The big ? Everest v's The Mummy which one wins?


New Member
I have not been on either, but I heard bad things about the mummy ride.
I would have to say Everest, who knows I might change my mind after riding both some day.


Well-Known Member
RotM has nice effects, but the ride...

Frankly, I find most of RotM's special effects to be good for a ride, but the ride is like a Cliff Notes version of the movie. Fire around the ceiling, screen technology and plastic pieces that look like roaches, and an impressive AA (when it works) are nice touches; but overall, the ride itself isn't as thrilling as you'd expect. The cars swerve around some quick corners and drop a couple of feet, but the portion following its final drop is the most anticlimatic ending for any attraction I've ever been on. The first time I rode RotM and my car entered the final drop "into hell," I thought, "Wow!" And then I went around a corner and the ride ended. It was over. I thought I'd missed something and rode it again. Nope, I caught everything. The only difference is that the mummy AA worked the first time and not the second. Dinosaur at DAK is more intense. But to be fair, I almost wet myself the first time I experienced the major drop on RotM. I just wish that something actually happened after that (for those of you that haven't ridden RotM, the climax is an LIM propulsion into "hell"--a steep drop; but you immediately brake and the ride ends).

Even before I said anything, my friends looked at me and knew the ride didn't impress me. I was so excited about it...and then it was nothing but hype. So...the effects are nice, but the ride itself is :snore: . Just a bunch of screens and a fast-moving car (and you only move quickly for about five seconds). RotM simply needs to be more immersive. It suffers from the same question that plagues other attractions at Universal: is it an experience, or a movie set?

Since EE convincingly creates an immersive experience, I consider it to be better than the Mummy.


Having rode both attractions more than once, I figured it's time I chime in with my opinion.

Everest beats ROTM in the whole set/immersiveness/story of the ride. The story is not necessarily better, as it is not as in depth as Mummy, but the ride does have a beginning, middle and an end (something that Mummy missed on.) Everest does this by having a giant moutain as the backdrop for the attraction where as Mummy takes place in a soundstage on a movie set for the new film. The actual sets of the attractions aren't really better than Mummy though. Nothing more than white/blue walls where as Mummy has many detailed scenes of gold props, mummies, and other Egyptian artifacts. Everest's plot is a lot simpler in that it's nothing more than taking a trip to a mountain where a yeti chases us out. ROTM's story is more complex and if you miss a part of the queue video, you won't understand what is going on.

Going into both of these attractions, my expectations were really high. I rode ROTM in March before it openned later in May and instantly wanted to ride it again. Even without some show elements (the AAs), I was still thrilled with the attraction. And once the AAs were added, I wanted to ride it even more often. But for Everest, which was billed as being better than ROTM, I felt let down. I only rode it again to see the Yeti better and to ride in the back of the attraction. I feel very let down that we only get to see the Yeti for a glimpse. To have such an "amazing life-like AA" and to only see him for a few seconds, is a huge dissappointment. On Mummy, you see both AAs for atleast 10 seconds. The only part of E:E that I liked better was the backwards section. But the ride itself is very repeative. Nothing more than helix's up and down. I felt like I was on a smoother version of Big Thunder Mountain. Instead of goats at the top, there was a HORRIBLE plastic fake bird with a stick coming from it's back. This bird is much worse than the non-moving temple guard statues on ROTM. I think ROTM is better than E:E with it's LIM lift-hill, but the coaster section is not something for those big coaster enthusiasts. E:E is more of a coaster than ROTM, but ROTM is a much different ride than just a coaster. I feel that E:E will be a hit with the whole family, but ROTM is something for the older audience. I really enjoyed ROTM's soundtrack and felt that E:E needs some music as well.

All in all they are both great attractions that have different audiences in mind. While they both have flaws, I feel as if Mummy is something I'd like to ride more often than E:E. I wouldn't wait in line more than 30min for each. I feel as if E:E didn't really break the mold of attractions or set any new limits as the AA was not even up to par with Sitch, Lucky or Mummy which were built years prior. ROTM is trying something new mixing dark ride elements with coaster elements to create something that has never been done in one attraction before. I really hope that more attractions like Mummy are built, blending different rides to create one experience, but I'd still like seeing traditional coasters similar to E:E. Mummy isn't as big as an attraction as E:E, you could build two and half ROTM attractions for one E:E, but I feel as though Mummy gives you more bang for the buck.

Winner? There really isn't a clear cut winner, but I will say that I'd be more likely to ride ROTM than E:E.


Well-Known Member
Nice post JROK. I guarantee I'll like EE better than ROTM (which I feel is easily the most overrated attraction at UO), but a lot of your points do make sense. If you use Express or SRL on ROTM, then you totally miss out on the story and Universal REALLY screwed up on that. And from the shots I've seen, the mummy warriors and the black light cutouts look MUCH worse and cheaper than the bird. I just didn't find ROTM to be thrilling at all except for the two drops to begin the coaster portions.

I will say one thing though. I expect the queue for EE to be better than the attraction, just like ROTM. I enjoy a fantastic queue more than most people, but I feel that maybe too much attention is going to them and the ride portions are getting shortchanged.


Well-Known Member
Everest is head and shoulders above the Mummy. The only worthwhile thing about the Mummy is the burning ceiling. Everest takes you to a whole other part of the world. and the Yeti > Imhotep....eitherway Kongfrontation was way better than both of them.


