The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I found out tonight on Wheel of Fortune that next weeks Wheel of Fortune is going to be a Star Wars Galactic Celebration Giveaway. I also found a link on it:

Hopefully there would not be any embarrassing answers next week unlike like tonight's Episode that had a flashback to a 2018 episode. That 2018 episode had a contestant that thought Bourbon and Gin are Characters despite the answer being Barbie and Ken.:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Monsters Inc Hug GIF
Thanks. It was a colossaly carpy day. We declared a do-over for E's birthday. She's just way too stressed with school stuff to enjoy it anyway, and she still has tests to make up from the last test week, which was over a month ago. She had her biology make up test scheduled, then her teacher suddenly remembered it was a double-hour test and she had only scheduled one hour for it, so they had to reschedule. She was supposed to go to the student center after classes on Monday and take the test there and the center's staff lady would supervise. E got there and there was no one there. She waited for a few minutes, then went to the office. They had no idea about any of it. They sent her to the other side of the building where the new school is housed since her school is being phased out to make room for this new one. That receptionist got ahold of her Biology teacher, who was in class at that moment, but wasn't sure what happened, so they rescheduled it for yesterday after classes again. She found out later that the center's staff person had a family emergency and left to deal with it and was over an hour late getting back and E had already left. But the time they had set for yesterday wouldn't work, because the lady wouldn't be there to supervise. So they rescheduled it for yesterday morning in the first and second periods, because E's math class had been canceled for the 2nd hour. Normally, she'd get to sleep late on Monday's because she doesn't have a first hour class. But she got up early, on her birthday, to go take this test finally, that she's rescheduled 4 times already and is really stressed out about, only to find the student center locked and no one there. She waited for a bit, asked some other teachers, no one knew anything. She went back to the other school and their receptionist told her that the bio teacher's classes had all been canceled for the day, so she must be sick. So she walked around with E trying to find someone to help, to get another teacher to supervise, and they FOUND one, but they couldn't find the test. So she couldn't take it. Again. The woman showed up over an hour late again, this time with the excuse that her kids were sick and she had to find a babysitter. So this woman has TWICE showed up over an hour late because of something she had to deal with, but never called anyone to let them know or ask to cover her responsibilities or let E know. She could have sent E a message through the school email, she could have called the school and asked someone to go give E the test until she got there, she could have called the school and asked them to call E and tell her not to many options, and she just let E sit there and stress out, and now she STILL hasn't gotten to take her test. And she has no double free periods this week in which to reschedule, and next Monday is a holiday, so now it's going to have to wait for 2 more weeks, and then E will have to study for the test again. I am so peeved. You can't tell me the lady couldn't have arranged SOMETHING. And if the tables had been reversed and it had been a STUDENT who didn't show up twice without calling or anything, you'd better believe there would be consequences. So we're going to have to call the school and complain, because this is just unacceptable.

And then, it's almost our turn for the renovations to make our house more energy efficient. They come tomorrow to do the floor insolation, and DH wanted to install a cable under the floor for internet because we have wifi, but it's really not great. So he wants to do a cable, run it up from the ground and through our pantry, through the floor in our closet, etc. So he had me clear out the whole closet yesterday (he cleaned out the pantry on Saturday while I was at work), which took hours, and he came home from work early to rent a drill and drill through the floor in the closet, and he spent over an hour trying to get through the concrete layer, unsuccessfully. I had everything from the closet on the bed, so I had to get it all put back before I could shower so I had a place to get ready after showering, before I could go to the store. He finally gave up, I put everything back in the closet that we're keeping and put the donate stuff in the laundry, changed the bedding because it was full of dust, wiped down all the hangers and everything else that was dusty, and put it all back. But in any case, it didn't work, and I guess he wants to try again tomorrow, so I have to get it all out again tomorrow.

