Yes, he could, and I mentioned those options. But his husband still thinks it's not worth the money...they could still get more vacation somewhere else for the same amount of money. To me, it's worth the price because the kids will have a BLAST and it will be something they remember forever. But those are MY priorities, and I can't decide what's worth it to my brother-in-law. And their daughter will only be 3..she won't remember the trip. So the amount of money they would spend might be better spent on a vacation for themselves until she's a bit older and will really be able to enjoy it and remember it. My son was 2 and a half last time we went and he remembers nothing of it and really he didn't get any more out of being at Disney than he would have gotten on any other vacation. He refused to wear the 3D glasses in Philharmagic, he wouldn't get in photos with characters, even Jasmine who was his FAVORITE, without daddy holding him, and he wouldn't eat any of the food ANYWHERE, quick or table service. We brought in doritos from a grocery store and left the park for Mc Donalds every night for him because that was the only thing he would eat. DD was 4 and remembers taking the picture with Jasmine, remembers an interactive floor in Epcot where she danced and it lit up and made noise (which she only remembers because we have a picture of it) and she remembers holding up her minnie doll during a parade when Minnie went by and she remembers finding 3 pieces of silver confetti during that same parade. That's the extent of what she remembers from 4 days in the parks. She had a great time and experienced a lot more than her brother did, but the memories are MINE and I remember how happy she was and how much fun she was having. That was worth it to me. But I can't make that decision for my brother and his husband...whether it's worth it to them for those memories. And apparently my brother-in-law has decided that it's not. I have to respect that. It's their money, so they have to decide what they are willing to spend it on, and Disney is not it. So instead, we'll go to Disney for 2 weeks and have a BLAST and make memories of our own and we'll spend a couple of days in South Dakota site seeing with them instead. We'll still have fun memories together and get to spend time just won't be in Disney. And -I- still get to do Disney with my kids, that doesn't change. I'd love to share it with my niece, but that's not in the cards for now. Maybe in 5 years it will be different...or maybe if they don't want to spend the money to go, we could just take my niece along with US by that time.