Speaking of kids' shows, when I was little, there was a local TV show hosted by a clown, and the kids all thought he was a riot. Anyway, one of my brothers was in Cub Scouts, and the mothers of the boys decided it would be fun for the troop to attend a show. (Each show had about 30 kids who got to sit on perimeter stage benches, and be on camera for the show.)
So, the mothers got tickets for the boys, and drove them (about 16 boys) to the studio. I also went along for the ride, because I was too young to stay at home by myself (I was about 4 at that time). My mother told me that only the boys could go on the show, and that I'd stay with her and the mothers, behind the scenes.
Before the show started, the producer called up the Cub Scout troop to go and sit on the benches. My mother watched me (in horror ...
) literally crawl on the floor between the producer's outstretched legs, and then BOLT toward the benches and sit with the boys!!!
(Then the show started, and no one pulled me out of there.)
Oh, and we all got swag bags after the show, on the way out! (Candy, little coloring books, crayons, etc.)