But that was our day yesterday, and by the time everything was back in the closet, it was already the time we would normally eat dinner. E wouldn't let me do anything special for her birthday because she was too stressed, nothing sounded good, she didn't want to mess with it. So we just declared a do-over and we'll celebrate later when things slow down and she's caught up. She has a chemistry test today, Dutch tomorrow, her 2nd attempt at her Written test for her driver's license on Thursday, and I think something else on Friday, a test week coming up, and she still has to reschedule the Biology test AGAIN from the LAST test week. She's got something like 4 weeks to get everything caught up because all the grades have to be in a week or two before the end of school so the teachers can have their meetings to discuss who gets to go on to the next year and who has to redo the year, and then discuss it with the students/parents of the kids who are failing. She's not in any danger of failing...the grades she's actually GOT are all really good, so that's not an issue, but the teachers do have to be able to turn in her grades and if she hasn't taken all the tests, they can't do that and then I'm not sure how they handle that. So she's freaking out about these tests she still has to make up. Her chem test is not a make up test, but Dutch is, and now she's worried about that, because that's supposed to be at the Student Center again, and she doesn't trust the woman to show up. (Nor do I) and she still has to make up an IB (English) test she missed in the test week, and I want to say there's one other one after that. But if the woman doesn't show up tomorrow for the Dutch test, E is REALLY in a bad spot. It's bad enough that she has to reschedule biology again, and I'm not sure if Dutch is a single or a double hour test, but she's running out of spaces in which to take them during school hours. Needless to say, we're all a little bit on edge about it. A is almost caught up now after his two hospital stints in January/February, so he SHOULD be ok. But getting E caught up after her throat infection is proving to be difficult, only because of the school. I feel like she's tried super hard to do the bio test and it's not her fault the school keeps dropping the ball....she knows the material, and her teacher KNOWS she knows the material. I feel like they should just let her skip it at this point, but I doubt they will.

Sorry, rant over. Hope you all had a much better day.


Premium Member
Thanks. It was a colossaly carpy day. We declared a do-over for E's birthday. She's just way too stressed with school stuff to enjoy it anyway, and she still has tests to make up from the last test week, which was over a month ago. She had her biology make up test scheduled, then her teacher suddenly remembered it was a double-hour test and she had only scheduled one hour for it, so they had to reschedule. She was supposed to go to the student center after classes on Monday and take the test there and the center's staff lady would supervise. E got there and there was no one there. She waited for a few minutes, then went to the office. They had no idea about any of it. They sent her to the other side of the building where the new school is housed since her school is being phased out to make room for this new one. That receptionist got ahold of her Biology teacher, who was in class at that moment, but wasn't sure what happened, so they rescheduled it for yesterday after classes again. She found out later that the center's staff person had a family emergency and left to deal with it and was over an hour late getting back and E had already left. But the time they had set for yesterday wouldn't work, because the lady wouldn't be there to supervise. So they rescheduled it for yesterday morning in the first and second periods, because E's math class had been canceled for the 2nd hour. Normally, she'd get to sleep late on Monday's because she doesn't have a first hour class. But she got up early, on her birthday, to go take this test finally, that she's rescheduled 4 times already and is really stressed out about, only to find the student center locked and no one there. She waited for a bit, asked some other teachers, no one knew anything. She went back to the other school and their receptionist told her that the bio teacher's classes had all been canceled for the day, so she must be sick. So she walked around with E trying to find someone to help, to get another teacher to supervise, and they FOUND one, but they couldn't find the test. So she couldn't take it. Again. The woman showed up over an hour late again, this time with the excuse that her kids were sick and she had to find a babysitter. So this woman has TWICE showed up over an hour late because of something she had to deal with, but never called anyone to let them know or ask to cover her responsibilities or let E know. She could have sent E a message through the school email, she could have called the school and asked someone to go give E the test until she got there, she could have called the school and asked them to call E and tell her not to many options, and she just let E sit there and stress out, and now she STILL hasn't gotten to take her test. And she has no double free periods this week in which to reschedule, and next Monday is a holiday, so now it's going to have to wait for 2 more weeks, and then E will have to study for the test again. I am so peeved. You can't tell me the lady couldn't have arranged SOMETHING. And if the tables had been reversed and it had been a STUDENT who didn't show up twice without calling or anything, you'd better believe there would be consequences. So we're going to have to call the school and complain, because this is just unacceptable.

And then, it's almost our turn for the renovations to make our house more energy efficient. They come tomorrow to do the floor insolation, and DH wanted to install a cable under the floor for internet because we have wifi, but it's really not great. So he wants to do a cable, run it up from the ground and through our pantry, through the floor in our closet, etc. So he had me clear out the whole closet yesterday (he cleaned out the pantry on Saturday while I was at work), which took hours, and he came home from work early to rent a drill and drill through the floor in the closet, and he spent over an hour trying to get through the concrete layer, unsuccessfully. I had everything from the closet on the bed, so I had to get it all put back before I could shower so I had a place to get ready after showering, before I could go to the store. He finally gave up, I put everything back in the closet that we're keeping and put the donate stuff in the laundry, changed the bedding because it was full of dust, wiped down all the hangers and everything else that was dusty, and put it all back. But in any case, it didn't work, and I guess he wants to try again tomorrow, so I have to get it all out again tomorrow.

