I read "dirty diaper plates", which....eeeuuuuwww. But aside from that, it's so true. I was gone for 2.5 days and came home to a dirty house, hubby fed the kids nothing but junk (seriously...he gave them "dessert day" 2 days in a row, which is when he takes them to the store and lets them each pick out 3 or 4 desserts or junk food items to have as dinner...chips, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, soda, etc...that was dinner...and lunch....and breakfast, for 2 days. The other meal he took them out for fries and chicken nuggets.), he didn't replace the milk that he couldn't tell if it was good or bad so he dumped it and didn't tell me to get new...I discovered when I went to make the egg wash and breading for the baked chicken ******* yesterday, and he left DS's wet towel and dirty soccer clothing from Saturday morning in the gym bag, so when I went to get him ready for practice last night, his bag REEKED and his soccer stuff was all dirty.