The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
So many people do this. I do this. My co-workers all did this. Not to mention the absolute shame you feel for letting people down when you take vacation. My boss called me from her family vacation in Hawaii at least once a day to check in.

That's the whole point of the post you're replying to...
I follow this blog called "Ask A Manager" (the blogger is an HR professional and has been featured in a bunch of different magazines and has written a few books. Some of the letters she gets are so entertaining. Anyway...). She advises not to do that because people need to unplug to avoid burnout, and companies need the the time to evaluate as well (for instance, is employee x not doing his work, or is employee y really doing the work of two people). Not the first time I've read that.

I check email once a day so I can delete a bunch of crap I get in my inbox. If something really, really urgent came up, my boss can text me, but he never has. The last time I was off, my performance review was the following week, and he said, "I have no idea how you accomplish everything that you do in a week." Horray for time off.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
So you're willing to work for free?
This is generally something that changes once you go from working hourly to salaried. Once you're salaried, you're expected to get your work done, and sometimes that means you do things like check email on a weekend because you have a sale that needs to go through or work until 6 when you intended to be off at 5. The second one happens to me A LOT; I'll be like, oh I can leave, and then I get an order for $100k that has to get out the door, and I'm like, whelp, can't leave yet.

It's also something where you manage boundaries. For instance, my boss knows I don't work on weekends. The only people who have my cell phone number are my boss, my teammate, HR, and another coworker who I'm friends with; I'm not giving it out willy nilly. I have notifications for meetings turned on on my phone in case I have a brain fart, but my phone doesn't notify me about work emails; I have to go into the app and check email.

Also, once you're salaried, you care a lot more about your success and the success of the company. When you're working an hourly job, you just want your paycheck. When it's your career, you want to do well and you want your company to do well. It makes a difference.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My apartment building is made like a hotel. All apartments are accessible only by the inner hallways. We just received a note today that masks are required in all common areas like game rooms, laundry rooms and hallways. I don't have anything against using a mask but it does tend to tick me off that they had people come to the building, no one even had to leave the building proper to get the vaccine. We are all people over 63 years old. Who in the hell over 63 wasn't smart enough to get the vaccine. I understand if there are some in here that cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons, but all they have to do is wear a mask. I will wear one, but I can't help but be angry that I now have to continue even though I did the right thing because a few, and here it is just a few, decided that it wasn't necessary. I don't want to see anyone die, so therefore I will put the mask on, but I am having a heard time having any empathy for them. When you get our ages and you don't do what is necessary to prevent a possible terminal virus then that could almost be called suicide. Rant over, I am going to continue to do my part, but gees Louise if they were even just a little bit concerned about anyone besides themselves or thankful that we are sacrificing again just to keep them alive. I have started to wear the wrist band below just to draw attention to the situation.

View attachment 580185 Anyone interested in this the website is Band Together P.S. I am not affiliated with this organization except to be supportive of the idea and wish/hope it will help. Probably won't though cause you can't fix mis-information once it settles into some brains.
Nice post!


Well-Known Member
I follow this blog called "Ask A Manager" (the blogger is an HR professional and has been featured in a bunch of different magazines and has written a few books. Some of the letters she gets are so entertaining. Anyway...). She advises not to do that because people need to unplug to avoid burnout, and companies need the the time to evaluate as well (for instance, is employee x not doing his work, or is employee y really doing the work of two people). Not the first time I've read that.

I check email once a day so I can delete a bunch of crap I get in my inbox. If something really, really urgent came up, my boss can text me, but he never has. The last time I was off, my performance review was the following week, and he said, "I have no idea how you accomplish everything that you do in a week." Horray for time off.

I worked yesterday to get ready for Monday. If I didn't I would be at work til midnight. I had 200 emails.

The person that filled in for me didn't really do much. Claimed it was the week from hell which I totally believe because it usually is when the company doesn't care about you.
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Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Sister Act Reaction GIF


Well-Known Member
So many people do this. I do this. My co-workers all did this. Not to mention the absolute shame you feel for letting people down when you take vacation. My boss called me from her family vacation in Hawaii at least once a day to check in.

That's the whole point of the post you're replying to...
Several years ago, I hadn't put in for any vacations...we weren't planning to go anywhere, and I only get paid for hours I work, so it didn't make sense to take time off for no reason. What I DID ask for was one 1/2 day around Christmas. I only worked 1/2 day on Wednesdays, and my husband was off from his job that whole week, so I put in early in the year for that 1/2 day and it was approved. (This was before they changed scheduling and I had to put in availability each week) As we approached the holiday season, it was getting really busy at work and we started getting behind. We didn't have enough people and they couldn't seem to hire enough to handle all the work. So they put a blanket ban on time off at Christmas not already approved. I happened to be the only person who had put in for time off early in the year, so I was the only one who had time off around Christmas, and it was literally 4 hours off. I hadn't taken a single day of vacation the whole year...not one, and this coworker starts telling me that it's not fair that I'm the only one who gets time off and asking what my plans were, were we going somewhere, etc. And when I said no, we weren't going anywhere, she told me I should give up that half day off because it wasn't fair for me to get to sit at home while they all had to work and several people had asked for time off and were told they couldn't have it and if it were her, she'd think of someone besides herself and come in to do her part to help the company. On and on, giving me a guilt trip about taking 4 hours off in a whole year. Meanwhile SHE had taken 2 weeks off in the Summer, another week in October, and I think a week or so in May as well. I just asked many weeks of vacation did YOU take this year, while -I- was here working and doing my part to help the company? I didn't take any other vacation and I think taking 1/2 a day for myself is less selfish than several weeks. I won't be giving it up. She kept at me, trying to get me to cave, but I didn't.

People NEED time off sometimes. And we all take turns. Do you begrudge your coworkers a vacation now and then? Are you thinking daggers at them because they have the audacity to be on vacation when you aren't? Of course not, because you are a good person and know that they've earned that time off, just like you have when you take it. I think we get caught up in feeling bad because we're kind of conditioned to feel bad if others are working and we aren't. And if you're actually at work, then that's very valid. But we forget that it's ok to take that time off....those other people take time off, too. It might not be at the same time as we do, but they all get their moment, so there's no need to feel bad for taking yours. I don't think most of my coworkers were bothered by my taking that time off...I was smart and put in for it in like March....they had every opportunity to do the same, but didn't. And they ALL got vacations throughout the year that I didn't take. Most of them understood this and thought I was smart for arranging it early and wished they'd had that foresight. Only the one gal was nasty about it and it was pure jealousy because she was one who had asked for time off and couldn't have it, even though she had already taken several weeks of vacation. Some people are just terrible people and can't stand it when someone has something they don't.

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