But that was our day yesterday, and by the time everything was back in the closet, it was already the time we would normally eat dinner. E wouldn't let me do anything special for her birthday because she was too stressed, nothing sounded good, she didn't want to mess with it. So we just declared a do-over and we'll celebrate later when things slow down and she's caught up. She has a chemistry test today, Dutch tomorrow, her 2nd attempt at her Written test for her driver's license on Thursday, and I think something else on Friday, a test week coming up, and she still has to reschedule the Biology test AGAIN from the LAST test week. She's got something like 4 weeks to get everything caught up because all the grades have to be in a week or two before the end of school so the teachers can have their meetings to discuss who gets to go on to the next year and who has to redo the year, and then discuss it with the students/parents of the kids who are failing. She's not in any danger of failing...the grades she's actually GOT are all really good, so that's not an issue, but the teachers do have to be able to turn in her grades and if she hasn't taken all the tests, they can't do that and then I'm not sure how they handle that. So she's freaking out about these tests she still has to make up. Her chem test is not a make up test, but Dutch is, and now she's worried about that, because that's supposed to be at the Student Center again, and she doesn't trust the woman to show up. (Nor do I) and she still has to make up an IB (English) test she missed in the test week, and I want to say there's one other one after that. But if the woman doesn't show up tomorrow for the Dutch test, E is REALLY in a bad spot. It's bad enough that she has to reschedule biology again, and I'm not sure if Dutch is a single or a double hour test, but she's running out of spaces in which to take them during school hours. Needless to say, we're all a little bit on edge about it. A is almost caught up now after his two hospital stints in January/February, so he SHOULD be ok. But getting E caught up after her throat infection is proving to be difficult, only because of the school. I feel like she's tried super hard to do the bio test and it's not her fault the school keeps dropping the ball....she knows the material, and her teacher KNOWS she knows the material. I feel like they should just let her skip it at this point, but I doubt they will.

Sorry, rant over. Hope you all had a much better day.
Sending prayers and pixie dust. Thank you I had a much better day, James is done with school so he helped cook a bit and dh got his shoulder surgery scheduled


Premium Member
Thanks. It was a colossaly carpy day. We declared a do-over for E's birthday. She's just way too stressed with school stuff to enjoy it anyway, and she still has tests to make up from the last test week, which was over a month ago. She had her biology make up test scheduled, then her teacher suddenly remembered it was a double-hour test and she had only scheduled one hour for it, so they had to reschedule. She was supposed to go to the student center after classes on Monday and take the test there and the center's staff lady would supervise. E got there and there was no one there. She waited for a few minutes, then went to the office. They had no idea about any of it. They sent her to the other side of the building where the new school is housed since her school is being phased out to make room for this new one. That receptionist got ahold of her Biology teacher, who was in class at that moment, but wasn't sure what happened, so they rescheduled it for yesterday after classes again. She found out later that the center's staff person had a family emergency and left to deal with it and was over an hour late getting back and E had already left. But the time they had set for yesterday wouldn't work, because the lady wouldn't be there to supervise. So they rescheduled it for yesterday morning in the first and second periods, because E's math class had been canceled for the 2nd hour. Normally, she'd get to sleep late on Monday's because she doesn't have a first hour class. But she got up early, on her birthday, to go take this test finally, that she's rescheduled 4 times already and is really stressed out about, only to find the student center locked and no one there. She waited for a bit, asked some other teachers, no one knew anything. She went back to the other school and their receptionist told her that the bio teacher's classes had all been canceled for the day, so she must be sick. So she walked around with E trying to find someone to help, to get another teacher to supervise, and they FOUND one, but they couldn't find the test. So she couldn't take it. Again. The woman showed up over an hour late again, this time with the excuse that her kids were sick and she had to find a babysitter. So this woman has TWICE showed up over an hour late because of something she had to deal with, but never called anyone to let them know or ask to cover her responsibilities or let E know. She could have sent E a message through the school email, she could have called the school and asked someone to go give E the test until she got there, she could have called the school and asked them to call E and tell her not to many options, and she just let E sit there and stress out, and now she STILL hasn't gotten to take her test. And she has no double free periods this week in which to reschedule, and next Monday is a holiday, so now it's going to have to wait for 2 more weeks, and then E will have to study for the test again. I am so peeved. You can't tell me the lady couldn't have arranged SOMETHING. And if the tables had been reversed and it had been a STUDENT who didn't show up twice without calling or anything, you'd better believe there would be consequences. So we're going to have to call the school and complain, because this is just unacceptable.

