Jack went to the vet yesterday for his yearly doggie wellness visit (check-up, lab work, immunizations, meds, etc.) As usual, he was a combative, obnoxious patient. Even when his nails get clipped, it takes the vet, the vet's tech, and hubs to hold him still. (He's as strong as a bull.) And this is with him pre-medicated with the relaxation pill (prescribed by the vet), that he takes a few hours prior to the visit!
After the appt. was over, hubs was taking him to the car; but hubs got confused about which side street he had parked on. So they walked around and around, and Jack was disgusted with aimlessly strolling the neighborhood.

He just wanted to go home and sit in front of his favorite staring window. So, he stopped walking and plunked himself down on the sidewalk, and refused to move!

Luckily, hubs then saw the car in the distance and finally coaxed Jack to it.