The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
I honestly miss the old days of restaurants where you could just walk up. We loved that on our honeymoon was so easy. You got hungry and decided what you wanted and went there. Now if you want to eat at specific places, you have to plan your entire trip around the available ADR times so you don't have to go back and forth between parks to get to restaurants. I like having a basic plan, but I don't like having to make the reservations so far in advance and having to make it work. If the bus is late, I don't want to be charged because we didn't make it to the ADR....I want to just be able to show up when we get there. I don't understand why you have to make ADRs still have to wait for a table, even if you reserve.

I like being able to walk up to places as well, but even when we go out to eat at home we often have to make a reservation so I guess it isn't too much different at Disney.


Well-Known Member
Went to a Cracker Barrel today for my eldest Daughters 47th Birthday. I swear that their birthdays age me more then my own. All I can think of is, she was just born yesterday. How can she possibly be 47 and how can I be old enough to have a child that is 47 years old. So the celebration is just a little bittersweet. Good thing I have another daughter that is only 45. (sigh)
Happy birthday to her!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I think that's the thing for me...I loved the 2 trips we took when I was a kid. I mean, my mom did the planning, but we didn't have to have everything worked out. I actually don't remember ever eating at a TS restaurant there. We me have, but I don't remember it. But everything was much more relaxed and go with the flow. But now, if you just go with the flow, there's a lot less that's available BECAUSE you have to plan so much so far in advance. And while I am a planner, I wouldn't need to be quite so detailed in my planning if it weren't for things like ADRs and FPs. If you don't plan ahead and make that ADR, you could find yourself starving at a certain point and not being able to get into a TS restaurant. If you don't make FPs, you might miss some of the favorites, or have to be standing in a long line still waiting when dinner time is long passed. I don't mind the planning which park I'm going to go to on which day, but having to take crowd calendars into account, and EMH and upcharge/extra ticket events, plus all the ADRs and FPs is a pain. If I didn't know what I was missing, it would be fine, but now I have favorite experiences that I don't want to miss, so I have to plan in order to get to do all of them.
I don't think even with FPs I did nearly the amount of planning some people on here do. My dad always did ADRs even before you had to because that's the way he is; he likes to have a plan, and he has never liked to do all QS in a day. We sometimes change our ADRs midweek if we can. I just always had a standard three FPs picked for the parks, so I'd pick my three and be done with it, and then sometimes we'd change parks midweek and if we didn't get exactly what we wanted, it wasn't a huge deal. I guess since I'm there so much, I have the experience of knowing what I'm doing, and I also have the attitude of "Well, I've seen it before, I'll see it again."


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'd say you are a partial probably have an idea of which rides are must-dos for you, and maybe a favorite QS location you want to hit at some point. And you know something about the parks because you've been there so many times. My husband doesn't look at anything...he doesn't give any input and he really doesn't know anything about the parks or anything. My daughter helped with planning the last trip...she and I made lists for the ADRs we wanted to do with my niece and which ones we wanted to do when they were gone. But my husband is like "tell me where to be, when." But then it comes to the day and he says "I'm going to go to this other park today to play Ingress...I'll meet you for dinner." or if I've planned a rest period at the resort in the afternoon, he wants to do something else and I have to rearrange FPs because he wants to go on SM and I have to get rid of one of his FPs so I can get him one for SM, but then he can't do whatever we're doing with a FP because he already used his for SM instead.

Sorry, I really just go with my DWifey and DDs plans once they’re confirmed and they’re happy with them. But, as I posted, I have my contributions early on, when asked ;), so I’m always happy with the overall outcome...!!!!! :happy:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great graduation idea! I remember you having the same problems in Paris dh and ds:( The like was for a girls only trip
Yeah, we've talked about that, but she wants to go on a trip with her best friend when they graduate, and I totally get that. Her best friend has never been to a Disney park....her best friend has actually never been anywhere. They don't go on big family vacations, I guess, so the furthest she's been is just across the border to a swimming pool in Germany. So E wants to take her to a Disney Park. They do go to the Efteling every year and she loves that, so E thinks she'd really like Disney. I told her maybe they should do DLP because they can take the train and not have to worry about international flights or anything, and you don't need as much time. It's not as overwhelming. Then they can do Disneyworld later, since it's a completely different experience.


