I finished the book I was reading yesterday and I don't know what I should read next. I kind of want to re-read The Host, and also the Outlander series....but I remember last time I read the Outlander series, it took me months to get through. I just don't have that much time for reading, so then it takes me forever. And on the one hand, I want to re-read the series to refresh my memory before the next book comes out, but so far, I don't think there's a release date.
But, I also have The Audacity of Hope, I have a couple of Stephen Fry books, but I think my husband is reading those, and I have a Ken Follet book. And some Mitch Albom books....I have a whole bunch of books to read, so I'm not sure which should be next or if I should re-read something. I did just read all the Jane Austen books before finishing Dreams from My Father and Untamed. (That's the one I just finished.) AND I have a Travel guide for Austria that I want to go through, but traveling is a no-no right now, so I don't want to get all excited about stuff it may be a while before I get to see.
Ok, so I have An Abundance of Katherines, A Column of Fire, The Queen's Fool, The Wizard of Oz (and other stories), The Audacity of Hope, Slammerkin, The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto, Heroes and Mythos, (my husband is reading Heroes, and various other unknowns....some Nora Roberts. Plus the things to re-read. Anyone read any of those that can recommend either for or against?