The Brazilian tour groups: is Disney taking action?


Well-Known Member
Why are the moderators seemingly so inactive on this site? Any other site and this thread would have been closed long ago.....


Active Member
Just because it irks me: disliking the behavior of a subset of a culture in a specific situation is not xenophobia. Phobia accusations seem to get thrown around whenever someone is not 100% on-board with the particular behaviors or wants of the people being described. One can think tour groups are obnoxious without irrational hatred or fear of the entire culture.

I have only encountered a few tour groups and they did not harsh my mellow. But, I also have not been line-jumped, struck with a selfie-stick (so glad I missed that era), shoved out of the way, suffered a headache or tinnitus from the loud shrill of chanting/screeching, or experienced any similar impacts that would fall under the category of rational distaste for teenage tour groups, regardless of country of origin.


Well-Known Member
Why are the moderators seemingly so inactive on this site? Any other site and this thread would have been closed long ago.....

They're here. They'll shut the thread down when it gets to be too much. We are adults. We shouldn't have to have someone come in and tell us to behave. Unfortunately, there are some who do not think before they act and that is when the thread will get closed.

The Mom

Premium Member
Why are the moderators seemingly so inactive on this site? Any other site and this thread would have been closed long ago.....

If you look at the bottom of the post, you will see that along with "quote" "like this post" and "reply" it says "report." Which will alert a moderator to a problem post, as we do not have time to read every new post in every thread 24 hours a day. It has worked fairly well over the past decade.

Most long time posters know how to behave. ;)

Ulysses McGill

Active Member
What happened in July 3rd? Was there a discussion about that?

Nothing special. I just happened to be sitting next to a group of resorts CMs during the crazy lightning storm that caused the 4th of July fireworks (the first of two showings of the Symphony in the Sky) to be delayed 2 hours and we got on that topic. The topic was inspired because a tour group gathered in front of Cinderella's Castle to do a chant in the middle of the rain and lightning. Anyhow, that's how the topic came up.

Apparently one of the damage stories was that at All-Star Resort, they have a replica of Herbie the Love Bug on property in one of the lawns (I've never stayed there, but I've seen pictures of the car). At some point, a bunch of the kids got together and managed to somehow move the car completely across the area and into a spot where it was really messing up foot traffic.

As for that lightning storm, this is what we sat thhrough:


Well-Known Member
Is it really that the Brazillion groups are rude and out of control, or they just don't know any better compared to our American standards (or our declining American standards)?

Just curious as I was reading about how different their culture is. Particularly how extroverted everyone is and how they don't consider much into personal space.
No they are rude... You have to act like the giving country...We always hear about rude Americans when they travel, but I think we are way better than Asians and central/south Americans act here.... It is not even close.


Well-Known Member
That might be your experience, but when we went this year in June, it was gorgeous weather and very few tour groups. In September of 2013, it was a nightmare of high 90's heat and humidity and the groups were swarming all over the parks. So while it might be your personal experience that they are gone by mid August, that is not necessarily true. Maybe you just have gotten lucky.

Just because you have been lucky doesn't make it true... Avg temp in June in WDW: 92 Degrees, September: 89 Degrees, late June it stays up at: 92 on average in late September/October it gets down to: 85 degrees.

The South American tour groups are more prevalent during their winter and summer breaks. So June- Aug and then Jan - March just like we go on vacations during our breaks they do too.... SO... Once again just like you said, just because of your 1 time experience that does not make it fact for everyone and everything. If you go on a ride once and it breaks down is it fair to say it always breaks down?

General knowledge and science shows that on average June is hotter than September, this year is El Nino so temps will be more mild. In 2011 I went in late June and it was over 100 Degrees still at midnight when we got back to the hotel... See I take your 1 experience of it being mild in June and show you my 1 experience of it being extreme in June :)


Keep Moving Forward
Most of the tour groups people are complaining about were made up of large amounts of teenagers without parent or major adult supervision. Most teens have at some pointed acted up or without consideration for others, when their parents or authority figures are not around. Put them in large groups and you tend to exacerbate the situation.

Many teens do not realize they are annoying others with there chants, singing etc. It is not exclusive to a specific country. I have been in line with cheer leading groups from the US who have decided to chant in line. We have had members on this site admit to chanting or singing in line when they were at Disney as teens.

I personally can recall when a group of friends and I were obnoxious as teenagers at a local restaurant, talking to loud and having to be asked to quite down.

I'm glad Disney is doing something to help solve the problem but I hate to see people bashing one country when this is a problem with other teen groups from many countries.