Well-Known Member
I like being able to walk up to places as well, but even when we go out to eat at home we often have to make a reservation so I guess it isn't too much different at Disney.
I think the difference is that when you make a reservation at a regular restaurant, they save a table for you at that time. You get there, and you don't have to wait. That's not the case with Disney. You make a reservation, and even though you show up at that time, you check in, you still have to wait for a table. I was rather disgruntled in 2016 when we got to Tusker House about 25 minutes early for our reservation because it was storming and everything was closed down due to lightning. So we went to dinner just a bit early, and they wouldn't let me check in for our reservation, but then let walk ups in before us. So even after we DID check in, there were people without reservations who got in before we did and we had to wait another 20 minutes in the cold and rain after our reservation time. Why even bother with offering reservations if you aren't going to hold a table for them? If you want it to be first come first served, then just don't have a reservation system at all.


Well-Known Member
I don't think even with FPs I did nearly the amount of planning some people on here do. My dad always did ADRs even before you had to because that's the way he is; he likes to have a plan, and he has never liked to do all QS in a day. We sometimes change our ADRs midweek if we can. I just always had a standard three FPs picked for the parks, so I'd pick my three and be done with it, and then sometimes we'd change parks midweek and if we didn't get exactly what we wanted, it wasn't a huge deal. I guess since I'm there so much, I have the experience of knowing what I'm doing, and I also have the attitude of "Well, I've seen it before, I'll see it again."
Yeah, when you go as often as your family does, you don't have to fit everything into one trip because if you miss something this time, you'll catch it next time. For us, we only go once every several years. We don't get our "fix" as often, so we have to really make the most out of it when we do has to last us longer. And I don't like last minute changes. If I have a FP scheduled, especially if it's for a popular attraction, I don't want to skip that, because someone else could have used that FP and it's not fair to waste it when someone else really wanted that experience and didn't get to do it because I had the FP. I don't think I'd have to do as much planning if it was just E and I, though. Is it bad to say that the best times on our last vacation were the ones where it was just the two of us? We could take our time and go into shops along the way to wherever we were going, stop and get a snack to share, etc. I can't do that with the boys because my husband doesn't like any of the same snacks, so we can't share, and he likes the thrill rides where I don't. I don't have the anxiety with E that I have to make sure she's having fun, because I know she is. With the boys, I have to try too hard. My husband isn't a Disney fan, so I feel like an overhyped camp counselor trying to make sure he has fun and gets to do things he'll like and eat food he'll enjoy, and with A I have to avoid things that will traumatize him or overstimulate him. With E, we can just relax and have fun without me worrying about everyone else.

I'm always worrying my husband isn't having fun and he'll get surly, especially when he's hungry or's like he expects to be miserable because it's not really where he wants to be anyway, but then when he's uncomfortable, he really resents being there and then I'm trying to over-correct to prove to him that he really CAN have fun if he'll let himself. It's like he forgets all the good things. He raved about breakfast at Trattoria al forno, laughed so hard at Whispering canyon, and stuffed himself silly at 'Ohana and Boma, and said Hoop Dee Doo Review was worth it just to see how much fun A was having, but then the last meal at Disney was Pecos Bill and he said "This is the first meal I've enjoyed! Why haven't we been eating here every day??" Like he completely forgot about all the other meals he loved. There were moments he was obviously having a blast, but when the trip is over, he can't remember them and swears he didn't enjoy it. So I go overboard trying to pack in things he'll love, thinking it will finally click that he actually DOES like Disney. I don't have to do that with E. When it's just her and me, it's like "Hey, you want to do this?" "Sure!" and "What do you want to do now?" "Well, we're right next to this, you want to go here and then get such and such as a snack?" It's so easy and doesn't require the amount of planning I have to do for the boys.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
I think the difference is that when you make a reservation at a regular restaurant, they save a table for you at that time. You get there, and you don't have to wait. That's not the case with Disney. You make a reservation, and even though you show up at that time, you check in, you still have to wait for a table. I was rather disgruntled in 2016 when we got to Tusker House about 25 minutes early for our reservation because it was storming and everything was closed down due to lightning. So we went to dinner just a bit early, and they wouldn't let me check in for our reservation, but then let walk ups in before us. So even after we DID check in, there were people without reservations who got in before we did and we had to wait another 20 minutes in the cold and rain after our reservation time. Why even bother with offering reservations if you aren't going to hold a table for them? If you want it to be first come first served, then just don't have a reservation system at all.
Preach GIF


Premium Member
Helpin’ Mom and Pop move back into “Family Central” on such a glorious, sunny day...!!!!!!! :joyfull:

Wah - Hooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull: Thank God your parents' house is FINALLY ready for them to move in!!! They must be thrilled, as you all are, I'm sure.

