I think stress has a lot to do with one’s health and if not addressed is a killer. I’ve known some who did not survive heart attacks/strokes , one passed away in front of my eyes. This carb free diet I agree may drop weight but some that did it were pretty miserable missing out on some carbs. Billionaire Warren Buffett still loves his McDonalds and Dairy Queen meals and he’s over 90 years old and still working. His blood work numbers must be good.I suppose for some, but I have made it almost to 74 years with my general eating habits and my blood work is still looking good. Just had a Cardiac Cath the went inside my heart to see if there was any blockage and found nothing to be concerned about. I don't have any problem with people liking things that I don't, but just like that, everyone is different and what might be good for one has no affect on others.
My daughter went carb free a few years ago and along with developing high blood pressure a couple year after still has the same ailments that all people in mid-life experience. In the meantime she gave up all the foods that she loved. At one point I asked her what point was she planning to enjoy life because no matter what we do, we will not escape death and take it from someone that can no longer die young, life is short no matter how long one manages to add additional years. She now watches what she eats, but allows herself to enjoy the alleged bad stuff on occasion.
I recommended the practice of moderation to her. Even though I do not always eat things that are designated good for you, I don't overdo the bad things and mix in more healthy food as a regular thing. After over seven decades I have witnessed many food fads that have come and gone. Some that were labelled as good for you and some the were thought to be evil. I just steer away from things that do not give me enjoyment to eat no matter what their perceived current thoughts might be.
Endive, radicchio, kale, escarole, arugula, mustard, dandelion are new age "edibles". Dandelions were invasive weeds (like crabgrass) until recently. I can remember my parents would hire a guy that had a jeep with a sprayer on the back that I would ride with while he sprayed chemicals that killed the dandelions for the season. I can remember even inhaling that stuff with the wind was against us. That was about 64 years ago.
But to each his own! It would be good if all of us could just live and let live, but I guess that is hard to understand at this point in time.
Another fun fact: For a long time until recently, in this country, they were weeds or a handy bouquet of flowers for mom's from 3 year olds.Fun dandelion facts: They been cultivated for food and used in herbal medicine for thousands of years. They were also brought over on the Mayflower for both. The entire plant is edible even the root which is pretty good roasted, grilled or chopped into salads
@Figgy1 , I can't even imagine all the exotic types of veggies you bought yesterday, at the farmers' market.
As for regular salad, I read yesterday (from some cooking site), about the way that chefs suggest cleaning lettuce in a salad spinner. Apparently, most people rinse the lettuce at the sink, and then put it into the (plastic basket with the holes in it). Then, that's placed inside the outer bowl, and then put on the top spinner, to spin out the water.
That's not enough to clean out the lettuce (particularly the lettuce types with tighter, ridged leaves, as some dirt can still cling to some crevices, etc.) Instead, the chefs say to fill the outside bowl with water first, dump in the lettuce and swirl around the leaves in the water "bath". Then, after 1-2 minutes of the lettuce sitting in that bowl, remove the lettuce, and dump out water. Then, rinse the bowl, and put the lettuce in the inside bowl (with holes in it) and place that in the outer bowl and cover with the spinner. Then spin. Your lettuce will be much cleaner.
Texas is so big that when I used to visit Houston the drive to the El Paso TX/ Mexico border was another 10 hour drive. The motto is true - Everything is bigger in TX.
I honestly hate that they focused on the spiel when there were so many things to improve.I watched (and listened) to the video, and I thought it was o.k. as well. It was updated, but not in such a way to detract from the experience. Normally, I wouldn't care for any sort of update to the classic spiel, etc., but for some reason, I was o.k. with this one.![]()
Well, of course, Alaska is much larger, but, I’m pretty sure ya’ can’t just casually drive across the vast majority of that state…!!!
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Knew one girl who traveled entering Chiapas Mexico from Guatemala then taking a very long journey using many modes of transport including walking entering the USA via Arizona. It was a long adventurous trip with some interesting stories and she saw a lot of Mexico!
There is a shop in Door County that you don't want him to get hired right now because of his age because he can't take advantage of all the discounts since you would want him to ship certain stuff to you. There is a store in Fish Creek that employees get a 50 percent discount to buy wine. Employees also get 25 percent off spirits and merchandise. That store has wine, spirits, olive oils, vinegar, fudge and gourmet foods.James recently got a letter saying he should work where dh does with an offer to feed him for the duration of his employment. It's rather tempting from my end![]()
I guess the main point that the chef was making (about the salad spinners) is that most people just rinse the lettuce first, and then spin -- versus, dumping the leaves in a full bowl of water to get out all dirt particles, before spinning out the water.Doesn't everybody give their greens a bath?
The sad face is for him missing it again. It really sounds like this test is bogus. Good for him for having an alternative plan. I'm sure he'll do great now!Oh, well. He didn’t pass. By two points again!
So other than reinforcing some knowledge, this whole last semester was a waste of time and tuition.
To his credit, he already made a plan and implemented it. Some people might have given up or spent some time moping.
After so many people failed last semester, some switched schools for their final credits. The coursework is different, more importantly (to me) the school is accredited for nursing, and his former classmates seem to have done well. He has already enrolled. He can do the first 6 tests at his own (accelerated) pace, and then the class finishes up with a few weeks of prep for the state exam. He would graduate in late August just before our cruise.
In the meantime, he’s working and gaining experience in the field, so everything will be fine. It’s just taking six months longer than we’d hoped LOL.
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