Well-Known Member
I loved the original Willy Wonka movie and watch it every time it comes on TV, however, I also watched the Johnny Depp one mainly to see how much different it was and also to see how Depp would do. I was amazed. We think of Depp mostly as Capt. Jack Sparrow so I wanted to see how he would fit in the story and it was mind boggling. If there were no credits and stars names in the beginning, no one would ever know that it was the same person. That is when I started to look into his career and found that every movie he was in he took on a different look and made it so you bought into the character. But, seriously the contrast between Capt. Jack and his Willy Wonka was fascinating. The story was very much in line with our original Gene Wilder depiction but a few shades darker, however, still kept the positive ending, Well worth seeing it if for noting else but appreciating the actor. The dude is good. His personal life seems to suck but he really is an amazing actor.
Yep, huge fan of the original “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” here too.
We saw the “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” Depp version in the theater. As you posted, same basic storyline, but, definitely some darkness and darker twists.
And yes, Depp’s versatility puts him up there with some of the best in his craft, even though he seems a bit bent. But, hey, that seems to go with the territory for most in Hollywood.
As a total silly side note…
The hundreds of CGI Oompa Loompas totaly reminded a few of us at the office of a local Austin architect that we’ve either worked for or had dealings with at short points, back in the day…he’s the one that totally screwed over Sandra Bullock, but, she won in court (and been involved in other nefarious crap since), and she totally roasted him over the coals on Letterman…!!!!!