The Castle, Waterfalls & Lamps with a Solo Hobbyist Photographer


Three words sum up my solo weekend January 29-31, 2011 at the Pop Resort ~ SO...MUCH...FUN.

My Disney addiction is consistently searching for ways to get me back to the World. My 3 teenage sons and hubby are so "over" Disney that I can no longer use them as an excuse to go there.

Then comes October 2010, when we purchase our first DSLR camera. The seed of a photographic trip is planted and a new "excuse" is born!

I begin stalking airline fares and dreaming of a weekend solo trip where I can do whatever I want. Yes, I know as a mother of three/wife & full time employee in the public school system I am not supposed to think about myself! But, I did it anyway.

On with the show~

January 29, 2011
Flight leaves Midway at 7:20am. Into Orlando by 10:30 Eastern time. Magical express wait 10 min, Stop at Carribean Beach and then Pop. Room is not ready. It is now 11:50am.

What to do, what to do??? Answer: Pull out my flip-flops, literally throw my carryon bag at the luggage guy, and use all my self-restraint to prevent myself from running to the Magic Kingdom shuttle. A bus pulls up almost instantly....this is a sign of great things to come!

I have finally entered the World....

And the "Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It" Parade is just starting, there is "The Man"


Hey-Howdy-Hey Woody!


Now starts what I will call my "photographic walk-through" as I just walked and shot pictures and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

In reviewing my pics upon return, I have discovered that:
1) I managed to get some nice shots for being a newbie.
2) I can't seem to take a level picture to save my life!
3) Lightroom 3 is my new best friend in helping my pictures come to life.





Joy, joy, it's only 12:37 and the park closes at 9pm tonight. I still have 8.5 hours!


The Dance/Music lesson windows in the little alcove along main street. You can hear them "practicing" if you listen closely.


I apparently love lamps/lamp-posts (thus the TR title) as this is the first shot of many to come..


At the end of Main Street, I got this Crystal Palace shot.


And now, the beginning of many castle/hub shots.


More to come!! (Maybe even today as the Blizzard of 2011 has closed my school in a suburb of Chicago.)
Thanks for reading if you are following!


Still following along! You're inspiring me to try all new angles when taking pics. All those people who were trying to mimic you were smart because you got some beautiful shots.

I would love to take a solo trip, but it just wouldn't be fair to leave my husband at home. I walked around the parks alone just once when he went back to take a nap. I meandered alone for about 3 hours in the MK and it was glorious. I took pictures, snacked, people watched and did whatever I pleased. One of my favorite days on a trip ever.

Keep the pics coming!


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Loving the report and pictures!!!

Thank you very much, more to come!

I'm still loving all the details and pics. I can really feel how "free" you felt. Maybe another way to work a "solo" gig for me would be to tack a couple days onto the front end of a family trip where I fly down ahead of them or something.... Ooooohhh.... Maybe I'm onto something.... However, I'm thinking that option would be best in the somewhat-but-not-too-distant future when at least one of the boys has their driver's license. You really got me thinkin'!

I think your youngest wanting to go back is actually kinda a cool thing. Honestly, if money were no object I would LOVE to do individual trips with each of my boys. They get their one-on-one with Dad when they go on fishing/camping trips at the lake. My one-on-one is "help Mom get the groceries". LOL!

I have NEVER seen the candy-making demonstration at the Japan pavillion! That pavillion is fast becoming a family favorite. Our boys have always been just over-the-moon when it comes to anything Japanese. I attribute this to their early fascination with tuner cars (aka "rice burners"), Yugi Oh! (don't get me started :rolleyes:), and martial arts (although these days they've switched gears & become swayed more towards the Brazilian varieties). Tracey & I dig hibachi's in a big way yet have never eaten at Tepan Edo. :eek: I love the gardens....and hot saki...whoa Mama! :p I think I should totally add the candy lady to our list of to-do's for the next go around. :D

