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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Wow a blackbelt at nine. That is dedication. I try to get my oldest interested in sports but he is more all about the band and different instruments. As long as they have interests, i am content. Congrats on wonderful grandsons.

I agree. I always told my kids they had to be something. When all was said, tried and done they both landed on competitive swimming and that one stuck. It was great for their Dad and me cause we were all in one place at one time, no conquer and divide. I pushed it at first just so they would be strong swimmers like I am, more a life skill I wanted them to have than a sport and because their Dad doesn't know how to swim and that scared the heck out of me when the kids were around water with him and not me. The sport brought on amazing opportunities for them with some great resume builders which payed off when they went out into the world after college. Sure wasn't my intent but you just don't know how life will unfold. Our band man was annoying. I didn't care for his band commitment needing to trump everything or guilt trip. My kids showed little interest and I was fine with that. It wasn't a lack of appreciation for music, my DD played guitar and piano it was the band man.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm going to visit Purdue on Monday and today I found out I was accepted into NYU's Tandon School of Engineering!

I'm so proud of you for Engineering at NYU. Awesome. Your hard work has payed off. I can't wait to hear what you think of Purdue. Another great school. It will be interesting to listen to your view of our Midwest. We are certainly a different culture than the South. My DD attended the University of Illinois Champaign Urbana which is close to Purdue. I called it the pilgrimage through the corn and soybean. My DD absolutely loved U of I and doesn't regret her decision whatsoever. For her masters she is hoping for a warmer climate and on the top of her list is @donaldtoo territory Austin only secondary to University of Florida. I remember her struggles to pick her final University. It was rough. And that decision wasn't made until the 11th hour the eve of Decision Day. It had come down to U of I and Tulane. In her mind a coin toss.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks. I keep forgetting how to do this. I don't think in computer things. I do art work, and my brain is on the other side.;)

And for us it is a generational thing. What I've learned has been taught to me by my kids. When I was in high school we had three, yes three computers available for student use and they used a tape similar to the antiquated Telex systems. My kids never knew life without a computer. It was never a foreign concept to them. It was a weird era for my kids as all things computer and digital they were leap years ahead of their elementary school teachers that were learning concepts their students had mastered as preschoolers. Can you say awkward.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I actually lost about 5 pounds this last trip.
Of course, we were only there a few days and did the 5K too...! ;)

I have never gained weight at Disney either and I eat plenty down there. For me I chalk it up to always moving for so many more hours than I'm normally moving and I am overactive to start with. After my normal 2 cups of coffee in the morning at home I am not idle, I rarely sit during the day so I guess Disney isn't much different, just more walking.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The two trips previous to this last one I was still a CM at our local Disney Store, so we opted for the dining plan at my 50% discount. We pigged out, but, walked so much I didn't gain anything.
Definitely didn't jog around the resort, and yes, it was an unGodly amount of food...! :confused:

And I wouldn't trade the unGodly amount of food for anything. I'm a big fan of the CM discount for the Dining Plan. Slurp. :hungry:
Have enjoyed that perk for years. :oops: :rolleyes: :D


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Started with a migraine yesterday. It's getting better, but I've done some strange stuff. The latest being that I went looking for my Surface's charger, and it wasn't in my backpack. I went out to the car, and it wasn't there. I looked downstairs, I rechecked my backpack, I looked up the number for lost and found at school, I plugged my Surface into a charger for another tablet, and I looked online to find out how much a new one would cost. It turned out I had already taken the charger out of my backpack and it got tangled in my sheets. :banghead: I think I just need to go to bed.

Oh Dear. You are much too young for that. As much as you love your college its time for you to graduate. Their'a killing ya. ;)

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