It would have been nice to kind of be able to hide in the crowd sometimes. My graduating class, without exchange students, was 32 kids. There were 250 students in the whole school in 7th-12th grades, so everyone knew everyone. I got bullied as a senior by a 7th grader! I was NOT a popular kid in my school. We were poor, my parents were divorced, and I was a nerd and a "prude." Or that was my reputation because I wasn't allowed to date or wear makeup and my clothes were frumpy and old-fashioned because they were all hand-me-downs. But if I had gone to a bigger school, there would have been a lot more competition for scholarships and extra-curricular activities, so I probably would never have gotten to do all the things I did. I'd never have made a cheerleading squad. I'd never have gotten to do student council. So it worked out...and I got out of there while most of my classmates never even made it more than 75 miles from home, and most of them ended up right back in our home town that they always swore they couldn't wait to get out of.