Hhhmmm...the koi pond pics... I'm no photographer by any means. However, my guess would be the filter in which you've found you should have used was a polarized one. No? How would a camera-stupid girl like me know such? My husband is a bass fishing nut. Polarized sunglasses are an absolute necessity for him because they allow him to "see" beyond regular glare on the water's surface so he can literally see the fish (depending on the clarity of the water and if the little boogers are hiding in grass or behind logs & stuff). I remember years back when we were still a young family barely getting by surviving on hopes & dreams one of his big dreams was to be able to buy polarized Oakley sunglasses. He could've been wishing for Ft. Knox at the time, those things were totally beyond our means back then. When he explained this "seeing the fish beyond the glare" bit I thought he was totally full of crap. I didn't buy it. Well, years later he got those sunglasses and while at WDW waiting for a boat from MGM to Epcot he was flipping out over all the fish he could see. I didn't see them without the sunglasses. All I saw was glare and some blades of grass in the water. He handed me the sunglasses and ***WOW*** there were some really big fish right there in front of us!!! Polarized lenses. Yes. I get it now. Ain't it fun how us girls get thru life learning these little bits of semi-useless man-fodder??? :lol:

I'm with you on the "Mouseketeer" couple. That **is** adorable! I would've gone up & talked to them. I'll talk to anyone. I love when people talk to me about the stuff I wear or carry that I do specifically for our trips. It's sweet and makes me feel good that people notice the effort I put into these little things that mean so much to me. I'm a big cheeseball, tho. I know! :cool:

Loving every moment! Can't wait to see what you captured at AK in the afternoon. I'm envisioning the setting sun thru the trees and foliage. That park isn't the most entertaining in terms of "rides" but every nook & cranny of the place is themed so well. Even a non-photog with a point-n-shoot like me goes picture nutty whenever I'm there. :wave:

I have not yet figured out how to pull parts of your post to answer to, so the whole thing got copied!
As to me being "free," absolutely! I can honestly say I have not felt that liberated since before marriage/ 19 years. On the other hand, it also made me all the more grateful for the marriage/kids as I had the chance to reflect & ponder. I love your idea of adding days on ahead of time and then the family meeting you...for my scenario it would have been perfect!

I totally agree that a weekend trip with each boy individually would be great. Just need that $$ to start growing in the back yard!

The candy lady is awesome. The small crowd around her was just blown away as well. You mentioned hubby and I were just talking with our 15 year old about it the other day. He was so obsessed with having this big plastic arm shield that carried cards (don't remember what it was called) and we kept putting off buying it for him as we didn't think he would use it. We finally broke down one B-day and bought it for him and I swear it didn't leave his arm for 3 months! We were then kicking ourselves for not purchasing it earlier. The 15 year old laughed and told us that we didn't do any long term damage but he remembers feeling so tortured!

You got it, polarized filter! I have messed some with the pics in lightroom 3 (a photo editing program) but there is only so much it can do. Polarized filter is now purchased and in the camera bag for future use! Love the story about the glasses, I never knew there was such a thing! And I also remember the days very well in which $$ was in short supply. Kind of back to those days now with hubby being on what we like to call an "economic sabbatical." Until the home construction market picks up, my salary is the main one getting us through!

Thought about talking to the Mousekeeter couple, but decided I might look odd as this woman traveling alone, with camera, with a sweatshirt & candy tied to her waist!

Thank you for the compliments & more is coming!

Still following along! You're inspiring me to try all new angles when taking pics. All those people who were trying to mimic you were smart because you got some beautiful shots.

I would love to take a solo trip, but it just wouldn't be fair to leave my husband at home. I walked around the parks alone just once when he went back to take a nap. I meandered alone for about 3 hours in the MK and it was glorious. I took pictures, snacked, people watched and did whatever I pleased. One of my favorite days on a trip ever.

Keep the pics coming!

Wow, I inspired someone. Thank you for the compliment! I really got into the picture taking and was twisting/turning/stooping/bending all kinds of different ways that my body was not used to.

