The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Yes, I think I am going to have to go back to the doctor...I don't think it's what he said it was...that should have healed a LONG time ago, and it doesn't explain why it gets worse when I move more...why sometimes it's excruciating, and sometimes it doesn't bother me at all. He thought it was a tiny tear in the muscle capsule, told me to rest it for a week. It took 3 weeks of not walking...I didn't even take my kids to school, I let them walk themselves, before it felt better. Even then I had to be careful how I stepped. So I think it's something different.

Yeah, it sounds like you'd better go in again. Maybe a different doctor too, just for another opinion.


Well-Known Member
Stupid comment of the day.

We were discussing how we say 'thames' different than the English at work. Instead of temz, we pronounce it with a hard th sound. Apparently, the person I work with already had this discussion with her friend because she said 'I told her I speak American' :banghead:

Which I totally understood where she was coming from but American is not a language.


Well-Known Member
Stupid comment of the day.

We were discussing how we say 'thames' different than the English at work. Instead of temz, we pronounce it with a hard th sound. Apparently, the person I work with already had this discussion with her friend because she said 'I told her I speak American' :banghead:

Which I totally understood where she was coming from but American is not a language.
She just left a word out. It should have read... "I told her I speak with an American dialect". That is the actuality. We rejected the Kings English about the time of the Revolutionary War.


Well-Known Member
Quick question - so Throwback Thusday has become a thing on Facebook. Everyone posts pictures from whenever in their past they want to. You all know I am shameless and I just post Thrrowback Thursday here anyway ----sometimes not even on the correct day - even though last night was Wednesday, I posted a Thoeback Thursday ---- Wine glass, I blame you!

Ummmmm....errrrr....annnnnnnnnnyway.........the point is - if I started a Throwback Thursday (Disney style!) thread on here would any of you actually post to it, or would it just sink to the bottom of the WDW Magic sea?

Might be fun, but lemme know!


Mickey Ears

Well-Known Member
Quick question - so Throwback Thusday has become a thing on Facebook. Everyone posts pictures from whenever in their past they want to. You all know I am shameless and I just post Thrrowback Thursday here anyway ----sometimes not even on the correct day - even though last night was Wednesday, I posted a Thoeback Thursday ---- Wine glass, I blame you!

Ummmmm....errrrr....annnnnnnnnnyway.........the point is - if I started a Throwback Thursday (Disney style!) thread on here would any of you actually post to it, or would it just sink to the bottom of the WDW Magic sea?

Might be fun, but lemme know!

I would post a few, but my Mom has most all of my photos from my throwback years so it would only be a few posts by me.


Well-Known Member
Quick question - so Throwback Thusday has become a thing on Facebook. Everyone posts pictures from whenever in their past they want to. You all know I am shameless and I just post Thrrowback Thursday here anyway ----sometimes not even on the correct day - even though last night was Wednesday, I posted a Thoeback Thursday ---- Wine glass, I blame you!

Ummmmm....errrrr....annnnnnnnnnyway.........the point is - if I started a Throwback Thursday (Disney style!) thread on here would any of you actually post to it, or would it just sink to the bottom of the WDW Magic sea?

Might be fun, but lemme know!


Oh my. I grew up in the 60's and 70's, and had crazy-insane-crazy fun in the early 80's...Waaaaaayyyyy before the Internet and cell phone cameras, thank god. :cool:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I hope everything goes okay and your dad gets better.

Thank you all. :inlove:

Well he failed the test this morning. The specialist brought in by the cardio doc stated that he had to pass test before they could try and shock his heart back into rhythm. So they didn't do it and the meds they were pumping into his arm to keep the heart in rhythm are not working. The test showed multiple small blood clots and one big one in his heart and that is with him being on blood thinners for years already. So we are all kinda processing while not really wanting to process. Meanwhile he is being as difficult as can be in the hospital.
Difficult is the nice word the staff is tagging him with. Joy Joy :banghead:


Well-Known Member

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