The birthday, we're posers, I wanna go home trip report: July 1-16, 2011

I'm back and ready to start another trip report if only so that I can remember it while making my scrapbooking pages. Now, just a foreword, this may get a little wordy as there are lots of things that I want to remember. This shouldn't be a problem, as you can just scroll through all the words, or block the report all together! :lookaroun:lol:

So, here goes! This is another road trip from Minnesota from July 1- July 16, 2011. We had been tentatively planning this for awhile, but I wasn't sure that it would actually happen until pretty close to the time we were leaving.

Before I go further, here's who is on the trip.

Me: turning 38 while there, certified Disney lover

Sam: DH 37, had his first trip at the age of 18 with his two sisters and mom, was the only one on the trip that had any fun, and (I believe) is now an even bigger Disney lover that me- he may debate that, but he has a friend at work who is another DVC owner, and they spend all day talking about Disney and sending texts to each other while on vacation.

Lexy: DD 16, not a certified Disney lover! She was actually really excited about this trip until three months ago when she got a boyfriend. Now she wants nothing to do with this trip at all!!! She has been whining that she DOES NOT want to go. She wants to stay home with her Nana and Papa. Not happening!

Lainey: DD 10, my teenager in training. She is getting those eyerolls and sighs down pat from her older sister.

Roddy: DS 9, our easy going one. He will do anything and have a smile on his face while doing it. He is the reason I'm not totally insane now! :ROFLOL:

Bella: DD 7, our thrill seeker. She is here for the rides and little else. She is the one known to complain when she's not feeling things are going her way.

Oh, boy, I have a feeling this is going to be a fun one! So let's get started!!

Thursday June 30th. Sam worked a full day and I was scheduled to work at the dance studio that the girls dance at. I work there a few days a month to help with my dance bill. I was working to 9 pm, which Sam was not happy about at all! He wanted everything packed and ready to go, which it was not. Now Sam is a doer, I'm the resident procrastinator. I always think that I have plenty of time to get things done. We were originally going to leave on Saturday, but then Sam said we should leave on Friday night so that we could get there earlier and go to the parks on Sunday too. We wanted to see the Fourth fireworks on Sunday at Magic Kingdom then go to Epcot on the actual Fourth. We decided to get a room at a cheap hotel we found a deal on at allears for $69 a night on Sunday night. I wasn't sure if they would let me fit all my kids in there for that price, so I said I only had two kids. Flame away! :drevil: So I was under the impression that we were leaving on Friday night. Plenty of time for me to get stuff done.

I got home from working at the studio to find Sam in a complete panic. He does not like things hanging over his head. We decided to hit Cub Foods up to get some things to bring in the car with us to eat. We were at the check out when Sam wanted me to grab something else. I knew that time was of the essence to Sam so I was really hurrying. I guess on my way back, you could hear my flip flops crazily coming. Sam said that the check out person was looking like what is that? There was a stock boy ahead of me that I was coming up behind closely. He kept looking back over his shoulder with a scared expression on his face. I think he thought I was going to run him over. Sam was laughing so hard in the car on the way home. He said that I was giving "stocking" a new meaning. He thought the guy figured I was stalking him. I think that lightened things up for Sam a little, or at least I thought so. It was now getting late so Sam went to bed to get ready for our day of leaving.

Friday July 1, 2011. Leaving day. Again, I thought I had plenty of time to get ready. So I woke up and went on the computer for a bit. I was not scrapbooking, but I was doing things related to it. Sam was furious that I was scrapbooking while he was trying to get things ready to leave. I thought that we were taking naps and such, so I figured I would just skip my nap. Nope, suddenly Sam decided that we were leaving ASAP. Why was I not giving the memo on this? He wanted to leave by like 1 pm. Yeah, that was going to happen. I still had to run to Target to pick up some things, and I really wanted Roddy to get a hair cut. The Justin Beiber look alike thing that he was trying to get started was just not working for me! So after some grumbling, we managed to get out of the house and packed up around 3 or so.
Are we one big happy family or what?


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Seriously... the Stitch encounter = AWESOME SAUCE! I just shared the montage with Brett and we were both laughing out loud, especially at the picture of Stitch cutting up the Mickey waffle while sitting upon Bella. Absolute perfection! And it's so good to see that Lexy got caught up in the moment. I heart Ohana. I'm with you... dinner trumps breakfast, but breakfast at Ohana is still my favorite character breakfast on property.