I am impressed that you got some solo time while there with your hubby. And yes, it is glorious, isn't it? I felt like I noticed so much more since I wasn't trying to keep tabs (or worry about keeping happy) 3 boys & hubby.

More pictures to come!


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Still Sunday, Jan 30th
Last update for today and its all Canada!

The sky was so blue and the temp so perfect that I sat in front of the waterfall for a good 15 minutes just looking at it, listening to it, and relaxing. I was also during this time drinking a Diet Coke hoping that the caffeine would jolt my body as I was wearing down. My feet were really starting to scream, and the dang candy "thump, thump, thumping" on my leg was getting more & more annoying!


Down the stairs to the bottom of the waterfall. Lampost~


At the bottom of the waterfall looking up~


Double bonus....waterfall & lamppost!!


Okay enough waterfall, but if you want any more pictures I think I have another 15 or so!

Onto the a person with a black thumb (example: I have killed hostas), I can greatly appreciate this place and what it takes to maintain. As mentioned earlier I would love to live in a quaint small house, so many of these pictures focus on the little "house" in the background.



Right about here is where I bent down to take a picture and wondered if I could get back up without assistance! What the heck? I am not even 40 yet, I exercise somewhat regularly and yet my body wants to quit??


Had to wait a while for this picture as people kept coming out of the hallway under the "mountain." I just want to move into that little shed....




And closer yet....


Picture limit, and that wraps up Canada. Though as with the waterfall I have about 20 more pictures of the gardens that are on my desktop at work.

Next update will be Soarin & over to AK....that will be my 3rd park this day!

Thanks again for reading!


Well-Known Member
I'm thoroughly enjoying your photo report, and I love all those shots of the lampposts. The leisurely pace at which you're making your way through the parks makes me want to be there so badly. Thanks for sharing.


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I'm thoroughly enjoying your photo report, and I love all those shots of the lampposts. The leisurely pace at which you're making your way through the parks makes me want to be there so badly. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks much! I have just read your wedding PTR, so exciting!
I have some pictures coming up of Sunset Point. What a great spot to get married in.


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So, it has been a week since I last posted. Seems I am a "weekend updater."

Getting back to the story, I am still in Epcot and it is still January 30th....

I just finished up Canada and am heading to Soarin. Along the way, I stopped to watch the fountains in the Imagination Pavillion~


There was a little guy having a ball in this area. I really wanted to "sneak" some pictures of him, but my conscience wouldn't allow it....for as a parent myself I know I wouldn't want people taking pics of my kids and posting them on a website!



Out of the Imagination Pavillion and toward Soarin, I got this guy...who looked right at the camera and smiled for me!


Onto Soarin (no pics). I rode next to a dad and young son that had not been on it before. It was great to sit by "newbies" and see/hear their reaction.

It is now 2:15 and I am still wanting to head over to AK, which will be my 3rd park of the day. Making my way out of the park...


Walked out to bus depot and there was a bus just waiting for me to go to AK! Wow. I sat on the bus and contemplated even getting up again! I almost had to force myself to stay awake on the ride, and when we got to AK had to give myself a pep talk that I could walk some more!


Into AK.....this park is not a family favorite. I wondered if going solo would change the perception. Unfortunately, it did not.

I had high hopes as I walked through the above gates, (for as a Disney lover I really want to "love" AK) but it just is not there. Everything in the park seems so tight, I almost feel claustorphobic on some of the pathways.
I concluded that photo inspiration for this hobbyist photographer would not be happening, and decided to high tail it (or slow tail it as I was dragging) over to Everest.


I got in the single rider line and within 5 minutes was on the ride. What a great coaster! I had forgotten since I had not ridden (nor been in AK) since 2007.


One of the "must do" rides down, I decided I was hungry. I got some Honey Chicken at Yak & Yeti and looked over the park map/times guide while I ate. It was now 4:00pm and the park closed at 5pm. I had just missed the last showing of the Birds of Flight (never seen it, bummer), Nemo didn't interest me (seen it previously), Kilamanjaro Safaris was a 35 minute wait (wasn't patient enough), so I came up with the Jungle Trek followed by Festival of the Lion King.

