Other than our regularly scheduled days off, we were all definitely blacked out during the Holidays at TDS. Not a single day off would be considered. Of course, you could just take your chances and call in sick. Even as a Lead Manager, I was considered a regular, part time CM, and, therefore, not entitled to any paid days off. Only the ASM and SM were. Our SM usually got the schedule out 2 weeks in advance, but, sometimes it was bordering on a week.
We did hire 3-4 seasonal CMs every year to help, and some even ended up gettin' hired for regular, after the Holidays.
Again, I'm not complainin', per se, I knew what I was signin' up for.
But, the absurdity of it all just seemed to progress so quickly over those years.
I know I've posted this before, but, one day during the season, I worked a clocked 18.75+ hours between 2 jobs, and, literally (and, I REALLY DO mean LITERALLY), only sat down for 5 mins. to shove down a sandwich, between them.
And, I was 49 at the time.
Also, as I've stated many times before, if nothin' else, it was a one heckuva' learnin' experience...!!!