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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Tonight my son made dinner Lemon pepper chicken and Italian zucchini with also a dash of lemon. So good and impressed with the skills he has learned.

And my DD made Strawberry sweet bread. It is awesome

me I made a grocery orders. While sitting on the couch. Rather enjoyed that.


Well-Known Member
Oldest has her virtual college orientation today. She spoke to an advisor yesterday. Apparently she doesn’t do her schedule, they do?? Us parents were a bit confused about that since when we went to college, even freshman year, we chose our own schedule during our orientation. Since she is commuting and has already declared a major, biology(just like mom and dad❤️), we were a bit upset to learn this. We want her to be able to have most classes back to back with no evening classes. He emailed back and assured us that he spoke with the registrar and will accommodate the request for early classes. I thought it was weird. I guess we will see what happens at orientation. She can always add/drop when the semester begins if there is an issue. Hopefully that is all online. I remember having to stand at the registrar and waiting in a line to do that.


Premium Member
Oldest has her virtual college orientation today. She spoke to an advisor yesterday. Apparently she doesn’t do her schedule, they do?? Us parents were a bit confused about that since when we went to college, even freshman year, we chose our own schedule during our orientation. Since she is commuting and has already declared a major, biology(just like mom and dad❤), we were a bit upset to learn this. We want her to be able to have most classes back to back with no evening classes. He emailed back and assured us that he spoke with the registrar and will accommodate the request for early classes. I thought it was weird. I guess we will see what happens at orientation. She can always add/drop when the semester begins if there is an issue. Hopefully that is all online. I remember having to stand at the registrar and waiting in a line to do that.

Good that you noticed the time of the classes, due to her commuting time. (Not to mention, whether the schools / colleges will be open as usual by then, or if some or all of the classes go online, for undetermined amount of time.)

I can only imagine the adjustments the existing students will be making, let alone the new entering class of freshmen students. All this is out of my realm, but just wanted to mention that I'm behind all of you in this regard. May be a bit bumpy at first, but things will eventually work, out (at least to the "new normal"). Thinking that everything (for all of us) from here on out, will be "fluid" for all.


Premium Member
We've all have a lot on our plate at the moment and many of us find enjoyment and a diversion here on WDWMagic. I don't know how many of you have paid attention to Steve's situation with the site. Ad revenues since the Virus took hold of the World and WDW the Ad revenues have fallen 70%. Sites like this that are expensive to maintain and the lack of Ad revenue has taken its toll. I am a contributing member Which has gone from $50 to $70 or monthly from $5 to $7.

But there is also another option for those of you can find a way to help keep the site up and running. There is a donation link, for a one time donation or if you choose you can donate longer. $5, $10 $25 whatever will help him continue to keep the site going in this difficult time. So many of us spend so much time here and have made friendships that most of us would miss daily. So consider for a month or two to pay it forward. Any donation should help if enough of us help.

Not sure why you might think that some people have not "paid attention" to the recent banner from Steve? 🤔
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Well-Known Member
A lot of the new ads are interesting. It is, in many cases, self serving, by letting us know how much they are doing to keep us healthy. Some are erroneous. One in particular is was Lil Caesar's Pizza. I've been watching it and the first thing that caught my attention was what they claimed the temperature of the ovens were. It started at 500 degrees, which didn't sound right to me. Then a week or so later the same ad stated they were 475 degrees and then low and behold they seem to have settled on 450, which seems more accurate. Still a very safe temperature, but helps eliminate blackened Pizza. (A New Orleans favorite, I'd guess)

Which brings me to yet another question for us to ponder, non virus related. Why did it become popular to want to eat charred, burnt food. I know I'm old, but I am totally unable to grasp the joy in eating carbon. Possible answer... Reminds us of Mama's home cooking? :oops:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
My kid miss their gyms.
Same. I've been missing the gym terribly, which is kind of ironic for an asthmatic who hated PE with a passion growing up to be a gym rat as an adult. Of course, it goes back to my theory about school: English teaches kids to hate reading and PE teaches them to hate exercise.

My migraines have been terrible since all this started. The only thing I can figure is that I'm missing the gym.

I bought this mini elliptical thingy from D ick's and have it in my room. Yesterday, I started with a migraine, so I did an experiment: I took my pills and then hopped on the thing for 30 minutes...and yup. That's what oddly helped. It didn't take it away, but it helped substantially. So I guess I need to be on that thing several times a week until I can start going back to the gym. I do like my mini elliptical, though


Well-Known Member


Premium Member
I actually have a winery about 75 feet out my back door. I’ve been there about 6 times in 10 years it has been there. I shipped to my Sis a few times over the years from there. I have my own small stash but last Saturday I went there and bought a bottle of white for me and red for DS. Pricey but I wanted something different. He was surprised and happy.

what the heck did your hubby’s work do to you?
The whole house must live with his restrictions imposed by his work. Driving distance limits, only out for essentials wearing a mask and distancing. No going into certain towns or areas even if within the allowed distance. Dh cannot come in contact with anybody not following the rules. edit this will most likely remain in place until the entire country is cleared

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