I had never done the Jungle Trek before and it was very peaceful~


These guys are very creepy~


Picture limit.....


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January 30th....AK

I watched this tiger for a while. It is so interesting to me how my cat at home lays like this as well~




And this beautiful guy...notice his female mate in the background. As a "non-frilly" girl, I was again pondering how the human race has decided that the female should be the one to do the makeup/hair/clothing thing to "show our color" while most other animal species have the male "show the color."


This is a hugely overexposed pic, but I wanted to put it in as I had never noticed this area before in my times in AK~


Time to head over to Festival of the Lion King. I quickly find the parade is going on which makes it nearly impossible to get to the other side of the park. I decide my time in AK is done and that I would like to see the AKL.

So, out of the park at the end of the parade (seems as if many others had the same idea) and to the bus depot for AKL. I think I waited a 1/2 hour for this bus?!

AKL is a beautiful lodge, but I would prefer to stay at the Poly if I had my deluxe choice.

Obligatory chandelier shot~


I headed out to the savanah to see if anything exciting was happening, it wasn't.

Took this picture on the way back in~


And decided I was going to have a drink in the bar and relax a little~


As I got closer, the sports on the TV were loud and the patrons at the bar louder (not because they had too much to drink, I think their hearing was more the issue).....relaxing drink in the bar is now "out."

On the other side of the lobby there was a drum show going on. I caught the end of it in which the performers reminded the audience to take care of our world and treat each other well. Nice touch, Disney!

Now I have a dilemma...its 5:15pm and my body is really tired. Do I go back to take a nap while running the risk I might not want to leave the hotel again, or do I power-on and head back to MK for an EMH evening?

Answer, power-on and get a bus to MK.

By 5:50 I am back to MK. I have now come full circle as my day started in MK, then Epcot, AK, AKL & now MK.
I walk in as the "Move It, Shake It Celebrate it" parade is going on...notice the float at the bottom of the picture.

Hello beautiful!

Deciding more caffeine was in order, I stopped in the bakery for a coffee. While waiting in line, I actually danced with the CM behind the counter to the parade music. I asked her if she ever gets tired of the music (as the parade runs 3 or 4 times a day) to which she responded "never" with a sincere smile on her face. Way to pick your CM's Disney!

I headed over to Frontierland to see an attraction I have never seen~


Still heading toward the attraction I have never seen~


Pic limit and I have a soccer game & swimming secitonals today. With it being a 3 day weekend, I hope to be able to post more.

Thanks for reading!


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Still January 30th...
After a quick ride on Haunted Mansion and some people watching I walked into the attraction I had never seen....CBJ


Cute show, but not on my list to see again.

After CBJ, I leisurely strolled through Fantasyland and admired the sights, sounds smells. My feet were so uncomfortable I am sure I looked pretty funny walking by this time!



By this time the "Magic Memories & You" show was about to start and I wanted to see it again. I was impressed, but still not show-stopping impressed. However, the families around me were very impressed.

Once the "Magic Memories & you" ended I walked a ways down main street to get a better shot for Wishes pictures. I thought I had my camera all figured out...I did not, but kept trying to play with it the few minutes before Wishes started. The following pictures are not for their artistic quality, but simply put in to tell a story.

Here is my first spot on main street where I started taking a few pictures....notice the girl on her fathers shoulders on the right?


Wanting to avoid having her in every picture looking larger than life, I moved myself a little closer to the castle and had a great vantage point. Wishes starts and all of a sudden I have a new obstacle front of me.....


It is not meant to be on this trip for me to get pictures of Wishes! I put the camera away for the second night in a row and enjoy my favorite show in all of the World.

After Wishes, main street emptied out. I sat in front of the castle on a bench and watched the castle & people for about 45 minutes. Also texted my boys & some friends and sent a few text pictures of where I was. Life is good!


