I'll be back later to catch up, but I have a question. I did more number crunching, and I looked up the menus of the 4 table-service restaurants we are planning to eat at and I picked the things we were most likely to order and added it all together. It came out to about $570-$600 for those few meals. So I looked at how much it will cost to upgrade to the regular dining plan again and it was $600. So, we might as well go ahead and upgrade if it's going to cost the same...then we get 10 TS meals for that instead of just four. (Thanks
@figmentfan423 for the suggestion) So my question is, if you could only choose ONE Table Service restaurant for your trip, which would be your go-to? I'll look at reviews and such too, and we won't be doing signature dining like Le Cellier, but I'd like to know if there's a consensus on which places are the best. Thanks!