There was a nice graphic.
The whole reveal was strategically planned.
They knew the outcome way before..
But they waited for a) less movement in town, b) near weekend c) to have enough police with military equipment and national guard armed to the teeth.
Also, there are some disgusting information appearing on internet.
Like the main prosecutor of the case.. who actually was one of the top donnors for the fund of the cop accused of murder.
Other donors who claimed "no racism here". Were found to be KKK members thanks to facebook photos.
infact, most of the actively protesters who defended the cop.. had ties with KKK.
not to mention that the cop was actually removed (disbanded police squad) in another town, for alleged abuse and racist profiling.
so it boggles my mind he was never found to be guilty of anything. Worse now that a 12 year old kid was gunned down by a cop on the spot.. for having a fake air soft gun replica.(same way a father who was talking on the phone, holding a fake rifle.. was gunned down as well.. the worst? in the videos of the store, they show white men and women with heavy weaponry.. strolling like nothing. but only the black guy had the police called on him)