Yes, yearly that must be done before you can renew your registration. Not that there aren't crooked locations where you can pay more and get the inspection to pass, but most are not that way. Still I cannot tell you how many cars I have seen running on completely tread-less tires. You can usually see them in the ditches during a heavy rain because the engineers that built the roads here had a hard time admitting that the road should crown in the middle so water will run off it instead of having massive puddles suitable for hydroplaning.
They don't measure the width they measure the depth of the tread. The minimum (still unsafe) is 1.6 mm.
No more non-commercial vehicle safety inspections here beginning Sept. 1st, 2025.
When I first got my drivers license at 16, yearly inspections and registration were required, but, not connected.
The inspection sticker went on your windshield, and the registration sticker went on your rear license plate.
Then, they went to you had to get your vehicle inspected before you could get your registration, which then became a combined sticker on your windshield.
Even though the inspections are going away, the state will still be charging the yearly inspection fee.
Kinda’ like toll roads…they sell it as the tolls will come down after initial construction is paid for, ‘cause then they’ll only need money for maintenance, which costs much less.
Then, not only do the tolls not come down, they just keep goin’ up.
This is why I don’t, personally, drive toll roads, even if it might save me time, in certain instances.
Also, there is no toll road option between our home and the office.
It’s all bureaucrat pocket-lining bullstuff and BOHICA (Bend Over Here It Comes Again)…!!!!!