I knew you'd so love that one!! I'm waiting to show it to my brother, too, who is a huge fan of Stitch. He'll be so jealous.


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After seeing P and F, we had to take a picture with this bird, duck, whatever. The kids know who it is, but I can't remember at all.


We wander a bit.




Sam decides he wants another go around at Star Tours where we just get the same sequence as before. But still fun. Lexy tried at being artistic again.


And she'd done again.


Yes, I know, I'm a dork.


We were ready to go back by this time. It was hot, and we needed to get our car. I can't believe it, but the kids wanted to take a bus to OKW which was just coming up at the stop. Sam and I were waiting for a bus to the Polynesian to get our car. We let them go. It was the strangest feeling. I know that Lexy is 16, but it was still weird to have them find their way home. Granted, they were getting on a bus that would take them right there, but I wasn't even sure if she could manage to find her way to the right stop. Anyway, it was freedom for Sam and I.


We got back and got our car. It was boiling by the way. Soon we were seeing this sign, and hoping that the kids were already in the room.


Notice the flag on the balcony. It was there when we arrived and all throughout our trip.



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Our building. Notice I did not run in to check on my children, I stopped to take pictures first.


They were there waiting for us. Wondering what took us so long. We headed to the pool to cool off before grabbing some dinner. We debated at the pool where we would want to go for dinner. We had a counter service, so we knew it would be one of the parks. We settled for Mk and the Harbor House. i so wanted some of their fish.

After the pool, we caught a ride there and went straight for dinner.









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We headed here next. I'm sure you can imagine how thrilled Lexy was. She was determined to not be in any of my pictures right now.







Sam made me take lots of pictures of the construction, even though he's better at visualizing what's going in than me.






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It was ice cream time next. This way mainly due to Lexy who was asking for ice cream for awhile now.




Even I had some. It was yummy.


We rode Space Moutain next.


Then tried our hand at Buzz again.


And then we were ready to go back. We were beat and we had a long day in store tomorrow. Up next: Downtown Disney, Teppan Edo, and a late night at the MK.


My son just saw the pictures of Phineas and Ferb and freaked out. He is so pumped he gets to meet them. It's one of his favorite shows...and one of the more tolerable shows that he watches :sohappy:


Active Member
Loving the report.
Your family looks like so much fun!
Can totally relate with the teenager stuff...have 3 of my own. Looking forward to more.


Well-Known Member
The Stitch interaction was very cool! Loved it! The little stinker was kicking packets of jelly or something around the floor and blaming it on my nieces when my brother & I took them back in May 09. So fun.

I was totally LOL @ your family's race to see who gets in the park first. I guess we should allow the boys to do this and not be such fuddy-duddies. We hand them their passes precisely 2 seconds before the turnstiles then snatch 'em back as soon as the turnstile stops turning. Duh! It's not like they're going to vaporize although I do think Brian could lose his in under 30 seconds. He'd lose his butt if it wasn't attached to his back. LOL!

I believe Roddy and Brian would get along famously. Brian will spend hours chasing lizards and frogs no matter where we are. He loves that stuff.

The characters around the hat were so cute! Love Minnie's dress! It's so pink! Don't know that I'd brave the heat and sun to hug her. I'd be the person standing next to her smiling saying, "I love you but it's hot so don't touch me."

The little moments when the kids go off without you, even just to catch a bus back to your resort, these are the little details really catching me this go around. I want to do this with our boys! I do. I want them to be more independent and I want to be okay with it. Like your kids, it's not like it's new territory that they're unfamiliar with. Ya know? Times were different back when I was a kid but we roamed the parks alone since I was 11 or 12. When I was 14 we went on a field trip with the entire 9th grade to Epcot. Somehow we managed to walk from the buses all thru park and back out to meet our bus on time without a single adult with us. I don't know why I would even think twice about letting my own kids at 13 & 15 spend a whole day navigating the property on their own. I did it. :shrug:

Columbia Harbor House. This is on my list. The new salads appeal. Your pics of the upstairs really speak to me! It's so pretty. Tracey & I ate up there with our KttK tour back in May 08 but I don't remember just how pretty it is. That skylight is so awesome! Seriously, how many counter service places are themed this nicely? Love it!

