Yes you are. It seems statistically likely that NJ will exceed 6,000 deaths by this time tomorrow. NY has the most deaths in America and my state is #2 in that sad statistic. Almost everyone on this forum seems to be doing a good job focusing on happy things. It would've been ok if anyone asked me what it is like to be in this Covid 19 hotspot.
We are at 43,903 Illinois (1,933) though we know the numbers are WAY off. Just last week we had some limited testing on a whole people very sick. We are locked down until May 30th at Least.
I would never ask anyone what it is like to be in the hot spot. My DD good friend parents drove to NY to snarf their DD up and out of there just as that sealed quarantine area was to sealed. I wouldn’t ask her that question either cause an obvious-answer is right there.
I believe many of us are becoming a bit squirrelly. This is stressful for all of us one way or another. I’d no more ask someone who’s family members all lost employment how that feels to be financially insecure as the year goes on. It just seems to be a harsh and callus inquiry.
it is not a lack of caring it is more I would listen if someone wanted to share their rough times. I take my cue from people in a bad situations, If they are not share I’d listen more then pry.
Be well.
I’m just glad that you and others on this thread seem to be staying healthy and somewhat sane.
We are well, knocks wood. Hope you guys are too. We are trying hard to stay busy and change things up. Any variety we can conjure up and we are in. My DD plugged in her Wii that has been out of the closet as an example. A puzzle which never happens around here.
Like many odd things Easter, not seeing my Mom, my Birthday this month, not going to WDW and most likely no Mother’s Day, traditions this year for me or my Mom I’d say we are doing pretty well. I haven’t been in any type of store in a month. Me I am now a master of curbside pick up and mastering the skills of snagging good time slots, our FP+ skills have paid off!!!
Blessed to be healthy and everyone is still receiving a paycheck and employed.