I always get ear aches when it is cold and windy. Maybe he can wear a headband to cover his ears.
I do too, but he has to learn to push thru even if something hurts/is bothering him. It was very noticeable in those last few minutes, the coach yelled at him a few times when he got beat to the ball or didn’t fill space properly, justifiably so. I thought maybe it was maybe something like an infection, but apparently not. Hopefully he learned a lesson, he doesn’t like to get reprimanded by his coach... but more that, he needs to want it bad enough to put mind over matter. They were winning, he says he would have been different if they were losing.. either way, I reminded him that he needs to give 100% all the time. He did, for the majority of the game,just keep that fire all the way til the final whistle!
In a nutshell, my kid’s mind is his biggest roadblock sometimes, whether it’s anxiety or lack of confidence, or like the example above. I can’t help him with that. It doesn’t happen too often, but there are plenty of times when it does. If he wants it bad enough then he’ll learn to fix those areas.
*^*sometimes I feel like my words here don’t translate well, they sound harsher than they are... but I hope what I’m saying is coming across correctly.
Anyway, we have 2 more soccer games today.. had b-ball last night, final league game of the season, luckily no basketball today today (I feel like b-ball season is NEVER ENDING..I’m sooooo ready for baseball to start!!). His basketball team qualified for the City Tournament.. so we’ll start that next weekend.
Now it’s my turn to lack heart after just criticizing my kid for the same lol. I would never tell him this, but honestly I don’t care how far they make it in City.. I’d like for them to get past the 1st round of course, but I don’t want 3 more weekends of basketball.

Baseball practice starts this coming week, I’m mentally checked out of basketball, and I don’t want to juggle all of these teams over the next few weeks. Maybe I should give myself a pep talk.