This might be a little out of order. Friday, I took the train to Utrecht, met up with a friend and traveled to Den Haag. It was a bit nerve-wracking because I only had 4 minutes to catch my connection in Arnhem to Utrecht and my friend was getting to Utrecht at the same time on the train I was supposed to take, so I was just going to join her on the train she was already on. But my train to Arnhem was a couple of minutes late and I missed the connection, so I had to call her and she had to get out and wait for me and we took a slightly later train. But we made it and then we went to the Mauritzhuis, which houses The Goldfinch, if anyone has read the book about it. Then we went and ate cupcakes. Saturday, we took the tram to Delft and spotted the old church on our way to the boat tour. So we went into the old church which has the crooked tower. I love the stained glass windows.