The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Knowing computers is not necessarily a sign of intelligence.

Hand your kid a slide rule and watch her brain explode.

Familiarity with tools that have common interfaces (as most computers do) does not equate intelligence, however, considering the role computing plays in the modern workforce, it's certainly a large plus.
When I was in Respiratory school all the young students were using calculators and I was faster than they were with a paper and pencil.


Well-Known Member
I am the same way. The last time I used Firefox I needed to update it.

How are you doing with new computer?
Bonding yet?
I didn't realize what a lemon my old computer was before this one. I had problems with that computer from the beginning. That, and I turned on my old laptop (before the one with the hard drive failure) and it was unbelievably noisy. This one barely makes a noise unless I stick a disc in the drive, and even then it's not super noisy. It also never gets hot, which is great and gives me faith in it. It also is running older programs that my previous laptop would not run (Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 namely). So I've got some faith in this thing.

The display is awesome. Looks so great. So happy with that. Such an upgrade from my old computer.

I still am not crazy about the touchpad, but I'll get used to it. I love the touchscreen. It's great. I use Windows 8 features a lot more than I did with my old one, but I ended up loading start menu 8 on there to make it more like Windows 7 for when I'm in desktop mode. I'm 100% used to the keyboard and don't really make any more mistakes than I did on my old laptop. Then again, the keyboards feel very similar

Not everything is transferred over yet, but we're getting there. The important stuff, MS Office, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Chrome, Firefox, my DVD ripping software, and iTunes are all there. iTunes will just take a while to get everything back, although my entire music library was backed up to Google Play, so if I really need to, I can just download everything not on the computer and go from there instead of re-ripping music from CDs. I might not worry about that until after we get back from SC. I also installed a bunch of free apps on it last night. I'm thinking of maybe getting a paid app or two.

I'm still deciding what of the bloatware I want to keep and what of it I want to get rid of. I uninstalled a lot of it, but I may just continue using it, and then after a few months, uninstall what I don't use.

Just the more I read up on laptops and the more I read on Lenovo, the more convinced I am that I made the right choice. A lot of sources put their brand in the #2 spot behind Apple. To me, that says a lot. I was a little nervous over buying an expensive laptop and not really knowing the brand, but I heard good things about it when I posted in the Tech section of these forums, a lot of product sites and magazines rated them highly (PC magazine, Consumer reports), plus they use them at my school, so I figured they are probably a decent brand. And even though it is clunky, it's a fair trade off for having a touch screen and a disc drive. Are you aware how hard it is to find a 15 inch laptop that has a touch screen and a disc drive?

And I got a good price on it, even though the prices have been up and down. Since I didn't have to pay sales tax on this, with the changing prices on Amazon, the most I would have saved it $20. For a while, Amazon had it down by $55 and I was thinking "Oh darn, I could have saved $55", until I remembered that if it's sold by Amazon, I have to pay sales tax, so I really would have only saved $20 at most.

But this computer has all of the features I want/need (backlit keyboard, disc drive, touchscreen) for the price I wanted, so I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

That was long. Sorry. I'm a little laptop-obsessed.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yeah and my company is GIANT so you think they would know better. Although part of it probably has to do with compatibility of some of our web-based applications.
that happens a lot. Specially if they build their entire applications on a single system.
Which is pretty dumb imho.
Reminds me when 99% of the mexican banks and government services forced users to use IE6.. the most insecure POS that ever existed.
They all built it around "Active X".

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Would you believe me if I said I never heard of that option?
Netscape was actually the first graphical browser.. it was the most amazing thing at first.

Then the fight was between Netscape, Opera and Internet Explorer.
Of course, IE won because it was embedded in Windows 95 SE and onwards.

We had AOL until 2009...:rolleyes:
reminds me. They said that AOL spammed that much their CDS in every single magazine out there.. That one dude rebuilt his bathroom with only aol cds boxes.

Fun fact...AOL still has 2.4 million subscribers. Many of which have their own broadband, but still use AOL to "connect"...

About 150 million a year in profit (not revenue) from it, or something like that.
Some people cant let go the AOL's Pre-school interface lol.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
that happens a lot. Specially if they build their entire applications on a single system.
Which is pretty dumb imho.
Reminds me when 99% of the mexican banks and government services forced users to use IE6.. the most insecure POS that ever existed.
They all built it around "Active X".

My DD had a blast from the past. At her new job they don't send memo's, leave voice mails or emails within the department. They IM. Their own little snap chat. There and gone.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yup, that's what I do.

Before Chrome came out and got to be a top notch browser, I used Firefox after deciding IE was cr*p. But Firefox, every now and then, will have issues.

For instance, my brother was using Firefox on his laptop the other day. Suddenly, he couldn't get on Youtube. Rather than messing with it to figure out what the problem was (he was getting upset) I just quickly had him use Chrome. It worked. Don't know what the issue was.
Firefox has issues because they have NOT UPDATED their GUI system.
While Chrome uses multithreaded and Internet Explorer too.. Firefox still uses a single thread to update the graphical interface.
Thus if one app uses all the core power.. the entire firefox will freeze..
They have added so many dumb stuff that noone needed but refused to tackle the multicore until a few months ago...very stupid imho.
Yet the Multicore thing is still "beta".

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