every day as a child. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever saw. It was special and he only wore it to church. I just wish I could have had something from dad. Sister told me she had everything appraised, and kept the "good" stuff". Dad had a wonderful picture of his Mom, I asked if I could have a copy, sister kept that too, and I'm still waiting.
Little story... when I was 13 I used to mow a few acres of lawn for the trucking company that my father ran. Got paid a whopping $3.00 for the entire job. One day I saw this Ruby ring (my birthstone) and decided I had to have it. The cost was $55.00. I put $10.00 down and paid $2.00 per week to pay it off. Every Saturday morning the owner of the jewelry store would show up at our door to collect his $2.00. I, in what seemed like forever, got it paid off and wore it from that time until just recently. After I lost weight it kept falling off my finger (I had it made bigger a few years earlier) so I had to stop wearing it or risk losing it. I'm too cheap to have it made smaller. The problem is that both my daughters have requested that I leave them that ring. I talked to them about it and said, I was open to suggestions for what to do. After all, there are two of them and only one ring. That is one thing that I am going to have to leave for them to battle over. I am, of course, flattered that they want that as a memory of me, but, now I think I should have bought one for each hand. I guess, at 13, it would have been hard to see that I was going to have two daughters.
I had it appraised about 8 years ago and it was, at that time, worth $2800.00 conservatively. It was a big Ruby!
I have some very precious things and many more I wish I had. My Mom is a ****** without warning. I have somethings like my Dads Gold Watch, my Grandfather who worked on a railroad-pocket watch. A few things my Dad brought home from and marked Occupied Japan. My Gran's Victrola. Most of the things she tossed or gave away. The thing I am most disappointed in is my Grans Bible.
Throughout the Bible Gran documented generations and generations of Births, Weddings and Deaths from both sides of my Mom's family that was/is massive in the decades in the States. My Mom has no sentimental attachment to anything so just about anything my Sis and I had from our childhoods are in landfills. What I have is from when I was an older teen and started packing away, by that time I was onto the phrase...I threw/gave that away.
And that is amusing. We have cleaned up our act dramatically in my lifetime alone. Not just the air but rivers and lakes. When I was small seeing people throw garbage on the ground genuinely confused me 'cause my Mom would have knocked me upside the head.
I do question Disney at times though. It's a given it is a warm climate but they have gotten away from the big beautiful trees which make those parks so much warmer. We all know the areas of the Magic Kingdom but if you look at the World Showcase of yesteryear it was pretty and shade could be found pretty quickly. Our parking lots here have trees, not enough trees but every bit does help. Now AK, the park has some nice trees, even an effective fake tree.
This is how I look at it. WDW is a big theater. It is there as a show especially since they came up with the castle projections that packed the hub and the trees blocked the view of the show for many. It would be comparable to trying to watch a play with the curtains closed. WDW is not our home street it is a giant stage. To be effective everything has to be visible. It is not as pleasant aesthetically, but, it is necessary for the show.
Little story... when I was 13 I used to mow a few acres of lawn for the trucking company that my father ran. Got paid a whopping $3.00 for the entire job. One day I saw this Ruby ring (my birthstone) and decided I had to have it. The cost was $55.00. I put $10.00 down and paid $2.00 per week to pay it off. Every Saturday morning the owner of the jewelry store would show up at our door to collect his $2.00. I, in what seemed like forever, got it paid off and wore it from that time until just recently. After I lost weight it kept falling off my finger (I had it made bigger a few years earlier) so I had to stop wearing it or risk losing it. I'm too cheap to have it made smaller. The problem is that both my daughters have requested that I leave them that ring. I talked to them about it and said, I was open to suggestions for what to do. After all, there are two of them and only one ring. That is one thing that I am going to have to leave for them to battle over. I am, of course, flattered that they want that as a memory of me, but, now I think I should have bought one for each hand. I guess, at 13, it would have been hard to see that I was going to have two daughters.
I had it appraised about 8 years ago and it was, at that time, worth $2800.00 conservatively. It was a big Ruby!
Oy. I feel for you. My Dad had 2 girls, he has one Grandson. I have his stuff and there isn't a great deal. My son knows it is his. Just waiting until he stops hopping around so they don't get lost or stolen. They are tucked up against the ring I rarely wear in the cosy safety deposit box.
My next youngest bro and his wife went to Las Vegas, with just 2 friends as witnesses and both sets of folks, and tied the knot. However, they did have a rather large reception at a local country club when they got back from their honeymoon the following weekend.
They make you sign a form saying that you will not drive the car. When the airbags inflate, metal shards can blast through the airbags and can hurt or kill you.