The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping that you folks will bare with me a little while longer. I intended to publish a few more Europe pictures, but, after having Cataract surgery on Friday, I have been a little discouraged that not only did my eyesight not improve, it is worse. Everything I see with my left eye is blurry and not really improving over time. I'm still hopeful that it will correct without needing another surgery, but, I'm starting to lose my optimism about it. In the meantime reading this stuff, on line, is creating a major burden for my right eye and creating a little eye strain. I'll get back regularly as soon as I can. It's only been three days, but, I was expecting a much faster turnaround. Not happening so far.


Premium Member
Here are some day two pictures just for you chit chatters....
We went to the Boardwalk for breakfast

They claimed it was a warm cinnamon roll, but it really wasn't. It was tasty enough. My latte was good though.

We also shared the breakfast croissant sandwich. It was okay.

Then to the Studios and to Toy Story.
IMG_3004.JPG IMG_3006.JPG

The Streets of America in the daytime.

Star Tours


The Chinese Theater as it was meant to HAT!




Premium Member
I'm hoping that you folks will bare with me a little while longer. I intended to publish a few more Europe pictures, but, after having Cataract surgery on Friday, I have been a little discouraged that not only did my eyesight not improve, it is worse. Everything I see with my left eye is blurry and not really improving over time. I'm still hopeful that it will correct without needing another surgery, but, I'm starting to lose my optimism about it. In the meantime reading this stuff, on line, is creating a major burden for my right eye and creating a little eye strain. I'll get back regularly as soon as I can. It's only been three days, but, I was expecting a much faster turnaround. Not happening so far.

Oh dear, sorry to hear about your eye. I've known a few people who have had similar procedures done, and it can often take longer than expected for the really positive results to appear. I hope that is the case for you, so don't lose heart. Just take care of yourself.


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, sorry to hear about your eye. I've known a few people who have had similar procedures done, and it can often take longer than expected for the really positive results to appear. I hope that is the case for you, so don't lose heart. Just take care of yourself.
Thanks for the encouragement. I really need it right now. I have to give into the old age factor because the past 5 weeks, with the trip and the surgery have taken a lot out of me. I feel like I was pulled through a strainer, rode hard and put away wet and a dozen, or so, other phrases that I cannot post on a family board. :joyfull:
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Premium Member
@ajrwdwgirl , those are more wonderful piccies!! I really like the stars along the sides of the streets on the poles in DHS. That's a nice effect for holiday decorating.

As for your cinnamon roll, it didn't quite look like the usual swirled cinnamon rolls that I'm used to. Also, they generally put sort of melted frosting on the top that drizzles down the sides. The frosting they used in your picture looks more like the frosting one would use on a cake, for example. Glad it tasted o.k., but to me, it wasn't really a traditional roll, as you pointed out.

These rolls are among the many serious subjects that we discuss on Chit Chat!!! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Here are some day two pictures just for you chit chatters....
We went to the Boardwalk for breakfast
View attachment 120467

They claimed it was a warm cinnamon roll, but it really wasn't. It was tasty enough. My latte was good though.
View attachment 120468

We also shared the breakfast croissant sandwich. It was okay.
View attachment 120469

Then to the Studios and to Toy Story.
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The Streets of America in the daytime.
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Star Tours

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The Chinese Theater as it was meant to HAT!
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I love DHS. :happy:


Premium Member
Thanks for the encouragement. I really need it right now. I have to give into the old age factor because the past 5 weeks, with the trip and the surgery have taken a lot out of me. I feel like I was pulled through a strainer, rode hard and put away wet and a dozen or so other phrases that I cannot post on a family board. :joyfull:

Eh, you were just out of your usual comfort zone. A big overseas trip like you just took, would exhaust anyone, and then to have some eye surgery shortly after you came home, didn't help matters either. I think you'll be fit as a fiddle in another 1-2 weeks of recovery. Just relax and listen to your body; you just need more rest. May I suggest that you put on the EPCOT background music loop and let the music soothe your mind.


Premium Member
99% of our gas stations have a mini mart in them. Some sell only basic necessities and some are like a little convenience store.