Well-Known Member
Most of the tour groups people are complaining about were made up of large amounts of teenagers without parent or major adult supervision. Most teens have at some pointed acted up or without consideration for others, when their parents or authority figures are not around. Put them in large groups and you tend to exacerbate the situation.

Many teens do not realize they are annoying others with there chants, singing etc. It is not exclusive to a specific country. I have been in line with cheer leading groups from the US who have decided to chant in line. We have had members on this site admit to chanting or singing in line when they were at Disney as teens.

I personally can recall when a group of friends and I were obnoxious as teenagers at a local restaurant, talking to loud and having to be asked to quite down.

I'm glad Disney is doing something to help solve the problem but I hate to see people bashing one country when this is a problem with other teen groups from many countries.

Ultimately THAT is the real issue. Regardless of country the fact that teens and pre-teens are allowed to run around unsupervised is the problem. Now, compound that on top of these children that come from a country where this behavior is relatively accepted and you have some real eye opening moments.


Well-Known Member
Back in '98, my now DW and I stayed at ASMu and had a late night run in with a tour group. I ran outside the room in the middle of the night in just my shorts and let loose on them for being too loud. @awheartsdw could give a better breakdown, but needless to say, the rest of the nights were quiet.


Well-Known Member
Yes, as the now wife of @aw14, it was quite the scene seeing a muscular, ed off and tired tattooed guy putting them in their place and telling them that enough was enough. I would venture to say all non-Brazilian teen tour group guests of ASM slept well after that point!


Well-Known Member
The same can be said for American Cheerleading Competition children. They can be just as rude and obnoxious as other groups of teens. I know a mother of one that used to go to Disney every year with her daughter and their group. She thought the looks on people's faces were funny when her daughter's group would let loose with a loud cheer in the middle of a crowd. She once asked me why it matters because it is hurting no one. I waited for her to be in the middle of a conversation with someone else and walked up right behind her and started screaming very loud. It scared the living daylights out of her and she got all mad. I just looked at her and said "What does it matter? It isn't hurting anyone."


New Member
My family was in the world in January and had several tour groups, primarily from Brazil, cut in line in rides. To be honest most of the cutters were the adults and when addressed to a cast member he told me that I needed to go to the back of the line because he didn't see us walk past him. Write off the fact that he spoke to both of my kids as we got in the line. As for the adult cutters, who were from tour groups from Brazil he made four go to the back of the line where they jumped into the fast past line and then cut back in with their group that had removed chains to get in the line.


Well-Known Member
So if you recall the giant July 3rd lightning storm that was getting covered in the news, I sat through the entire thing. However, some very nice off-duty CMs were seated next to me, several of whom worked at resorts. Being good at getting people to dish on things, as I tend to be, I got them on the topic of tour groups....

The resorts CMs I spoke to said that the tour groups were required to put down a $1 million, yes, million, deposit to be able to book rooms on property any longer. Apparently, the damage to the resorts over the past couple of years was pretty substantial.

If that is definitely the case, then it's no wonder they're sitting people down before they book the trip to discuss behavior.
I saw a group empty the contents of an entire room - all of the furniture, into the deep end of the pool one year. And yes security was on the way as I was about to go report it


Well-Known Member
I just want to say that not all these tour groups are from Brazil. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned a group was shouting "Argentina", I doubt Brazilians are doing that.

Bingo on that one. For the xenophobes it wouldn't matter if it was a group wearing union jack shirts chanting in Russian, they would assume they were a Brazilian tour group because "brazilian tour" group has become a catch all for foreigners that are speaking something other than English.

If you were familiar with South Americans in general you would also know that folks from Argentina are probably among the rudest you'll find from the area... Only adults I've ever had trying to cut through lines and then act like they were completely unaware that they were doing it or it was wrong were from Argentina... That was the country I never liked to have to go to for business because the people seem to be trying to outdo the quintessential rude New Yorker to the nth degree. I would rather be surrounded by chanting Brazilians tour groups all day than have to deal with Argentinians for 10 minutes.


Well-Known Member
There are good groups and bad groups. I find the best ones stay together but don't build a "blockade". There was one group a few weeks ago, in orange, that formed a blockade at the exit of Epcot so they could gather their group together. The leaders were pushing people not part of their group back. It was ugly because you know, normal night at Epcot, Illuminations ends, and it's just a flow. I would think this problem could be alleviated if WDW gave them a place to meet. There is a lot of unoccupied space in the park. Give these groups a place to gather at the end of their park day, and you won't have a problem.

I think the inherent problem with the parks and these groups are, is that the ride systems, the dining, the parks in general are not architected to keep large groups of people together safely and comfortably. I'd also imagine that these kids are high school age. They would want to have free time too, not just group time. I dunno am I crazy? o_O

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