Ours has gone up 47 cents in the past week in our area. Every time I drive by I dread what it’s going to be. It’s currently $3.96.
I paid 2.21 Euros per liter last night, so $9.13 per gallon, in Germany. I looked at the prices here on my way out and it was 2.30 Euro per liter, so $9.51 per gallon. It's probably worse in the bigger cities, and I'm lucky I'm right there by the German border where it's cheaper. It makes a huge difference in the long run. It may not seem like much, but almost 40 cents per gallon, it saves several bucks every time....we're saving hundreds a year by filling up in Germany.
Last night it scared me! I went to the gas station just across the border, and there's one stoplight between the gas station and the border. It's on a hill. Normally, by the time I get out of work, there's very little traffic. There's usually no one else at the gas station, and there wasn't last night either. And I can pull right out, which is good, because it's a poorly designed exit where you have to turn out of the station onto a little side street thing and there's a stop sign before you enter the highway, but you don't have enough space to get your car straight before that stop sign. Anyway, I pulled right out, get to the stoplight at the top of the hill and actually had to stop, which I have only ever had to do once. Since it's on an incline, I was worried about rolling backwards when the light turned green, because there was a car behind me, which like I said, usually there's not. So the light turns green, I let up on the clutch a little, take my foot off the break, hit the gas, and the car just doesn't do anything. So I try giving it more gas...nothing. I thought it died, so I try turning the key....nothing....it won't turn over. Now it's been several seconds till the light turned green, the guy behind me is getting impatient, and I can't get the car to move. I tried turning it off and turning it back on....nothing, except a sort of box appears on the dash screen, but it only flashes on before it's gone again, so I have NO idea what it said, but it looked like an error message. The car behind me is honking and I have no idea what to do...he's not going around me, but I can't get the car to move, but I also can't get out and push my car through an intersection. What happens when the light turns red again and the traffic is going through from the side? I finally got it to respond, and I don't even remember how I did it. I was so panicked. I have no idea why it wouldn't respond or what was wrong. It was like the battery was dead...it wouldn't turn over, except the lights and everything were still on. Freaked me out because I was still in Germany, and all I need is to have the police come and ask me why I'm holding up traffic in a country where I don't speak the language and my husband was already asleep, so he wouldn't hear me calling. Thank goodness I got it moving again. My husband thinks it might be that environmental feature where it turns off automatically if you're stopped too long, so he was going to turn that feature off, just in case, because that's not good if you can't get it going again...not sure what I was supposed to do. Anyway, so that was my adventure after work last night with trying to get gas in Germany.