Whenever I go to WDW, I always have one big highlight each trip.

So, this time, it was something I saw at Animal Kingdom.
Now, I know that a number of people aren't big fans of Rafiki's Planet Watch, but I always liked the little train ride that goes there, and I find that general area to be peaceful with the petting zoo and all, and not as hectic as the rest of the park.
Anyway, when I entered Conservation Station, I walked over to the veterinary treatment room (the big picture window, where you can see inside) and saw something amazing! There was a 300-pound, female Bengal tiger on the operating table!!

(She was sedated, and there were vets and technicians all around her.) I was only about 12 feet away from her (again, shielded by the window). They were trying to mend her ear, because she had been in a fight with another tiger and was injured. By the way, you should have seen the size of her large paws!! Yikes!
She was a gorgeous animal, and I was thrilled to get such an up-close look at her and watch the vets work their magic. This was one of the very best experiences I have had in all of my visits to WDW over the years!