After my "rest" it was EMH time. I had not yet ridden PoTC nor BTMRR. First over to Pirates~


And then to BTMRR (no pics). They were both walk ons. The park was open to 11pm and it was about 9:30. I really wanted to stay for the Kiss Goodnight, but I did not have it in me. I admitted defeat and headed out of the park, feet screaming all of the way.


As my "last look" at the castle, I forced myself up the steps of the train station to soak it all in one more time


Main street was pretty empty and the park was very quiet. This piece was a totally new experience for me!

The Confectionary work in the below picture is most definitely an eyesore...



This ends my epic day of 3 parks/AKL Lodge and walking anywhere from 15-20 miles. I was so tired, but also so thankful I was able to do everything I wanted.

When I got back to Pop (after a short wait for a bus), I had to convince myself to put one foot in front of the other to get to my room. I took my shoes off and my feet were actually throbbing. I thought a shower might help, my feet continued to throb even while standing in the shower! As a jogger/runner/half-marathoner (depending on the year) I have never experienced such soreness in my feet.

Out of the shower, I called my hubby to remind him again how much I love him for taking care of our boys for the weekend so I could do this.

Next update....Monday Jan 31st....a tour of Deluxe hotels & bfast at Kona Cafe...


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Monday January 31st.
Tour of Deluxe hotels by MK & heading for home.
The day is partly Cloudy & 75 degrees in FL.....current temp at home in IL is 25 degrees and a huge blizzard is slated to begin on Feb 1st. I consider changing to an earlier flight out (instead of 7:20pm) but ultimately decide against it.

I had an ADR for Kona Cafe in the Poly at 9:05am. On the bus from Pop to MK I sat next to a Japanese couple that had just gotten married. I did not know their newlywed status by conversation with them (as they only spoke Japanese) but by the 3 or 4 pins they each had that stated "Newly Married" and "I'm Celebrating." They were so cute, and so in love!

Off the bus at MK and over to the monorail to get to the Poly. I was about to have my first experience with Tonga Toast that is raved about on these boards.

I got to the Poly a few minutes early so took these in the lobby.....I LOVE the Poly lobby.



Onto breakfast, Kona Coffee, Tonga Toast and 800mg of ibuprofen! My feet were now in flip flops as I did not think I would be able to cram them back into tennis shoes.
The Tonga Toast is most definitely worth the rave! I so enjoyed this breakfast. While I was eating, I got to talking with my waiter and found out he used to live near Chicago. He told me that moving down to FL was the best thing he ever did as the pace of life in FL is much more leisurely than up our way. This only adds to my wish to move down to FL once we are empty nesters.

After breakfast, I tour the grounds of the Poly. I have never walked the grounds more than just down to the beach and back to the lobby. The grounds are just beautiful~




Gotta love those waterfalls!

I headed over to Sunset Pointe and fell in love. Castle View AND palm trees?! I would LOVE to do a Vow Renewal here~


This is from Sunset Point facing the Poly...I see a hammock down there with my name on it~


More Palm Trees & white sand...I figured I needed as many pictures as possible since I was heading home to a blizzard!


View of the Grand Floridian from Sunset Pointe~


I am envious of this guys job~


Picture limit.....


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Continued from last post....
Still touring the grounds of the Poly.

I found a hammock and relaxed for about 20 minutes. This is probably my favorite picture, not because of its quality, but because of the wonderful experience I was having.....laying in a hammock on a beautiful day and looking at the castle! (Sorry, no pedicure before this trip!)


From the hammock looking up~


From the hammock towards Sunset Pointe~


From the hammock towards the beach....the shadows in the combed sand were much "cooler" looking in person than I was able to catch in the photo~


After 20 minutes, I decided it was too dangerous to stay in the hammock as I ran the risk of falling asleep.

Here is my resting place facing toward Sunset Pointe~


It was time to make my way to the Grand Floridian via the walking path.

The Marina at the Poly~


Then onto the walking path, which was so peaceful. I was the only one on it besides a couple joggers. Ahead of me I saw a bridal party enter the wedding pavillion. They certainly had a beautiful day to get married!

