The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Were they the front teeth? If so, wrong holiday! The 2 front teeth are supposed to be at Christmas so you can sing the song!
:joyfull: She was born with her two front teeth and four on the bottom. Those fell out around 2 mos. and then her baby teeth grew in like normal. The dentist said because of that happening it's taking longer for those baby teeth to fall out and permanent ones to come in.


Well-Known Member
That sounds terrible. I'm glad you didn't get hit in the eye.
Me too!!! I was lucky enough that it was coming from the side, not head on. I thought about stopping, but there was no place to take cover, I was halfway between work and home, so I couldn't just turn around and go back to work and wait it out, and I was already soaked, so I figured I might as well just keep going. I was a bit late coming out of work. My hip was really bad yesterday, so I packed the whole day instead of walking and they taught me to pack single item orders, which is new since just before Christmas (the system is new, I mean) and I hadn't done it yet because I mostly walk and I work so few hours. So not everyone has been trained do that, so I had to finish up before I left because there was no one to take over. I only had 3 orders left to pack, so I was only a couple of minutes late getting out, but that plus stopping to give directions to a guy who stopped me as I was cycling past, I ended up riding right into the storm. If I had been out right on time, I would have missed direction guy and I would have been home by the time the worst of it hit. I guess I was meant to be a drowned rat yesterday. It could be worse, and it's not the first time I got caught in a hail storm on my bike....probably won't be the last. It's par for the course here where my main transportation is my bicycle, and the climate is a pretty wet one.


Premium Member
Another fun day, NOT! My older ds is home again due to the power still being out and my dh is home because he did something naughty. He gets no sympathy from me!!!!! Yesterday all the children decided to ditch their nice healthy lunches and get take out fried chicken. Today my old enough to know better brat has a bad tummy ache and is in bed. He's not the only one, at least 2 others have the same problem. Hopefully it's nothing too bad.


Premium Member
Me too!!! I was lucky enough that it was coming from the side, not head on. I thought about stopping, but there was no place to take cover, I was halfway between work and home, so I couldn't just turn around and go back to work and wait it out, and I was already soaked, so I figured I might as well just keep going. I was a bit late coming out of work. My hip was really bad yesterday, so I packed the whole day instead of walking and they taught me to pack single item orders, which is new since just before Christmas (the system is new, I mean) and I hadn't done it yet because I mostly walk and I work so few hours. So not everyone has been trained do that, so I had to finish up before I left because there was no one to take over. I only had 3 orders left to pack, so I was only a couple of minutes late getting out, but that plus stopping to give directions to a guy who stopped me as I was cycling past, I ended up riding right into the storm. If I had been out right on time, I would have missed direction guy and I would have been home by the time the worst of it hit. I guess I was meant to be a drowned rat yesterday. It could be worse, and it's not the first time I got caught in a hail storm on my bike....probably won't be the last. It's par for the course here where my main transportation is my bicycle, and the climate is a pretty wet one.
Sympathy like


Well-Known Member
It depends on your parents, we were belittled, told we wouldn't amount to anything, and told we had to dress nice, to get a husband. After you hear that for 21+ years. It takes years to undo that mess. I'll never remember when I went back home to see Mom and Dad , after being married 20 years. First thing my Mom said, understand I hadn't seem them for over two years; she said why don't you wear some makeup? And why are you wearing jeans. It was the same thing every time I went home. I'm not angry about your post. It's just not everyone comes from good parenting skills. I wish that I could have had that experience that your daughter's did. You are a great Dad!:happy:
Agreed. I was told I shouldn't waste my time and money on college, because I am female and if by "some miracle" I made it through college and actually graduated, my degree would be worthless, because woman only need to go to college to find a husband to support them, and the only suitable careers for women were teachers, nurses, or secretaries, and only until you get married. I wish I had a dad like @Goofyernmost to tell me I could be anything I wanted and that I was important just as a person.


Well-Known Member
That is not what I said... I said that this situation exists and until women take command of themselves and the situation, it will continue. I suppose that can be construed as being at fault, but, that is not it. As you know it is much more complicated then that, but, until something happens to change the situation I see no relief. When I see so many women supporting that orange haired big mouth in spite of the obvious opinion of his that women are more objects then people. It makes me cringe. Why, why would any woman find any reason, what so ever, to support that jerk. That is the frustrating part for me, I cannot understand why women allow someone like that to actually feel that he represents their best interest. I don't understand it, I don't agree with it and I want women to stand up and be heard. If that is offensive then so be it. Believe me I am on your side, but, without women saying "I'm mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore", it will not change. However, we need to stop this conversation and get back to the fun stuff, so I am out on this topic.
Why would ANYONE, female OR male support the oompa loompa? It boggles the mind.


Well-Known Member
Hubby and I will be staying here in June. When the Caribbean first opened my family started staying there, and then when hubby and I got married we stayed there for our honeymoon. This will be our first stay there since the honeymoon, 11 years ago! :jawdrop:;)
That's where we're staying for our July/August trip. I've never stayed on property before, so I'm super excited!! Is there anything at CB we should definitely check out?


Well-Known Member
OMG I almost forget to tell you guys my dumb@$$ states new tourism motto. I can not believe this. This is what $5 million dollars comes up with. I couldn't help but make fun of it all day.

Better than "Boaty McBoatface" right? (what the online community came up with for a name for a boat)


Well-Known Member
Another fun day, NOT! My older ds is home again due to the power still being out and my dh is home because he did something naughty. He gets no sympathy from me!!!!! Yesterday all the children decided to ditch their nice healthy lunches and get take out fried chicken. Today my old enough to know better brat has a bad tummy ache and is in bed. He's not the only one, at least 2 others have the same problem. Hopefully it's nothing too bad.
You should go to the "library " or find a place where you can have 5 shots for 10 dollars.
You're welcome to my share:D
Thank you! I accept!:oops::D:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Ours was pretty much what you'd expect. We went to see this crazy show in the East Village - basically a campy version of Cleopatra -
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Yes, that's a man.

Of course, we had to have some pre-Cleopatra margaritas.

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Then we decided to go to the Macy's flower show, which was not what we thought:

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And for reasons I cannot explain, the Easter Bunny had us on his "good" list despite all our debauchery and dropped this off the next morning:

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Wait a minute...that's no Easter Bunny! -

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Don't let the cute ears fool you. This is the evil phil-monster who won't green-light a trip to the world this year.

Annnyway, happy belated-holiday everyone!!'re saying it's not the Philly-God mother, there to "fulPhil" your every wish??


Well-Known Member
That reminds me of a place in the city back in the day that had a $10 on weekend nights for ladies and that covered all drinks for the night:)
See...I was wondering...the sign said 5 drinks for $10...but then below that, the sign said "Pre-game, game, post-game" right? So...that's only 3. Does the sign below have nothing to do with the 5 drink thing, or can they just not count?

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