This is long.. but thought I’d share. The awards ceremony and spectators is sad. No grandparents allowed.

. I hope they still give bag tags to all of the attending teams. The kids love it, and they’re packaged individually anyway, but I don’t see anything about that. I bolded the sections that I think will be the most difficult. At least they get to play, though.
Below are the Policies that we received for our upcoming tournament this weekend. Please make sure you look through them!
As noted in the previous emails, we will be following all Non-Contact Sports requirements from the CDC, DoH (Department of Health) as well as the Ohio South Return to Safe Competition guidelines.These are posted on our website under forms and listed at the bottom of this email. The new Restart Ohio update from 8/20/20 is posted under forms on our website.
Some of notable highlights are below, but please follow the links and be familiar with all protocols.
If any of the below items are not clear, please ask for clarification.
-Everyone(players, referees, coaches, spectators) needs to take a self-assessment prior to coming to the fields for each game. This includes checking temperatures,and for symptoms.
-Anyone showing symptoms is required to stay home.
-If an individual, family or household has been exposed to a COVID positive person, do not attend.
-If you are waiting for the result of a COVID test, you may not attend.
-We are limiting attendance/spectators to minimize contact and risk. For that reason, we are asking that you have NO MORE THAN 2 adults who live in your player’s immediate household attend games. Ideally it should be the same 2 adults throughout the weekend of play.
-Social distancing of 6' or more between families should be maintained and seating must be at least 8 yards from the field of play.
-Everyone is required to wear a mask on the sidelines and walking to and from the fields. Masks will not be provided. You must have your own mask.
-Masks may only be removed when playing, refereeing or actively coaching.
-GAMES WILL NOT START until all spectators are wearing masks.
-Games are on a rolling clock and once started, time will not be added if stoppage due to social distancing, mask wearing or other violations of the CDC, DoH, or Ohio South guidelines occurs.
-NO team benches are allowed on sidelines.
-Players must maintain social distancing. We suggest placing player bags 6’ apart and having players sit in front of their bags when not on the field.
-NO team or parent pop-up tents are allowed.
-Warm-ups may only occur on the game's assigned field and CANNOT occur until the previous teams have left the field and equipment has been sanitized (where required). Do not warm up on unused fields or in open areas. Please stay in your cars until shortly before you are set to begin warm-ups. Clean your area and promptly leave the fields so the next game can begin. We will build in 15 minutes between the completion of one game and the start of the next to allow for a brief warm-up and check-in.
-No high five, handshake or other "touch-lines'·
-Everyone needs to bring their own hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizing stations will be spread throughout the complexes, but we cannot guarantee you will be near one when needed.
-Maintain 6' of distance between players and coaches on sidelines and during half time.
-If your team has a post-game talk please leave the field of play and go to an area away from the fields and other spectators, and limit the time.
-We further ask that these conversations should be limited to coaches/players to eliminate a large group gathering.
-Players/coaches and their related families will be sitting on one side of the field, while the opposing players/coaches and their related families will be on the other.
-SPECTATORS MAY NOT SIT behind the goal box or on the coaches’/team half of the field.
-We are NOT allowed to transport anyone in golf carts. Unlike past years, you will be able to park as close to your field as you are able, but we cannot guarantee how close that is. If you feel you cannot walk whatever distance is required, we recommend not attending. Maps are posted on our website.
-Vendors,food and beverage and merchandise will be available at both locations.
-Please maintain 6' of distance between yourself and the next customer. Support our vendors as they are as excited to be back out on the fields as we all are!!!
-We will have awards, but no awards ceremonies. Due to the tight turn around between approval of play and actually having the event, we were unable to customize these and not able to get the quality we would like. The awards are NOT allowed to be distributed at the complexes to reduce large gatherings. Once the game score is final, ONE representative from each team (Champion and Finalist) needs to go to the HQ tent to pick up awards. We will hand out 1 per rostered player on your team.