Somebody followed her dd's facebook and she was supposedly at least alive recently
Wow, that leaves so many possible life situations open. I just hope that she isn’t suffering in some way, and just chose a different way to handle her future. I, too, miss her dearly.

I remember, at one point, way back when, she didn’t post for about a month and we were all worried.
IIRC, when she finally posted again, she related
that she had gotten the flu and had had another stroke, to the point where she couldn’t even talk for a while.
Even after that, she was still as feisty as ever...!!!!!

Then, there was the post the morning she woke up to find her DH had passed overnight.
She was always so silly-fun, but, also showed so much courage.
I still remember the private plane flight double date she once went on (can’t remember if it was with her future DH or not

) story she told about the 2 up front (the pilot and his date) makin’ out during most of the flight...!!!!!

Thanks for the fond memories “Betts”, and I truly hope you are OK.