The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
That's why we wolves and other pals get along so well !! BFF's --


and --

adorable ferret!!! :D

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Seriously, his drug use is the least of his problems. I wouldn't lose to much sleep over it. Most of his fans couldn't find their way to the tolling place anyway.
Didnt George W. Bush also smoke Marijuana? I remember reading how even Reagan had a small plantation for his "needs". I wonder if this was true and not something to just tarnish reputations.

Does he always stand sideways like that???

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
My parents were pretty aware of our "friends" in and out of school. But, for the most part we were allowed to pick our own friends. It was still subject to parents "overseeing".;)
I dont know why I imagine the "overseeing" being similar to that " MEET THE PARENTS" scene.. where the character of DeNiro, does a full screening process (including lie test) to Ben Stiller's character.


Well-Known Member
It's all part of the new security precautions since Sandy Hook. They want to know where the little angels are at every moment of the day. I need to show ID just to drop off something.
I've noticed it's so much more relaxed over here. I remember my mom having to sign in to drop something off if I forgot it, or when I came back to visit from college, I had to sign in to visit my favorite teacher. Over here, I just walk into the school and no one bats an eye. But then, there's no front desk with a secretary, etc like there always was in the US. Half the time, you walk in and no one even sees you because all the kids and teachers are in class, the principal has a couple of different schools, so he's not always at ours, and the support staff is only like 3 people who are generally busy doing their jobs, so there's no one to ask you to sign in anywhere. But then, I'm also on the booster club (I guess that's the equivalent), so I'm often at the school for meetings to plan activities, or to decorate the entrance hall, etc, and the staff all know me. But I don't think anyone else ever gets questioned, either.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
So someone threw a rock in my pool the other day. This is the 2nd time someone has done this (with the first being in the winter a few years ago and as a result completely up the pool cover), and while the rock wasnt huge, it still could of put a hole in the liner. I have an idea of who it could be in my area, and im hoping to catch them in the act next time i can make them eat the damn thing before they throw it.

time to install security cameras?


Premium Member
I do all the mowing, but hubby keeps piling stuff on the mower in the shed, so I haven't been able to get to the mower since June or so...the grass has been pretty dead for a few years and my lack of green thumb. But I'd really like to just take it all out and replace it with garden tiles or something that requires no weeding, no mowing, no nothing.

I chuckled over your last sentence. You see, our landlord also hates yard work. His solution? He poured concrete all over the back yard and put up a retaining wall all around as well. Voila. No more grass for him to mow! ;)

(P.S.: I wish he would have just left the grass back there, as I prefer nature and all. Yet, I told him it looked nice. But, there's a method to my approach, because he likes us and has never raised our rent. I prefer that he continues to think that I worship the concrete he walks on! :inlove: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D )


Premium Member
Our schools sold school supplies at the school bookstore. So everyone got the "approved" supplies. No individuality encouraged back in those days. Or more probably, just not that much to choose .:(

Yup. Same here. We didn't even have to think of school supplies, because the nuns put everything we needed in our desks. (We had the lift-up top desks, with the storage area.) All we had to buy on our own, were Lindy pens (by the way, that pen company went out of business in 1990).

So on the first day of school, I'd walk into class holding this dorky, blue ink, Lindy fine point pen, and my lunch box. The nuns had already put pencils and rulers in our desks, and we had to put the pen right next to the pencil and ruler, in the middle, between the books. Everyone had to place books in precisely the order that the nun requested, on either the right or left side; but we could not choose the side, only the nun could dictate that.

It gets better. The nuns would perform inspection of the desks a few times a week. :hilarious:


Premium Member
I hope so too, I've been sneaking and making more desserts. Not good. I'll just have to buckle down and get back to more veggies, and less dessert.:(

Or, instead of dreading the visit to the doctor . . . did you ever watch the tv series, Columbo, about the quirky, but brilliant, police detective? (I used to love that show.) He wasn't into guns, and he used to con one of his colleagues to take his badge and go to the gun shooting range, and take the shooting test for him!

I was just thinking that if you had a friend that sort of looked like you, and was within the weight range your doctor prefers, you could pull a "Columbo"! :D

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