A usually only comes out of his room for meals and school/activities, so he's probably good. Mealtimes, he's more than 6 feet away from her, so I doubt he's been exposed. I'm the one who has the most contact with her...HBOMax launched in the Netherlands yesterday, so we sat and watched the friends reunion yesterday, and then we watched the Harry Potter reunion special today. Not to mention she came home for lunch today because one of her lessons was canceled right after lunch break, and we cooked dinner together tonight. So I've definitely been exposed. But, like I said, I've been boostered. I don't even have to quarantine unless I get symptoms. And I just had a negative self test, so I can still get groceries and such tomorrow. We'll have to schedule PCR tests for us....maybe not for A unless we have it.
Oh, we also watched this together today: