The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yes, but given that I go to an online school, I think a laptop is probably more useful than a pencil and paper...
I will refrain from making fun of his obvious old age issues. I am trying to comprehend the logistics of even submitting a handwritten paper. Do schools even allow those any more?


Well-Known Member
Conversation with my dad as I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop:
Dad: What are you doing? I thought you were supposed to be working on your paper.
Me: ...I am?
Dad: Don't you need pencil and paper to write a paper?
Me: Exactly what century are you living in?
Your dad is right in some cases for pencil and paper, but this is not one of them due to you taking an online class. You can accuse me of showing my age some. Your dad was a teenager when my parents got married.

The teachers I had in High school were are now either dead, late 40s-early 50s, or retired I am mentioning this because most of my high school teachers were born in the late 1930s, or in the 1940s to late 1950s. I did not have a lot of teachers in general that were born in the 1960s or after.

My era was the ending of teaching to type by using a typerwriter. Your dad was a teenager when my parents got married. When I was senior in High school, the High school I went to first had the internet. It was the dial up type modem.

Back when I was in high school, some teachers told me not to use a pencil and paper for doing a report/essay. Those teachers wanted me to type at on word processing program that my computer at home had. Teachers did that to me because of how tough it can be for reading my writing due to my poor hand coordination. They knew I had a computer at home. I had some teachers though that wanted me to use pencil and paper despite my writing. It depended on the teacher. It could've completely changed by now.


Well-Known Member
Your dad is right in some cases for pencil and paper, but this is not one of them due to you taking an online class. You can accuse me of showing my age some. Your dad was a teenager when my parents got married.

The teachers I had in High school were are now either dead, late 40s-early 50s, or retired I am mentioning this because most of my high school teachers were born in the late 1930s, or in the 1940s to late 1950s. I did not have a lot of teachers in general that were born in the 1960s or after.

My era was the ending of teaching to type by using a typerwriter. Your dad was a teenager when my parents got married. When I was senior in High school, the High school I went to first had the internet. It was the dial up type modem.

Back when I was in high school, some teachers told me not to use a pencil and paper for doing a report/essay. Those teachers wanted me to type at on word processing program that my computer at home had. Teachers did that to me because of how tough it can be for reading my writing due to my poor hand coordination. They knew I had a computer at home. I had some teachers though that wanted me to use pencil and paper despite my writing. It depended on the teacher. It could've completely changed by now.
Yeah, pretty much by the time I was in middle/high school, you only wrote by hand if you were in person taking a test. You didn't sit down and write a paper by hand. It's so much easier anyway. I type faster than I write. If you make a mistake, you can go back and fix it. You can move entire sections around. There's no need. In college, you pretty much submitted everything online, and this was for my first degree.

Right now I definitely need to type things because I broke my right middle finger back in December and it's still stiff, so the man is definitely off his rocker.


Well-Known Member
Your dad is right in some cases for pencil and paper, but this is not one of them due to you taking an online class. You can accuse me of showing my age some. Your dad was a teenager when my parents got married.

The teachers I had in High school were are now either dead, late 40s-early 50s, or retired I am mentioning this because most of my high school teachers were born in the late 1930s, or in the 1940s to late 1950s. I did not have a lot of teachers in general that were born in the 1960s or after.

My era was the ending of teaching to type by using a typerwriter. Your dad was a teenager when my parents got married. When I was senior in High school, the High school I went to first had the internet. It was the dial up type modem.

Back when I was in high school, some teachers told me not to use a pencil and paper for doing a report/essay. Those teachers wanted me to type at on word processing program that my computer at home had. Teachers did that to me because of how tough it can be for reading my writing due to my poor hand coordination. They knew I had a computer at home. I had some teachers though that wanted me to use pencil and paper despite my writing. It depended on the teacher. It could've completely changed by now.

