Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh the poor nurses!! Hilarious that they put him in time out though. The nurse with the sense of humor told us that you'd be amazed what some of the people call nurses for. She liked mom because mom never called her for trivial "Could you please move this cup 3 inches to the left? " They have these trays that are attached to the bed and just swing away when you don't need it, but you can move it towards you so that you can reach something. Some people are just REALLY lazy and don't want to move the tray, so they call the nurse to move something into their reach that they could have easily gotten just by swinging the tray toward them. So we waited until it was quiet at night...that's the thing about the small hospital. There was only one other person on mom's wing so the nurses at night weren't being run ragged like they are in big cities. There's some time to play. So we waited until it was quiet, Mary had been sitting at the nurses station for quite a while, so we called her to move mom's cup for her...even though we were sitting right there. She just giggled and asked if she'd like her butt scratched while she was there. That's the kind of sense of humor she had. She was so much fun. She cried with us when mom had been one of her favorite patients and she had loved seeing us in the halls, making jokes with the nursing staff, never being demanding or yelling at them when they didn't answer the call in 2 seconds. I wish I had been in a hospital like that when my daughter was born. I only had to stay one night because dd was born in the evening and had to wait until a doctor had checked her out before going home...she was a big baby. 9 lbs 4 oz, so they needed to do a diabetes test and all the doctors had gone home for the evening. But I HATED it that one night. The nurses weren't very friendly, they were overworked, and they didn't listen when I said my bladder was overly full but I couldn't go. It took me over an hour to finally get them to put a catheter back in and then they realized just how uncomfortable I must have been and that I wasn't exaggerating or being a whiner. But in a big hospital they are just so overworked they don't really have time to give every patient the time they need. It's good that you recognize your dad isn't a good patient and you aren't making demands on them that they can't meet. I think nurses tend to get a lot of that from stressed out family members who take it out on them.
Yeah, I warned them within minutes of him getting a room. This is the 4th time in under 10 years with him and 2 of the times he was admitted for a couple months. He is a known entity and I'm sure his chart is inches thick. Still I am equally annoyed that they kept releasing my Dad without completing tests to diagnose what the issue was over the last month.
Your Mom sounded like a great patient. My Mom too just wants to rest when she is ill and requires little attention. Neither of my experiences with childbirth were good either. My DS was over 9# and I was in the hospital for 5 days. My DD was a bit smaller than that but she wound up in the NIC unit so there I stayed too till they released her. The staff was overworked and they were not nice or considerate. I was actually asleep as one nurse attempted a blood draw in my arm. What did she think was going to happen when I was startled awake and moved? Dimwit.