Still enjoying the ride! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Great update!!! My DS is SO excited for the Phineas and Ferb greet. I just hope the wait isn't TOO long. Have no desire to stand in the HOT sun to meet them, but anything for the little man! :ROFLOL:


Active Member
oh jenn, great update! i don't know how you did not freak out when you and your kids seperated. :ROFLOL:

your stitch interaction had me crackin up.


Well-Known Member
I am loving your TR!!! Your daughter Lexy reminds me of my son when he was her age, and how I got him out of his foul mood. (He is now 22 and, to this day, remembers what I did) He was SO dang moody for 2 days straight I had enough. I said if he was going to act like a child, I would treat him like one, so pretended to make a call to the Neverland Club and arrange for him to spend the day there (he was in the bathroom pouting at the time). We were at the Polynesian, Concierge. I went down to ask about dining reservations, and explained to the CM at the concierge desk, my dilemma and my 17 yr old's attitude. Just then, he came down the stairs... the CM was GREAT!!! Said "Mrs. C., is this the young man who will be enjoying the Neverland Club today?!!?!?" My son was MORTIFIED!!!!!!!! stomped out of the Hawaii building, with a confuzzled and horrified look on his face. Well guess what?? From that point on, NO FOUL MOOD!!! It was devious I admit, but when on vacation, parents aren't interested in democracy, they want SMILES!!!!!!


Active Member
come on jenn, i am waiting for an update. need to hear about teppo edo (did i spell that right?).
that and i just want an update. :ROFLOL:


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cool,those floats look great I might just have to try one soon

Yes, my kids LOVE rootbeer floats! They were pretty tasty!

My son just saw the pictures of Phineas and Ferb and freaked out. He is so pumped he gets to meet them. It's one of his favorite shows...and one of the more tolerable shows that he watches

Phineas and Ferb were so much fun!! They were dancing around and really trying to get the kids involved. You have to hand it to them, it was hot out and they were really working it!

Loving the report.
Your family looks like so much fun!
Can totally relate with the teenager stuff...have 3 of my own. Looking forward to more.

Thanks!! I think that everyone with teenagers feels the same way! :lol:

The Stitch interaction was very cool! Loved it! The little stinker was kicking packets of jelly or something around the floor and blaming it on my nieces when my brother & I took them back in May 09. So fun.

I was totally LOL @ your family's race to see who gets in the park first. I guess we should allow the boys to do this and not be such fuddy-duddies. We hand them their passes precisely 2 seconds before the turnstiles then snatch 'em back as soon as the turnstile stops turning. Duh! It's not like they're going to vaporize although I do think Brian could lose his in under 30 seconds. He'd lose his butt if it wasn't attached to his back. LOL!

I believe Roddy and Brian would get along famously. Brian will spend hours chasing lizards and frogs no matter where we are. He loves that stuff.

The characters around the hat were so cute! Love Minnie's dress! It's so pink! Don't know that I'd brave the heat and sun to hug her. I'd be the person standing next to her smiling saying, "I love you but it's hot so don't touch me."

The little moments when the kids go off without you, even just to catch a bus back to your resort, these are the little details really catching me this go around. I want to do this with our boys! I do. I want them to be more independent and I want to be okay with it. Like your kids, it's not like it's new territory that they're unfamiliar with. Ya know? Times were different back when I was a kid but we roamed the parks alone since I was 11 or 12. When I was 14 we went on a field trip with the entire 9th grade to Epcot. Somehow we managed to walk from the buses all thru park and back out to meet our bus on time without a single adult with us. I don't know why I would even think twice about letting my own kids at 13 & 15 spend a whole day navigating the property on their own. I did it.

Columbia Harbor House. This is on my list. The new salads appeal. Your pics of the upstairs really speak to me! It's so pretty. Tracey & I ate up there with our KttK tour back in May 08 but I don't remember just how pretty it is. That skylight is so awesome! Seriously, how many counter service places are themed this nicely? Love it!

Still enjoying the ride! :wave:

Oh, I so take the kids passes the second that they step through the gates! I just stand there collecting them. I only give them to them once I'm up at the baggage check too, then I figure they can go on ahead since they don't have bags. I hear ya about freaking about them loosing them!

I know that I felt a little funny when the kids went back to the room without us, but really, I figured that they are old enough to be doing some stuff like that. We would let the kids go on rides while Sam, Bella and I went on ToT and stuff like that too. But for some reason the bus going back to the resort felt bigger than that.

