I am technically full time at my school. Our school has two campuses because we can't build around the older campuses due to laws governing historical property, so the school bought land 15 minutes away, and that is the main campus. I have one class over at the main campus and two over at the other campus, and one online which has not started yet. My school is small with only about 4,000 undergrads. It's nice because I've never had a class with more than 25 people. The tough part is that we don't always have a lot of options, and one program we are lacking is foreign languages. We only have up to 200 level. I took 6 years of Spanish in high school plus the AP exam, so my first Spanish class for college needed to be 300 level. Since there are about 8 colleges with an hour radius of each other, they have a special program where if a class is not offered at your home school, you can take one class at another college per semester for full credit (no pass/fail stuff, A, A-, B+, B, etc.) and you don't have to pay anything; it just counts towards however many credits your tuition covers. So I take 15 credits per semester, and 12 of them are classes here, and then I go to one of the local, large state universities for one Spanish class per semester. So I'm in between three campuses. I'm at my school, between campuses, from 9:25-5:45 with a 1 1/2 hour break and a 3 hour break. I go over to the state school from 2-3:15 on Mondays and Wednesdays. I'm a peer tutor, so I work when I get appointments, which are generally Monday and Wednesday mornings, Monday evenings, Thursday evenings, and Friday afternoons, though that can vary.
In general, I'm very busy and run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I'm all over the place. And I avoid 8 am classes like the plague. But I keep a schedule. Up at 9 am on Mondays and Wednesdays (unless I have a morning tutoring appointment) 7:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, no more homework after 11 pm unless absolutely necessary, to bed between 11:30 and 1 am, depending on how tired I am and how much TV I feel like watching. And for right now, I have PT Mondays and Fridays, though that mostly affects work, and my boss is good about blocking off my schedule as long as I give him enough notice.