When I got to the Wedding Pavillion, I just had to take this picture as I created a story (in my head) to go along with it~


Notice the elderly gentleman on the right? Here is my mental story..."The wedding had just begun and the grandfather was so overcome with emotion that his dear granddaughter was getting married to the man of her dreams, he needed to excuse himself from the wedding to pull himself together." Who knows???

I have now entered the Grand Floridian property. I feel as if my salary would need to increase by double before I would truly belong at this hotel.

Their beach has a bonfire where you can roast marshmallows for FREE?? Has Disney lost their mind, or is this truly how the other half lives?
Their beach has cabanas...take that other Deluxe hotels!


Into the lobby and I noticed this tile work...very nice~


The lobby itself is not overly appealing to me (must go back to that salary thing), but I did take this picture as it reminded me of the movie Titanic where the water breaks the window and comes crashing through~


Picture limit.....


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I am on a "posting roll" here....the family is all still asleep since we all have the day off.

Still Monday, Jan 31st...

My tour of the GF is short. It is a beautiful hotel, but not my style. I wait at the marina for a boat to MK so I can walk to the Contemporary. The boat comes and I get the "extended" tour as it goes back to the Poly before heading to MK.

I took this opportunity to put my face in the fabulous sun and talk with the boat driver. He was a retired NY fireman (pre-9/11) that drives a boat for Disney 2-3 days a week. What a life!! All of his children were married at the Wedding Pavillion and one daughter is a manager at the GF. Now, that is a Disney family. My conversation with him drew me to the conclusion (yet again) that when we are empty nesters, we need to move to FL.

After some nice conversation, he dropped me off at MK where I found the walking path over to the Contemporary. I found interesting that the entire path is lined with the personalized stones. I found one that asked "will you marry me?" cool is that? (sorry, no pic)

I get to the Contemporary~


I walked inside and up to Chef Mickey's just to take a peek. It was packed! I grabbed a drink from the little snack shop right next to it and headed down to the marina to get a boat to the Wilderness Lodge.

Heading towards the marina~


At the marina waiting for a boat~


While waiting for the boat, I got to talking to a few other people. They were at a roofing convention and on lunch break heading to the WL. They were from California. Before I had a chance to say where I was from, the one gentleman asked, "Are you from Michigan, or the Midwest? You have that accent." I laughed and told him I was from Chicago and that I was taken aback he felt I had a accent. He responded that he was born in Michigan and recognized the accent in others from the Midwest. Too funny, as I do not feel I have any "accent."

So, the boat comes and it is headed to the campground before the WL. For those of you that read my previous trip, you know my family is avid RV'ers and Fort Wilderness is the best campground we have ever stayed at. I decide to get off at the Campground and take a quick walk.


This is a shameless plug for the campground. It is a great place to stay....and you don't have to camp as they have cabins as well. I know sometimes the perception of campers is that we walk around barefoot all the time and are missing some not true!

The campground has so many activities for the kids that you could spend days just in the campground. The people are all friendly and the atmosphere is so relaxed.

Here is a picture of a "someday" purchase that I texted my hubby~


The RV'ers really get into decorating at the Fort, as it seems most stay for extended periods of time. Christmas is fantastic!

Here is a site that was getting ready for Valentines day~


After looking at the few sights, I headed back toward the marina. Here is one of two shops in the campground~


The beach at the campground (notice there are no cabanas here like at the GF)~


Now a boat to the WL~


Lamp-post at the WL on the dock~


Pic limit.....


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At WL.....

The WL and the Poly are my two favorite Deluxe resorts. I was looking forward to getting some pictures of Ol' was down for refurbishment. Darn!

I made my way into the lobby, and sat for a few minutes watching this~




I love this fireplace~


I was tempted to take a seat and sit for a while, but my time was starting to run a little short~


Mandatory totem pole I upload this I notice it is still not straight, even after I have messed with it!


I moseyed outside to "Silver Creek Falls." I took about 30 pics here, but will share 5.