Well-Known Member
Clearly I'm a fan of Mummy but I just wanted to chime in real quick. The biggest problem I have with Everest is that they spent all this money on the mountain, the queue, the village, and everything else that there seemed to be nothing left for the ride itself. There is ONE show scene and one moment where you see an AA above you without stopping. While Mummy was half the cost, ALL the money went into the effects, and the ride itself. THAT is the biggest difference I see with the two attractions. Those labelling Mummy as "more of a coaster while Everest is an experience" have obviously never ridden Mummy. ROTM has 5 very elaborate show scenes and VERY short coaster sections while it is the opposite with Everest. Everest CLEARLY wins in all superficial categories but in terms of overall ride experience, I doubt a projected image of a Yeti and a VERY brief glimpse of an AA (No matter how impressive that AA is) will blow me away. Everest is truly a bigger, faster version of Big Thunder Mountain except about 1/3 as long. I am still incredibly excited that my favorite theme park finally got another E-ticket but I think a few more effects at the transfer tracks would have helped this ride jump ahead of the pack. And I'm sorry but that plastic bird is just an abomination. (pun intended)


Well-Known Member
stitchcastle said:
eitherway Kongfrontation was way better than both of them.

Oh goodness! :lol:

To say I disagree would be a huge understatement. As much as I think ROTM is overrated, I think it's a huge improvement over Kongfrontation.


Well-Known Member
AndyMagic said:
Everest is truly a bigger, faster version of Big Thunder Mountain except about 1/3 as long.

Time-wise, Everest and BTM are about the same. Both clock in a bit under 3 minutes from the time the train leaves the station until the time it renters the station. Actual track length-wise, I don't know if Everest is actually shorter or not. While Everest goes almost 1.5 to 2X faster than BTM at certain parts, it does stop two times for track switches and scene development which are included in its time. Either way, Everest surely isn't 1/3 as long. I also tend to believe there is quite a bit different between the two that Everest has little in common with BTM in terms of overall experience. It doesn't remind me of BTM at all really (beyond the obvious comparison of a runaway train through a mountain).


Well-Known Member
I was much more impressed with effects and storyline on Mummy than Everest. Costar wise, Everest is a better roller coster, though not a great one by any means.


dxwwf3 said:
Oh goodness! :lol:

To say I disagree would be a huge understatement. As much as I think ROTM is overrated, I think it's a huge improvement over Kongfrontation.

Everest could easily be put in at IOA as "KING KONG: Escape from Skull Mountain" ... all you have to do is paint the yeti black and give the mountain some skull facade...

Tim G

Well-Known Member
JT3000 said:
Not true at all. And it's been a long time since Disney personally built a large percentage of their big rides.
I would be careful about these statements... :)

Imagineering didn't build but BOUGHT the ride... :eek:
It came in, as some kind of Pre-Fab. and an "external" construction team assembled it...

WDI was ordered to fill a gap quickly... It's the only prefab ride btw on the whole resort.

Of course I don't know what your sources are, but I would recheck them if I were you... :D


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
I would be careful about these statements... :)

Imagineering didn't build but BOUGHT the ride... :eek:
It came in, as some kind of Pre-Fab. and an "external" construction team assembled it...

WDI was ordered to fill a gap quickly... It's the only prefab ride btw on the whole resort.

Of course I don't know what your sources are, but I would recheck them if I were you... :D

Corrus, I would just like to say, your the man.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the slightest clue what "pre-fab" is supposed to mean, but that's clearly not the only off the shelf ride on Disney property. You can't make me believe otherwise.

Everest is a fun ride. Is it actually anything special? Not at all. It's a bigger Thunder Mountain with some Matterhorn thrown in to make it seem different, when it really isn't. Same ole' same ole'. Mummy delivers an actual experience beyond a roller coaster. And the Imhotep AA's do more than move their arm back and forth, whereas Mr. Yeti is the most overhyped AA in the history of amusement parks.


Well-Known Member
JT3000 said:
I don't have the slightest clue what "pre-fab" is supposed to mean, but that's clearly not the only off the shelf ride on Disney property. You can't make me believe otherwise.

Then please name another.


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Oh no!!! You're creating another Which is better war..

IMO They're BOTH very, very good, each in their own special way...
you can't compair "Mummy" with "Everest"

What HE said!:lookaroun




JT3000 said:
Everest is a fun ride. Is it actually anything special? Not at all. It's a bigger Thunder Mountain with some Matterhorn thrown in to make it seem different, when it really isn't. Same ole' same ole'. Mummy delivers an actual experience beyond a roller coaster. And the Imhotep AA's do more than move their arm back and forth, whereas Mr. Yeti is the most overhyped AA in the history of amusement parks.

Ditto... And what's with the billed "4 Minute Ride" time? All the videos out there are well under 3 minutes and include everything except leaving the station and entering it... The actual 'ride' doesn't begin till after the main lift hill about 1 minute into the videos and then you get about 1:30 of actual ride... Everyone complained of how short Mummy was, but look at Everest... Mummy is supposed to be "4 Minutes" too but it's really about the same length as Everest (but with scenes instead of lift-hills) and has about 1 minute of real coaster action... So... Everest didn't improve on Mummy's mistakes... the ending to Everest is just as weak as Mummy's too...

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