@ajrwdwgirl , Can I ask you how you are doing testing for your remote students? I know you are doing a mix of remote and in person, but I was just wondering about it because my kids are both remote exclusively, and back when schools closed the first time, they couldn't do any testing for grades because they had no way to supervise the kids to make sure they weren't using their books or whatever. Well, now that they are closed again, the teachers feel like that HAVE to be able to give tests, which is fine, and I totally get it...they have to have something to grade on. But one of the teachers is demanding that all the kids MUST have a webcam turned on...some kids' computers aren't equipped with webcams. They HAVE to have a webcam, and she will require them to move the camera around the room so that she can see that it's not a still picture, and that they don't have cheat sheets somewhere in their rooms. And she's also telling them they will be required to download some computer program from a website that will let her see whether or not they have clicked away from the test to another window. This feels like it's going WAY too far and it's a violation of their privacy, etc. I'm uncomfortable with E downloading unknown software onto her personal computer that we don't know what it does. And I'm uncomfortable with her insisting she needs to see into our house and look around E's room. It feels creepy to me and I don't see how that's going to keep the kids from cheating. We've written to her mentor about it, and he said they had a meeting last week about privacy, but the software issue was not discussed, so he has to take it up with the administration as to what's allowed and what's not. But I'm just wondering, as it's only one teacher who is going to extremes, the other teachers aren't requiring anything extra, how are you handling it and is there any sort of protocol you have to follow from the district? Does this teacher seem reasonable to you? I get that you want to ensure kids don't cheat, but it doesn't seem like a reasonable expectation to me for parents to have to buy webcams for one test....some may not be able to afford it, or to have to download what sounds like spyware onto their computers so the teacher can see what they are doing. If the school had provided the computers and was providing the webcams, etc, it might be another story (with the exception of making them show her their rooms), but as these are personal devices, some which the whole families use, not just the one student, I'm uncomfortable with the teacher making demands of this type.