Oh, we have some of those, too. I guess maybe the ones nearer to me don't carry more than the usual basics such as milk, bread, etc. For some reason, I was thinking cake mix was only in a supermarket. :) I've always found odd little regional differences fascinating! ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement. I really need it right now. I have to give into the old age factor because the past 5 weeks, with the trip and the surgery have taken a lot out of me. I feel like I was pulled through a strainer, rode hard and put away wet and a dozen or so other phrases that I cannot post on a family board. :joyfull:
My mom had both eyes done (at different times) last year. She's 73 and says it's one of the best decisions she's made so hang in there.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
@Gabe1 is having a 30% off sale today. So...I bought the bathing suit.

This one:

With these bottoms, which are darker, but should just pull the darker colors from the top

And then my mom bought some stuff for herself.

The promo code and pin are on their homepage.

Thank You. Once again I will be shopping 'cause of you. :inlove:

I really like that top. The colors are great, I like the contrast of the skirt that will pull the other color from the top too.


Premium Member
Haggis and whiskey cake from Scotland. The haggis was okay it reminded me of ground beef. THe whiskey cake has a nice lemon flavor.


Chicken sausage and creamy polenta from Canada: very tasty

IMG_3093.JPG Kalua pork slider from Hawaii: it was good but I think it needed more of the spicy mayo


Farm Fresh stand: loaded mac and cheese and key lime wine. Verdict: good but nothing out of the ordinary for the mac and cheese. The key lime wine verdict: very good and refreshing

Australia: lamb chop with mint pesto. I didn't try it but hubby loved it.

The chilaquilles from Mexico: verdict....really yummy even though there was nowhere to really enjoy eating it. So below is the picture of me eating off of a "table". It was so crowded we did this a couple times.


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Premium Member
I've never made it with condensed milk either. Seems very sweet. I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie. Never had it growing up. Hubby likes it though so I do make it. My favourite is sugar pie...which might be a regional thing here. (Never had that growing up where I'm from either.)

Oh, I just wanted to share that the sweetened condensed milk is to sweeten the pie, without adding additional sugar in the recipe, versus regular condensed milk recipes, generally also call for brown sugar. So in the end, I think it all averages out in the sweetness part. The only real difference is that maybe the sweetened condensed milk cuts out one brief step in the preparation, but certainly no big deal at all. :)


Premium Member
I'm hoping that you folks will bare with me a little while longer. I intended to publish a few more Europe pictures, but, after having Cataract surgery on Friday, I have been a little discouraged that not only did my eyesight not improve, it is worse. Everything I see with my left eye is blurry and not really improving over time. I'm still hopeful that it will correct without needing another surgery, but, I'm starting to lose my optimism about it. In the meantime reading this stuff, on line, is creating a major burden for my right eye and creating a little eye strain. I'll get back regularly as soon as I can. It's only been three days, but, I was expecting a much faster turnaround. Not happening so far.

I do hope your sight gets better without any surgery. No rush about the Europe and cruise pictures, we all want to see them but we can wait until you are able to.


Premium Member
@ajrwdwgirl , those are more wonderful piccies!! I really like the stars along the sides of the streets on the poles in DHS. That's a nice effect for holiday decorating.

As for your cinnamon roll, it didn't quite look like the usual swirled cinnamon rolls that I'm used to. Also, they generally put sort of melted frosting on the top that drizzles down the sides. The frosting they used in your picture looks more like the frosting one would use on a cake, for example. Glad it tasted o.k., but to me, it wasn't really a traditional roll, as you pointed out.

These rolls are among the many serious subjects that we discuss on Chit Chat!!! :hilarious:

I really wanted to get the caramel sticky bun but hubby doesn't really like them. So I let him get the cinnamon roll because it was advertised as warm....


Premium Member
@ajrwdwgirl , I had to laugh at the photo of you eating off the top of the trash can--only because I've done that so many times!

But usually, it's on a work morning back here. If I'm waiting for a train, I sometimes have a few minutes and I might go buy a muffin and eat it before the train arrives. The top of the barrel makes a nice breakfast "table" for my muffie and coffee! :p
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