I find it interesting how you prefer darker colors (purples and blues)
Here in the other hand.. its always red, white and yellow.
It has morphed over the years. Some of my oldest treasures are in the light pink and tourquoise range.
Growing up, we always had a picture perfect tree. Red and blue twinkling lights, round glass ornament balls only, silver garland tinsel, star on top. Our only contribution as kids, was helping to swap out the burnt-out lights and handing my mom the ornament balls.
Without realizing it, I sort of headed down that same road myself, long before I even got married.
When the kids were a couple of years old, I thought they might want to help, so I bought a second tree, with "fun" ornaments, multi-coloured lights, no set colour scheme.
Turns out the boys never liked their tree as much as the "formal" tree, and we stopped doing it after a few years. They ended up giving everything to my brother years ago.
Adopted Son (who I usually call "the Extra Kid in the Basement") can't recall ever having a tree growing up, and is somewhat mocking me because I've just started.
"Why are you going to decorate the family room - you don't even go in that room?"
Sadly, he doesn't get it, and I don't think I have enough time to convert him.