When I got my license, there were no appointments (Waukesha County), and it would have been about the same time. Maybe I am remembering it wrong. But the dmv was run out of the local VFW, (I looked it up, and apparently was moved to the Public Library) and had some funky hours. It was every other Wednesday, and a few Thursdays, or something strange. I had to wait a little bit.
Usually here, nowadays, you would get to the DMV in the morning, so you didn't have to wait so long. They always had posted on the front door, if they were done taking road tests that day, so not a total waste of a day. Since they reopened, with the backlog, people first started lining up around 6:30 in the morning, only to find out they missed the cut off. Then started the "campers". I keep hearing if you need a road test, if you are in line after 4AM, you are too late. Then my DS's driving school started offering it. Well worth the $65 I am paying to not wait in line, and possibly still not make the cut off. Even more so now that the already slammed dmv's near me are about to get much worse.
I was just sharing with my daughter the story of my driver's test. It was the day after most of the Milwaukee area had flooded out. The one criticism the guy gave me was I should make my right turn closer to the corner. I just said ok, but honestly, that curb was under water.