And then, it's almost our turn for the renovations to make our house more energy efficient. They come tomorrow to do the floor insolation, and DH wanted to install a cable under the floor for internet because we have wifi, but it's really not great. So he wants to do a cable, run it up from the ground and through our pantry, through the floor in our closet, etc. So he had me clear out the whole closet yesterday (he cleaned out the pantry on Saturday while I was at work), which took hours, and he came home from work early to rent a drill and drill through the floor in the closet, and he spent over an hour trying to get through the concrete layer, unsuccessfully. I had everything from the closet on the bed, so I had to get it all put back before I could shower so I had a place to get ready after showering, before I could go to the store. He finally gave up, I put everything back in the closet that we're keeping and put the donate stuff in the laundry, changed the bedding because it was full of dust, wiped down all the hangers and everything else that was dusty, and put it all back. But in any case, it didn't work, and I guess he wants to try again tomorrow, so I have to get it all out again tomorrow.

But that was our day yesterday, and by the time everything was back in the closet, it was already the time we would normally eat dinner. E wouldn't let me do anything special for her birthday because she was too stressed, nothing sounded good, she didn't want to mess with it. So we just declared a do-over and we'll celebrate later when things slow down and she's caught up. She has a chemistry test today, Dutch tomorrow, her 2nd attempt at her Written test for her driver's license on Thursday, and I think something else on Friday, a test week coming up, and she still has to reschedule the Biology test AGAIN from the LAST test week. She's got something like 4 weeks to get everything caught up because all the grades have to be in a week or two before the end of school so the teachers can have their meetings to discuss who gets to go on to the next year and who has to redo the year, and then discuss it with the students/parents of the kids who are failing. She's not in any danger of failing...the grades she's actually GOT are all really good, so that's not an issue, but the teachers do have to be able to turn in her grades and if she hasn't taken all the tests, they can't do that and then I'm not sure how they handle that. So she's freaking out about these tests she still has to make up. Her chem test is not a make up test, but Dutch is, and now she's worried about that, because that's supposed to be at the Student Center again, and she doesn't trust the woman to show up. (Nor do I) and she still has to make up an IB (English) test she missed in the test week, and I want to say there's one other one after that. But if the woman doesn't show up tomorrow for the Dutch test, E is REALLY in a bad spot. It's bad enough that she has to reschedule biology again, and I'm not sure if Dutch is a single or a double hour test, but she's running out of spaces in which to take them during school hours. Needless to say, we're all a little bit on edge about it. A is almost caught up now after his two hospital stints in January/February, so he SHOULD be ok. But getting E caught up after her throat infection is proving to be difficult, only because of the school. I feel like she's tried super hard to do the bio test and it's not her fault the school keeps dropping the ball....she knows the material, and her teacher KNOWS she knows the material. I feel like they should just let her skip it at this point, but I doubt they will.

Sorry, rant over. Hope you all had a much better day.
Hoping today will be better all around, for everyone.


Premium Member
@Goofyernmost , too bad you're not still living up in Vermont. As reported by WCAX in Burlington, VT, this week, you could still get in some extra skiing at Killington. Yup -- they're still open through Memorial Day weekend! How cool is that?! :cool: 🥰

(O.k. I know you don't ski, but you could still go there and watch them come down the mountain, while you're drinking a hot toddy!) :hilarious: :joyfull:



Well-Known Member
@Goofyernmost , too bad you're not still living up in Vermont. As reported by WCAX in Burlington, VT, this week, you could still get in some extra skiing at Killington. Yup -- they're still open through Memorial Day weekend! How cool is that?! :cool: 🥰

(O.k. I know you don't ski, but you could still go there and watch them come down the mountain, while you're drinking a hot toddy!) :hilarious: :joyfull:

Gee, nice of you to think of me and even imply that I would find that fun is just so Minnie of you!

Seriously though, I think I once mentioned that the last three winters of my career were spent at the base lodge at Mt. Mansfield supervising the shuttle buses from there to the village of Stowe. I had to drive from my home near Burlington to the mountain usually 5 days per week. About 48 miles, one way, regardless of the weather! I watched people slide down the mountain on sticks when the windchill at the base lodge was sometimes -45F. I never wanted to know what the temperature was at the top of the mountain. My thoughts at the time were that the lodge should be replaced by an asylum because those people were out of their freaking minds. So I think I would pass on that opportunity even if I still lived there.

Oh, in case I never mentioned it... I hate winter with an unmeasurable degree of passion! Decisions that I made early in life were what kept me in Vermont as long as I was there. If it had been up to me, by now I would have been a full on redneck, y'all! ;) Instead of saying "out of their minds" it would have been "well, bless their hearts"!
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