I graduated HS in 1980. We never used computers in HS, as we didn’t have any. All reports, papers, etc., were hand written (or typed on a typewriter - if allowed).
In drafting class, everything was drawn by hand in pencil and ink.
Early on in my architecture career, if you had to add to the room of a house, or make it smaller, you had to erase and redraw that portion or portions of the design. These days, in CAD (and other programs), all you have to do is use the “stretch” command with a quick key “s” and it’s done in two seconds.
Calculating square footage is a breeze with a poly line. Back in the day, we had to draw and calculate it all by hand… .08 for one inch, .17 for two inches, .25 for 3 inches, .33 for four inches, etc.
The formula for the area of a circle (a=pi x r squared -best I can do here…!!!!! :hilarious:), right triangles, the two legs x each other divided by two gives you the area, etc.
The whole process is just sooooo much smoother, slicker, and quicker these days…the only throw back for me from the old days is that I still wear short sleeved shirts to avoid gettin lead and ink on my shirt sleeves…old habits, and all…!!!!! 😂
All of us older folks in the business still wonder how we made any money back then …!!!!! 🤪🤣


Well-Known Member
Your father's childhood View attachment 628951
You can say the same with my parents since they are older than him. Only reason my parents got internet was due to my talking to my dad back in Senior year because Mom was not a fan of it due to not being comfortable with the idea.

Good thing you don't see my dad type because I think his high school didn't offer typing classes and also you would feel sorry for him using a smart phone. I think you see why mom wanted my younger and I take a typing class. His typing style on computer is using 1 finger. My dad has sausage fingers and its not easy for him to use a smart phone to type or text on smart phone as a result.

At the same time, you would be in horror if your boys had to face what my dad did in his school days in grade school.

My dad's grade school was a catholic school and he was intimidated by the nuns. Those nuns hit students with rulers for anything including being lefthanded and having bad writing. It was legal in my dad's era to have teachers like that including his own great aunts. When dad saw the nuns at his grandma's house he was scared due to what he saw his great aunts did as teachers and had to be explained he didn't do anything wrong.

He went to a boy only school in High school and you and I know boy only schools no longer exist. The teachers were allowed to throw stuff at students that didn't pay attention in class including tools. Basically the wrenching throwing scene in the movie Dodgeball: A True underground story actually happened in schools in my dad's era.


Well-Known Member
I graduated HS in 1980. We never used computers in HS, as we didn’t have any. All reports, papers, etc., were hand written (or typed on a typewriter - if allowed).
In drafting class, everything was drawn by hand in pencil and ink.
Early on in my architecture career, if you had to add to the room of a house, or make it smaller, you had to erase and redraw that portion or portions of the design. These days, in CAD (and other programs), all you have to do is use the “stretch” command with a quick key “s” and it’s done in two seconds.
Calculating square footage is a breeze with a poly line. Back in the day, we had to draw and calculate it all by hand… .08 for one inch, .17 for two inches, .25 for 3 inches, .33 for four inches, etc.
The formula for the area of a circle (a=pi x r squared -best I can do here…!!!!! :hilarious:), right triangles, the two legs x each other divided by two gives you the area, etc.
The whole process is just sooooo much smoother, slicker, and quicker these days…the only throw back for me from the old days is that I still wear short sleeved shirts to avoid gettin lead and ink on my shirt sleeves…old habits, and all…!!!!! 😂
All of us older folks in the business still wonder how we made any money back then …!!!!! 🤪🤣
Your drafting class sounded like my dads back when he was in High school. My dad was in high school back in the late 60s to early 70s.

My high school drafting class different than yours, but the college I went to had drafting by pencil and ink. When I was in high school, the teacher thought I had a chance in drafting due to change from hand to computer. The problem with me was how drafting taught in the college I went to and I had to change my degree due to teacher didn't like how I was doing by hand due to my coordination.

What I had in High school was drafting draft by hand, but we also were taught on computer by cad. The class had a computer room and a room that you draft by hand. I am talking about 90s drafting. What I can tell you is I'm guessing the class was starting using computers for drafting back in the late 80s or early 90s by the computers they had. I know the school system I went to first got computers back in the 1980s. I figured the drafting class had to get computers sometime in that era or in the early 90s although the computers they had were odd. The class never had Apple computers at all between the 2 different brand of computers.

I know computers where in the grade school I went to back in the 1980s to early 90s. Parts of the school system had the Apple II computers or the Macintosh computers before being replaced in my high school years with Non Apple computers.


Well-Known Member
We spent the evenin’ at the kiddos house. Daniel turns 32 tomorrow and is also goin’ back to not workin’ from home full-time tomorrow. He earned another promotion and raise and will work from a coupla’ different locations throughout the week.
He is now THE boss of his IT section.
We ate chain pizza, had an amazingly good vegan birthday cake that Megan and Emmy baked with an incredible orange zest icing, gave Daniel a new grill, and had some awesome family time…!!!!!!! :joyfull::inlove::happy:


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