The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
So here is my Larry, Daryll, and Daryll story (but minus the Larry)....This past May at the end of the school year we took the middle schoolers on a reward field trip to an amusement park up in the Twin Cities called Valleyfair. With the amount of students we had we needed two buses. I knew one of the bus drivers and his name was Daryll, so as we are driving I am chatting with the bus driver and I ask him who the driver of the other bus is. He said, "Oh that is Daryll." I laughed a little because of course I'm thinking of the Newhart guys, and then the bus driver says, "Yeah, he is my brother." I think my jaw dropped and I said, "Really, are you joking, you are both named Daryll?" I guess it was a little rude, but two brothers named Daryll? I guess they had different moms, and they were born about 10 years apart but still.....I wanted to ask if he had a brother named Larry but I held back.

Dang, I wish you didn't hold back!! Now we're all wondering if their brother's name was Larry! :D


Premium Member
Phew. Glad it wasn't just me who thought it was rather poor.

I looked at it again. She also left the h out of "the". And then didn't know that the singular noun form of hieroglyphics is hieroglyph. And spelled it hyroglyphoc at one point. Proofreading, spell check, and a dictionary would be helpful. Especially when it's only eight sentences and there are seven errors.

My wish would be for one of your parents to call this "teacher" and point out these errors.


Premium Member
I adopted Arnie from a Basset rescue. I went to one of the foster homes to check out the dogs they had and spotted him right away because he didn't drag his stomach on the ground because he has those longer legs. They were supposed to take my application and then come out to my house to make sure it would be suitable and see if I would make a good adopter. One of the other Bassets went after Arnie and was chasing him and trying to bite him and he came a running and jumped into my arms. At that point they decided that Arnie had chose me and let me take him. He happily followed me out and jumped right into my truck and has been with me ever since.

Oh, I LOVE this story!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:


Premium Member
Thank you.
He was such a sweet, cool pup.
Hard to get over, but, "we go on..." ;)

That's all we can do, my friend. I'm still torn over the loss of my last dog; we had her for many years, and she was like my soul partner. I was borderline devastated for quite some time afterwards and wouldn't even consider getting a new dog for well beyond a year later. It was only at the insistence of hubby that we finally got a new dog, after a year without a pet at home. I agreed, but it was mostly to make him happy, as I didn't want him to miss out. Our present dog (been with us about 6 years now) is very different from the previous one, and I think that's best; otherwise, the new dog would remind me too much of the one I lost.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I decided at the last minute to do a little staycation with DD tonight at a nearby Hyatt Regency and was surprised with complimentary cheese, crackers, fruit, and a bottle of wine for being a Gold Passport member!


Plus, they have Disney Channel, so of course that's on now, with DD watching Jessie and before that, this:


Good times! :hungry: :inlove: :joyfull:
the new mickey mouse cartoons are awesome.. so funny!!! XD

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Never said you had to be a fan. When my niece enrolls in our college music program then goes for a job as music teacher/band director that the DCI experience will be a big plus for her resume.
oh, I was just saying that I'm not a fan of the DCI shows.
Didn't mean that to comment negatively on the expectations of your niece.
Getting points and getting towards the career she wants is what counts!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Even though DD just learned today that calamari is squid, she's still eating it for dinner tonight (along with other goodies - I love room service!). Although she drew the line at anchovies. :p




Delicius looking!
I'm definitively eyeing the Calamari.. so bad they removed them from the out back menu here in my city :(

also, guess whos up at 5:00 am and cant sleep? D:


Premium Member
Perhaps he should realize that if he is having trouble with this site in all his browsers and NOBODY else is having these issues, then perhaps the problem lies on his end. The site works as intended for everybody else but him.

Hi @unkadug. Just an fyi: I also have had intermittent issues with the new site, but I believe mine were all related to the script interference from (some) of the ads. (Also, I did post this issue up in the Help section, per the request of Steve, who graciously tried to help to the extent that he could.)

My issues now are far less, and I'm assuming that the offending specific ads that ran too much script (sorry, I'm not a tech person, so that's the only way I know how to explain this), aren't as prevalent now, or are gone for the most part.


Premium Member
He's on the autism spectrum and does not read above a third grade level unfortunately. I, however, wrote down all the mistakes and put it back in his folder. :D

Not an English teacher. Social Studies teacher. But still. I've never seen a teacher make so many mistakes at once. Even if she is in a rush, proofing is good.

Even if she is a Social Studies teacher, this is unacceptable. I really hope someone points out her errors to her.

On another note, I love your tag line; not sure if the comment about the pencils and pens is something new you've added, but I just read it now and burst out laughing! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
So here is my Larry, Daryll, and Daryll story (but minus the Larry)....This past May at the end of the school year we took the middle schoolers on a reward field trip to an amusement park up in the Twin Cities called Valleyfair. With the amount of students we had we needed two buses. I knew one of the bus drivers and his name was Daryll, so as we are driving I am chatting with the bus driver and I ask him who the driver of the other bus is. He said, "Oh that is Daryll." I laughed a little because of course I'm thinking of the Newhart guys, and then the bus driver says, "Yeah, he is my brother." I think my jaw dropped and I said, "Really, are you joking, you are both named Daryll?" I guess it was a little rude, but two brothers named Daryll? I guess they had different moms, and they were born about 10 years apart but still.....I wanted to ask if he had a brother named Larry but I held back.
When I was in high school, one of our friends worked at the local café. So my brother and I would go sit up there and visit with her while she worked when it wasn't busy. 3 guys walked in and they must have been on the railroad crew, because we had a pretty static community other than the railroaders and we didn't know these guys, but they had the unkempt look with the flannel shirts, I whispered to my brother and friend "Hi, my name is Larry, and this is my brother Daryll, and this is my other brother Daryll." and our friend shot strawberry milkshake out her nose. They really did look like the guys though!


Premium Member
Good morning! Life is good pool and cookout today. It's going to be in the 90s for about the next week. Sorry @MinnieM123 I should have warned you to cover your eyes, hope your A/C is humming! School starts tomorrow, I'll miss the buggers but I can use a break! I think it's my wallet that needs the break LOL Change in plans for next weekend my dh was supposed to get a 4 day weekend but his project will have him working Friday and Saturday. With the extra money we are going to do an extra tour, OMG we're up to 3. I'm pretty sure that's our limit. Best of all 2 of them are going to be done without the boys. They'd rather be riding something. My trip plans are really starting to gel. My lists are almost complete for Disney!:joyfull: For the UNI portion of our trip I have the first day planned and that's it. Probably going to wing most of it. any hoo have a great day!

Wow. That sounds great! The only time I went to Uni was way back when it first opened and I wasn't impressed. I know it's grown leaps and bounds since and is supposed to be awesome. But, I can barely swing a trip to WDW each year, and if I split that up, I'd have only 2-3 days at WDW and 2 at Uni. That's just too much moving around for a 5-day trip (and don't forget the time taken up by the airline flights and travel to/from the airport, etc.). So until I hit the lottery, I'll stick with WDW for now . . .

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