Well all that is going to look good on a college application. Being a well-rounded student. You have more than just academics or sports. So well done! I did cheerleading in junior high when we only had cheerleading for basket ball and we had to try out and everything, though it was a small school and we didn't do any tumbling and weren't allowed to do any big stunts. My freshman year, they decided to let everyone be a cheerleader who wanted to. You still had to try out, and you could put a prefference for which sport you'd like to cheer for, and you could put more than one as long as they weren't at the same time, but everyone would get a spot somewhere, mostly for wrestling because you sat at the side of the mat and only used arm movements, so you didn't have to be as coordinated. There were also no half time routines for Wrestling, so that's where most of the girls went. I cheered for football and basketball...I don't think I'd do football again, because it's just too cold in Wyoming and we didn't have an actual coach, just a faculty advisor. She didn't want us to wear coats, even lettermans jackets, because it covered up the uniform. But when it's barely above zero and snowing, you can't be out there in a mini skirt and short sleeved shirts! My mom was furious.
Anyway, when they let everyone on at least one squad, there was one girl who had tried out in junior high and hadn't made it. I had been on the squad for 2 years, and she asked me to help her. So in the summer, I spent the whole summer teaching her the cheers, helping her with her technique, etc...she made basketball cheerleading, which was the hardest squad to get onto, so she did well. But we were freshmen, it was her first time cheering, and she thought she should be captain, because her mom had been the captain of her squad when she was in school. I was like...no, there's a senior who has been cheering since her freshman year....she's the oldest AND has the most experience. SHE shoud be captain. Then one of the girls ended up moving, but hadn't told anyone yet, and it was this girl's best friend. So when we went to order the uniforms, the one girl wasn't there that day for some reason, so the captain wannabe told us not to order one for the girl because she was moving and wouldn't be there. She wasn't even supposed to know the girl was moving. When the girl came back to school, she was asked about it, and the captain wannabe blamed it on me, saying I had told everyone she was moving. I hadn't even known. The other girls stood up for me and said it wasn't me who blabbed, it was her best friend....then the best friend got mad at me for not taking the wrap for her. It just got to be less than fun because of the one girl, and I sometimes had to choose between speech and debate and cheerleading, so I didn't go out for it again the next year. She got to be captain, the senior graduated, and the other upper classmen didn't go out for it. Sad, but it all worked out for the best. I ended up loving speech and debate even more. Plus I already had student council, honor society, plays and musicals, and I babysat a couple times a week. More activities just wasn't in the cards, and I have never been a partier. Even in college, I only went to 2 parties, one of which I spent taking a nap. It's just not my scene. I did go to all the school dances, though.