On the subject of weddings.....when my sister got married I was in college. At the time my mom offered me money now for college or I could save the money for my wedding. She made it clear that it was a set amount and it wouldn't be enough money to cover the full cost of either. But being a poor college student I took the money then, it made it so I only had to work during longer school breaks and not during the school semesters. I still had to take out student loans but I paid them off within a couple years of graduating.
When I finally did get married my husband and I paid the bulk of the cost (his mom paid for the typical groom stuff). But because I took the college money and I had paid off my loans I had a nice amount in savings. Hubs and I had a frugal but very nice wedding, with chicken as our only meal option too
@Goofyernmost . My sister was able to even find us a budget photographer. The one she found was just starting out and only charged $400 for the day with complete access to all photos digitally. The other photographer was going to charge $1500 with no digital rights. We had a dance too but instead of hiring a band or a DJ we made our own cd's and rented a sound system for less than $100. By being frugal we were able to have a great honeymoon at WDW and spend our $$ on starting our marriage out right. A wedding is only one day the $$ is better invested in something like the honeymoon. But that's my two cents.