I am not in love with this picture, but I included it because of the woman on the balcony just enjoying the view. This is to serve as a reminder to me to "always enjoy the view."


The falls which lead into the pool.....



I decided to add some flowers~


And closer~


Picture limit.....


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Onto the LAST post....

It was now 2pm. Magical Express left at 4:15. I was starting to feel a little short on time as: 1)you never know how long Disney transportation will take 2) I still needed some pictures of Pop and 3) I needed to buy some souvenirs for my guys.

So, I said goodbye to the WL and headed down to the dock to find a boat that was already at the dock waiting for me!

Once back at MK, I took these last few shots before getting a bus back to Pop.


I almost wish I had gone into MK today as the Chilean miners were there having the big celebration and parade on main street. That would have been cool to see, but in the end not worth spending a days admission on.

Had to wait a few minutes to get this picture without any feet in it~


And Goodbye MK until we meet again!

On my way to the Pop bus stop (which is the farthest one away!) I saw this peaceful scene~


Got to the Pop bus stop and only had to wait 5 minutes for a bus! Dang, I could have stayed at the WL a little longer.

Back at the Pop and did a walking tour....


I stayed in the 1950's~


The grounds of the Pop are neat, but I am not into the "larger than life" theme. I can see that parents with little ones would love this as there is so much going on.


I want one of these phones~


This was a neat little splash area~


Walking tour done, I bought souvenirs and still had 45 minutes before ME came. I grabbed my luggage, put my tennis shoes back on (ugh, my feet) and sat in a chair by the pool to soak up the sun.

ME was a nice ride back, the video was different from the last time. When we got to the airport, my flight was delayed an hour and 20 minutes until 8:40. Southwest had an earlier flight, 7:05pm, so I went standby on that. I was getting a little nervous as all of the talk was about the blizzard coming to Chicago (which 1-3 inches was falling now instead of initially starting tomorrow??!!) and the possibility of cancelling flights. My standby flight made it out at 7:45pm....40 minutes late. Coming into my home airport I was about to freak out. The snow outside the airplane windows was crazy. The airplane began a descent and then decided to ascend, what is happening? I was waiting for the pilot to make an announcement.............nothing! When we finally began to descend again, we landed and the whole plane breathed a sigh of relief. The airport was empty and Southwest had already cancelled all of its flights through the next day. I really made it back just in time!!

My hubby picked me up and we began a slow, snow-filled drive home.

When I walked in the house, the below picture was waiting for me from my 13 year old son.....I am so blessed~


My final thoughts:
~Pop was okay, but not on my list to go back to
~Seeing the parks solo was an experience of a lifetime
~Having a weekend away from all responsibilities makes one more thankful for those responsibilities
~I need to figure out my next plan to get me back to the World!

For those of you still along for the ride, Thanks for allowing me to share with you!!


Well-Known Member
I totally loved all your pics! You did an amazing job for a photography noob. I'm starting to think you're not telling us the whole truth about that, BTW. LOL! Fantastic report. It had great flow! Glad you made it back home okay, too. Sounds like you juuuust did make it.

So, okay, I got to that last bit with you finding the picture your son made stuck to your door and your closing comments..... I need to thank you for that. Truly. This home schooling thing has been like so overwhelming this year. I'm literally never alone anymore. Then when we were recently in Oklahoma (and going back again tomorrow) being caged in that studio hotel room with both boys and the dog day-in/day-out for so long especially with the ice and snow outside (I'm not accustomed to that weather so I didn't think it was safe to go out & drive in it) was brutal. Recently I've had this nagging thought that I'm just not going to be able to continue this way...I've got to get away from everyone for a break before I go totally bonkers...then there's all this guilt because I shouldn't be like that. The thought of a solo trip has always intrigued me moreso just because I'd like to have the freedom to move around on my terms but then I feel guilty for even thinking it because that's selfish. My guys love it, too! What you said: ~Having a weekend away from all responsibilities makes one more thankful for those responsibilities is what I needed to hear. Still not booking anything solo...but to be reminded that if I didn't have these guys I'd be totally lost is exactly what I needed. In the moment it's easy for the stress to make you forget that but it's really true. Thank you for that little kick in the butt. :wave:

Again, wonderful report. I enjoyed it loooots! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! :wave:




Ah, I remember this view well. I believe this was "our" hammock on our honeymoon. We finished every night of our 11 day honeymoon with a stop at this hammock. We're hoping to revisit it on our trip in 2 days!