Great update!!! My DS is SO excited for the Phineas and Ferb greet. I just hope the wait isn't TOO long. Have no desire to stand in the HOT sun to meet them, but anything for the little man! :ROFLOL:

Oh, it was definitely HOT while waiting, and they take their time with each person so the line doesnt' move that quickly, but it wasn't completely unbearable!

oh jenn, great update! i don't know how you did not freak out when you and your kids seperated.

your stitch interaction had me crackin up.

I know, I wasn't sure if that made me a good mother or not...:lol:

I am loving your TR!!! Your daughter Lexy reminds me of my son when he was her age, and how I got him out of his foul mood. (He is now 22 and, to this day, remembers what I did) He was SO dang moody for 2 days straight I had enough. I said if he was going to act like a child, I would treat him like one, so pretended to make a call to the Neverland Club and arrange for him to spend the day there (he was in the bathroom pouting at the time). We were at the Polynesian, Concierge. I went down to ask about dining reservations, and explained to the CM at the concierge desk, my dilemma and my 17 yr old's attitude. Just then, he came down the stairs... the CM was GREAT!!! Said "Mrs. C., is this the young man who will be enjoying the Neverland Club today?!!?!?" My son was MORTIFIED!!!!!!!! stomped out of the Hawaii building, with a confuzzled and horrified look on his face. Well guess what?? From that point on, NO FOUL MOOD!!! It was devious I admit, but when on vacation, parents aren't interested in democracy, they want SMILES!!!!!!

That is hilarious!! I'm so trying that next time!!!

come on jenn, i am waiting for an update. need to hear about teppo edo (did i spell that right?).
that and i just want an update.

I know, I know! I'm working on it!


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Okay, so now we're on Sunday July 10. 2011, or as Lainey would call

Sam and I got up bright and early so that we could get some more of the beignets that everyone seems to be addicted to. He wouldn't even let me brush my teeth or shower. I was so grossed out, but he insisted that I throw on my glasses, whip up a pony tail and drag on some clothes. Ick!! Just goes to show you that you can't always be beautiful! So aggravating to me because Sam rolls out of bed and looks the same as if he had just showered and gotten ready. Annoying. Cover your eyes for the next picture if you are easily scared.


But I guess it was worth it for these little babies.


Now that everyone has gotten some breakfast, I guess I'm allowed to get myself ready.

Sam made sure to let me know how long it was taking by snapping a bunch of pictures of me while he waited.


We decided to go to Downtown Disney because I had a hankering for some Earl of Sandwich. Can't go by World of Disney without at least slowing down though.


We knew since it took me so long to get ready that it would probably be busy especially with it being a Sunday and all, so we weren't really expecting a seat inside. It would have been nice, but not meant to be. We didn't get one last year either. Here is my full montagu, delicious!!



And Sam was really hassling me about picking out my dessert quickly so I grabbed this brownie looking thing. Little did I know that it was filled with creme. Ish! It was so rich and sugary that I could only eat a bite or two.


After lunch we had to check out the Lego store. Roddy loves the Star Wars legos.





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Sam and Roddy made a beeline for the Legos


To infinity and beyond.


Lots and lots of legos.



Then we had to go back here to browse around.


Lainey wanted her picture with the statues. I made the mistake of taking both Lainey's and Bella's picture together, and she was like, no I want it ALONE, but then she wouldn't retake the Aurora one. Great, now this one is acting like Lexy too!



I loved this snowglobe.



I had them take a picture with the fountain on the way out.



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We drove back to the room before heading back out to Epcot.

On our way back out, Roddy and Bella found some lizards. So they had to stop to check them out.



Then, it was off to the bus stop.


It wasn't long until we saw this sight.


And the first thing the kids wanted to do was go on SSE again.






Roddy had to be goofy again.



Well-Known Member
Yay! An update! I am cracking up at your "going to get beignets" picture!! I would have made Sam go himself!! :lol:

But you look so cute in glasses and a ponytail!!:)

Those are great construction pictures!! I should have ridden Dumbo!!


Well-Known Member
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Yay! An update! I am cracking up at your "going to get beignets" picture!! I would have made Sam go himself!! :lol:

But you look so cute in glasses and a ponytail!!:)

Those are great construction pictures!! I should have ridden Dumbo!!

I know! I should have! I'm betting you wouldn't have let Stephen take a picture of you like that! :lol:

you look like a real younglling!

thanks for the update, i was starting withdrawals. :ROFLOL:

I know. I know. It's taking me so long to get this done!!

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