Looked ahead and saw the other photos you shared as well. Very nice inside, especially as more of their funiture and belongings get moved in -- and the house just really has that REAL "home" vibe about it -- perfect for them. ❤️

(P.S.: Remembering back to your posts at the time of the fire, and how sad everyone was. It's so wonderful to see how far everything has come back to normal, and glad that all are happy now.)

And, Mr. Crazybeard...!!!!!!! :joyfull::hilarious:

Santa!! :jawdrop: :D


Premium Member
I find it bad enough that I have to decide what park I want to be in over my stay. I always planned my stay with additional days. If I woke up and it was raining, I went to some inside venue, like a flea market or museum. Now I have to decide what parks I want to be in either after I get there and limit my ability of get useful FP's or be pretty much locked into the park. It can be changed but not without a whole lot of hassle to change it. I have said in the past that in the earlier years I didn't know what park I felt like going too until I was enjoying a $5.00, all you can eat, breakfast buffet before even getting to a park. Gourmet dining, hell no, but I do not go to Disney or Uni, for the food or the bling, I go there for the attractions, period. In the past I used to plan on going to all four parks over the time I was in the area, and flexed around based on weather and moods. Now I only plan a couple of days because if I buy to many days I am going to lose money if I can't get there. Frankly, even though I still love the parks my enjoyment level has diminished over recent years. I don't care about EMH or Special events. I get my fun out of the basic park offerings. I can do that, I guess, because I have been so often that now I no longer even try to see everything. If I am healthy enough to go back I will go, if not, oh, well, sometimes life just doesn't work the way we would like.

You and I are birds of a feather when it comes to our refusal to plan for parks or meals. But, what we have going for us is that when traveling solo, we're not responsible for others in our party. Nowadays, I think most families really do have to plan a lot, particularly (and surprisingly) if they want to get TS reservations for dinner in any park.

Luckily, I don't bother with TS, and if I really want a fancier meal than QS, I'll order in-room dining at my hotel (usually SWAN), for 1 night only of my vacation. Heck, I only go to WDW for 4 full days as it is, so don't mind a lot of QS -- particularly when some of the QS is quite good, such as Tangierine Cafe in the Morocco pavilion.


Well-Known Member
I think the difference is that when you make a reservation at a regular restaurant, they save a table for you at that time. You get there, and you don't have to wait. That's not the case with Disney. You make a reservation, and even though you show up at that time, you check in, you still have to wait for a table. I was rather disgruntled in 2016 when we got to Tusker House about 25 minutes early for our reservation because it was storming and everything was closed down due to lightning. So we went to dinner just a bit early, and they wouldn't let me check in for our reservation, but then let walk ups in before us. So even after we DID check in, there were people without reservations who got in before we did and we had to wait another 20 minutes in the cold and rain after our reservation time. Why even bother with offering reservations if you aren't going to hold a table for them? If you want it to be first come first served, then just don't have a reservation system at all.
So true. Reminds me of this clip from Seinfeld.


Well-Known Member
I have a curiosity question. I'm hoping a few people will take the time to respond.
Focusing on your shower's tub spout, after you shut off the you let the diverter (pull up thingee) stay up on its own...gurgling for a you let it eventually drop down on its own? ....or..... after turning the water off, do you reach over with one finger and gently tap it closed?20210115_214402.jpg20210117_072208.jpg20210117_072218.jpg
Last edited:


Premium Member
I have a curiosity question. I'm hoping a few people will take the time to respond.
Focusing on your tub spout, after you shut off the you let the diverter (pull up thingee) stay up on its own...gurgling for a you let it eventually drop down on its own? ....or..... after turning the water off, do you reach over with one finger and gently tap it closed?View attachment 524754

I have a shower. :p

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