Again, loved the report. Sad it's over! Have you ever tried walking in flip flops for your entire trip? It's all I wear. One trip I tried sneakers and my feet were killing me.

Thanks again for a great read!


Active Member
Original Poster
I totally loved all your pics! You did an amazing job for a photography noob. I'm starting to think you're not telling us the whole truth about that, BTW. LOL! Fantastic report. It had great flow! Glad you made it back home okay, too. Sounds like you juuuust did make it.

So, okay, I got to that last bit with you finding the picture your son made stuck to your door and your closing comments..... I need to thank you for that. Truly. This home schooling thing has been like so overwhelming this year. I'm literally never alone anymore. Then when we were recently in Oklahoma (and going back again tomorrow) being caged in that studio hotel room with both boys and the dog day-in/day-out for so long especially with the ice and snow outside (I'm not accustomed to that weather so I didn't think it was safe to go out & drive in it) was brutal. Recently I've had this nagging thought that I'm just not going to be able to continue this way...I've got to get away from everyone for a break before I go totally bonkers...then there's all this guilt because I shouldn't be like that. The thought of a solo trip has always intrigued me moreso just because I'd like to have the freedom to move around on my terms but then I feel guilty for even thinking it because that's selfish. My guys love it, too! What you said: ~Having a weekend away from all responsibilities makes one more thankful for those responsibilities is what I needed to hear. Still not booking anything solo...but to be reminded that if I didn't have these guys I'd be totally lost is exactly what I needed. In the moment it's easy for the stress to make you forget that but it's really true. Thank you for that little kick in the butt. :wave:

Again, wonderful report. I enjoyed it loooots! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! :wave:

Thanks for the compliment on the pictures, I am flattered. But I am a true noob to photography.
I enjoyed every moment of writing the report, and am sorry its over. I definitely felt very much like the "guilty" mom wanting a solo trip, as that is not what us moms are supposed to do. However, who wrote that rule?

I find it truly admirable you are home schooling your boys. I am an administrator (former math teacher) in the high school system and am sorry to hear that you were in such a spot that you felt homeschool was your only option as home-schooling is such a serious parental undertaking! I can only imagine trying to be "mom" and "teacher" at the same time....kudos to you. Because of that, you deserve a solo weekend trip all the more! :wave:

Ah, I remember this view well. I believe this was "our" hammock on our honeymoon. We finished every night of our 11 day honeymoon with a stop at this hammock. We're hoping to revisit it on our trip in 2 days!

Again, loved the report. Sad it's over! Have you ever tried walking in flip flops for your entire trip? It's all I wear. One trip I tried sneakers and my feet were killing me.

Thanks again for a great read!

Oh my gosh...11 days near that hammock?! My backside would have permanent criss cross marks on it from laying in it! Thanks for sharing your hammock with me!

Thanks for the compliment on the report, I am sad it is over as well.

Regarding the flip-flops...when we were in the parks last July it was all I wore and had no issues. So, I started out this weekend trip in them. After 2 hours my feet started hurting which led me to the tennis shoes...who knows?

Have a great trip. I look forward to reading your trip report when you return! :wave:


Well-Known Member
loved your first solo trip report! and your photography skills aren't too shabby for a newbie with a dslr! :D i love lamp posts at disney too!! they just make great photo opps. you have a very sweet son to make you such a cute welcome home sign. i love his drawings of the epcot fireworks about sse. so cute! glad you made it home safely. it really does seem like you just made it back in time before that big blizzard. thanks for sharing! :D

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