OK gang, Princess 5K tutu day time...!!!!!
So, starting out with the best of intentions to train, to eat better, to cut back on the beer, etc., for this whole thing, the reality of it is, it didn't quite go that way...
I gained a lot of the weight I had lost previous to the holidays back during the holidays and only lost about a third of it before the "race". I did some walking, but, not nearly as much as I should have. And, although I cut back on the beer, it wasn't by a whole lot, etc....
That being said, I finished fine, walking the entire course, and felt awesome for having participated, but, I definitely want to do better next year. I want to be able to run most or all of it next year. It was the first time I've participated in an event like this, and now I get it...!!!
Anyway, without further ado, and as promised...tutus.....!!!!!!!
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Group shot...
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Another silly me shot...
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As I mentioned in a previous post, there were corrals A-F. Best I can determine, there were over 10,000 participants in just this one event.
Oldest DD, SonIL, and youngest DD were assigned to A, myself to E, and DS and DWifey to F. Once assigned, you can't step up, but, you can step down. So, I stepped down to F so I could be with DWifey and DS. As I also mentioned before, we know how to fix this for next year.
As a result, SonIL had already crossed the finish line while they were just queueing up our corral for our official start...!!!
Also, DS and DWifey blew me away and finished about 15 mins. ahead of me...
Anyway, right after I finished, I joined them all in the runners retreat tent for breakfast.
Mission accomplished...!!!