Premium Member
Please don't leave!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd miss you and all your wonderful sunset pics even though I get to see them before sunrise, not to mention all the fun countdowns xoxoBecause I'm "hypersensitive".In all seriousness my ex is an alcoholic to the point he has blackouts and doesn't remember what he says or does. (He quit AA and anger management.) His best friend is a bottle of Crown Royal and his visitation days are horrible. So yeah, there are days when I have to deal with him I'm a bundle of nerves.
On a side note it was suggested to me by someone here to leave this thread. And I thought about it, and I thought about it some more, and life's not all rainbow poopin' unicorns and I'm not going anywhere.
On another side note, I saw KUNG FU PANDA 3 yesterday and it was awesome!!!! No spoilers from me in case you haven't been yet.
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