The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
A little side story...every year we went across the road to Grandma's and Grandpa's farm. For the 4th of July. Grandpa had built a big brick, grill. We loaded lots of hot dogs and hamburgers on it. Yum! After that with baked beans and other side dishes, we had dessert. Home made apple pie and home made ice cream, in an old crank type freezer. All of us kids took turns with the crank. My Grandma loved DQ, so all year she would save the really pretty spoons, bright primary colors back in the day. Anyway I always had the hardest time choosing. Life was so great and simple back then. Happy 4th all.:D
What a wonderful time. :happy:


Well-Known Member
That's strange, I have never heard of tea causing kidney stones. How could it, it is almost 100% water. It doesn't, to my knowledge, contain anything even remotely like calcium, which I believe is needed to create stones. I'd get a second opinion about that, unless you already have.

Considering the amount of iced tea that I drink on a daily basis I should have kidney stones the size of Mt. Everest (minus the yeti).

I just found this article online that says "Black tea is rich in the food compound oxalate, which had likely clogged the man's kidneys and inflamed them, leading to renal failure and the need for dialysis."


Well-Known Member
Depends on the person, tea, chocolate and coffee, contain oxalate in them...some stones are calcium and some are oxalate, I have had both. So little foods with oxalate.. I still have oxalate, but tea, for me causes me to pass crystals, a big ouch, so I avoid. People are very individual, when it comes to stones, hubby can have a glass of iced tea once a week, I just had to give it up. On a more personal note...I have another me tea causes pain...

The article also says "Other foods such as strawberries and spinach are also rich in oxalate. The doctors note that 'acute oxalate nephropath' involving over-consumption of star fruit, rhubarb and peanuts has been documented previously documented."

Do you avoid those foods as well Betty?


Premium Member
Well we are home safe from our trip. Thank you to all of you that offered condolences for the loss of my dog, Gus. He was a good boy, he was really my mom's dog and when she died we took Gus in so in a way it is like losing a bit of my mom again. He lived a long time, 15 years, so maybe he is happy healthy and hanging out with my mom again. I can't wait to see my other dog tomorrow. She is still with my sister until then. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Why even worry about it. Go in and edit it. Put in some gibberish and, trust me on this one, people are so used to seeing gibberish on the boards that no one will pay it any attention. Just say something like... 'Nice day if it doesn't rain'... or.... 'tomorrow if I get the car'. You could even ask if they 'walk to work or carry their lunch'. Come to think of it just copy this and put it in it's place. You have my total permission and I don't want any recognition for it. That's the kind of guy I am. Your welcome.
I don't worry about it, but hey thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Just amazing, isn't it??!! :banghead: Reminds me of the paper fast passes. A few years back, a nice lady gave me one for Tower of Terror, when she saw me look up at the standby line (which was 60 minutes--I actually groaned out loud :p ), and she noticed I was by myself. She ran over to me, and told me to take her ticket, because only her family wanted to go on (while she waited outside, as she was too scared to go on), so she happily gave me her Fastpass. That was also a win-win for both of us. So now, with the My Magic+ electronic fastpass fiasco, that type of neighborly, sharing situation won't take place anymore. :(
Those were nice times when you could give away FPs you absolutely couldn't use to someone waiting in line.


Well-Known Member
Ha! Your Grand-kid's obviously have very honorable parents. Me, not so much. I ripped them out of school for almost two decades (kids 5 grades apart) More times than not we went in mid to late October when the temps were still warm but not HOT and humid. They generally missed 12 days of school because they also missed a day or two before the trip to do all that homework before we left other wise it wasn't much of a vacation for us or them. They always did 100% of their homework and usually were farther ahead of the classroom when they got back. Both got into the Universities of their choices, both graduated college, both have jobs in their chosen fields. The gloom and doom of the catastrophic educational harm I was inflicting upon my children just didn't materialize.

We also did Christmas Break. That is when we did mornings and then evenings to beat the heavy crowds. We'd go from apx
Dec 23rd to around January 8th. They'd only miss a few days at the beginning of January because they have 2 weeks and 3 weekends over the holiday break. That second week was generally peaceful and pretty empty with cooler weather in the 70's. Just get out before Marathon Weekend.
Same here, I don't think twice of taking my daughter out of school. She gets the missed work done and life is too short to worry about it.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, I just did my good deed for the day.
I was just at the store, and the cashier gave me $10 too much change. My change was supposed to be $10.04, and he handed me what, initially, looked like two $5's and four cents. I took it, crumpled it up, and stuffed it in my pocket. Once I got home, I pulled it out to straighten and fold the bills to put them in my wallet, and that's when I found the $10 under the two fives.
Yes, I promptly went back and returned it to that cashier, with a discreet explanation. Would have been so easy to just say "Too bad, so sad!", but, I just couldn't, even though I really didn't feel like making that trip again.

When I was a manager at The Disney Store, if a drawer was off (under or over) by $5 or more, we had to fill out and file a till discrepancy report, and call (leave a message) for the District Manager.
Unfortunately, It happened way more times than you might think. All of us had drawers off from time to time, but, fortunately, the most I ever ( I say "I", but, we really don't know who it happened with, 'cause it was the Holidays and our SM had been instructed to suspend till counts between CM register shifts 'cause it took too long) was $0.75.

Sooo much stuff I coulda' bought with that $10.00, too...!!! :hilarious: ;) :)

I thought of you today. I tried so hard to do as you did at Target today. I ran in for a bottle of bleach being the germaphobic I am. $3.14 with tax. I gave her $3.25. She gave me change and a $5 bill. I tried to give her the $5 back. She explained it was only $3.14. I told her I gave her $3.25 and she said that is why I gave you the $5 back and very condescendingly. I explained the change was all I should v received back, she then talked down to me, I was done and walked out with the $5. At a certain point a dense, young 20 something needs to learn to listen. Wonder if she will have deja vu when her drawer is $5 short? The freak'n cash register shows them the change, math skills not required.

I'll give slip the $5 in the donation box for our local food pantry.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It is June and 64*. :grumpy: @MinnieM123 did you order this cold weather?

It has been crazy, even with the temps rising I'm starting out in jeans, shorts for a few hours and back into jeans.We've had so much rain I'm wearing seat coats just to keep the misquotes off me. I look like I have chicken poxs. I sprayed the back of the property completely down with liquid bug eliminator cause the poor Pup can't even go out without being swarmed. It is freak'n July.

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