The big ? Everest v's The Mummy which one wins?


I just re-read his post and he said he HAD the drawings, not just that he'd SEEN them. My mistake for not reading it more carefully the first time. Okay so this proves what?

Merlin it does not take a genius...

Corrus's sig:

"More Than Fifty Years Of Dreaming And Doing..."

Let's just say Corrus knows a lot more about WDW than you could hope to know, and we’ll leave it at that.


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MuRkErY said:

Merlin it does not take a genius...

Corrus's sig:

More Than Fifty Years Of Dreaming And Doing...

Let's just say Corrus knows a lot more about WDW than you would, and we’ll leave it at that.

So he's worked for Disney for 50 years? Sorry but I don't know what his signature is supposed to tell me about him that everyone seems so afraid to say publicly. I never really looked at his signature until you pointed it out just now, but honestly I would have just thought it was in reference to the 50th anniversary celebration.

Regardless, I wasn't arguing with him anyway. I don't know why he went kind of ballistic on me like that. Did he say I was wrong about the Barnstormer? As far as I know, he and I are in agreement, so what's the problem?


Oh it could be a reference actully, I all ways thought he was talking about him-self, lol.

Still it's not exactly hard to tell what Corrus did/does from looking at his past posts.


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MuRkErY said:
Oh it could be a reference actully, I all ways thought he was talking about him-self, lol.

Still it's not exactly hard to tell what Corrus did/does from looking at his past posts.

Well I guess when I have time, I'll take a look at some of those. In the meantime, I'm still in the dark. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Still in the dark?!?
You've been on the boards since 2002...
...and you've been in the dark about Corrus?

Why is it the 'debate' must have line items taken out of context?
Why is it that assumptions are made, therefore making the banter almost comical?
There has been an extreme amount of information posted over the years that not only prove his authenticity, but justify his position. I find it hard to believe that anyone who is a member of this forum for a long period of time would not be able to find this out.

I would further point out that there is a level of maturity that has become quite evident... seeing as how he has chosen to walk away from this issue because of what was pointed out above, and take a higher road.



Having only seen video ride thrus of EE, but having ridden The Mummy a few times opinion may be a bit unbalanced...

I would have to say that The Mummy wins...Expedition Everest will surely be an instant Disney classic as soon as it opens its doors to the general public on April 7th...but the ride is totally based around family enjoyment. Nothing too major is going to scare you on this one, and the audio animatronics in this (while great) are only visable for a short 5 seconds, at max.

The Mummy is more geared for the thrill seeker crowd, and while I am sure that there are a few grandpas that ride The Mummy, I am willing to bet that more of them will be riding offense to anyone.

In truth, the two really cannot be compared...a dark ride vs. a mountain "adventure"...


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KrazyKemp said:
Having only seen video ride thrus of EE, but having ridden The Mummy a few times opinion may be a bit unbalanced...

Uh oh! You haven't been on the ride yet and you're expressing an opinion about it? That's only allowed if your opinion is a positive one. If you say things like, "I haven't been on it yet, but it looks AWESOME from the video!", well, that's okay. But if you're critical of it, then prepare to be chastised with something along the lines of, "How can you possibly judge it if you haven't ridden it yet?"


Merlin, alright. I am the first to admit that I am new to these posts, and I do not know everything about DisneyWorld.

It doesn't seem like you're really a people person in these forums.

Corrus seems to know a hell of a lot more than any of us, and I respect what everyone says in here.

But you've turned this thread into something that no one wants...and you've managed to lose some respect with a few people I am sure.

I know that you weren't looking for a fight with anyone tonight, but at least respect people like Corrus, and everyone else's opinions.

You'll make a lot more friends.


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KrazyKemp said:
Merlin, alright. I am the first to admit that I am new to these posts, and I do not know everything about DisneyWorld.

It doesn't seem like you're really a people person in these forums.

Corrus seems to know a hell of a lot more than any of us, and I respect what everyone says in here.

But you've turned this thread into something that no one wants...and you've managed to lose some respect with a few people I am sure.

I know that you weren't looking for a fight with anyone tonight, but at least respect people like Corrus, and everyone else's opinions.

You'll make a lot more friends.

My apologies, KrazyKemp. I wasn't making fun of you. Quite the opposite, I was making light of how a lot of members on these forums will jump on someone for expressing a less than stellar opinion based solely on seeing a video, but yet think its perfectly fine to express a glowing opinion based.....solely on seeing a video.

As far as Corrus is concerned, I must admit (again) that I have no idea who he is, but I'm getting the impression he must be someone "really important". If he's earned the respect of the members of this board, I think that's great. But people are dropping hints (that I must confess I'm NOT getting) and telling me to read his posts in order to "figure out" who he is. Sorry, I'm a pretty intelligent guy (though some would prefer to describe me as a "know it all" :lol: ) but I guess I'm just a little clueless when it comes to picking up on hints. For some reason, it's apparently a secret. But I'm afraid that doesn't tell me much either. I've also requested that someone please PM me if they prefer not to state it in the public forums. So far, no one has done that and my request for that alone caused Corrus to come unglued (not sure why).

So basically the expectation that has been set in my mind is that Corrus is really Marty Sklar or Tony Baxter or someone of that caliber. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Merlin, to clear up some confusion, when Corrus says to not offend him by insulting a disney attraction, he really means that he, more than anybody else on these boards, has the right to take any insult of an attraction personally.

Think if you spent a real long time writing a report, and you knew it was the best report ever, and some Hot Topic Punk read it and called it trash... It would be that kind of personal offense.


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Enderikari said:
Merlin, to clear up some confusion, when Corrus says to not offend him by insulting a disney attraction, he really means that he, more than anybody else on these boards, has the right to take any insult of an attraction personally.

Think if you spent a real long time writing a report, and you knew it was the best report ever, and some Hot Topic Punk read it and called it trash... It would be that kind of personal offense.

Sure, that makes sense. And you're right, I would feel that way if someone insulted my work. But I didn't insult his work. Did he design the themeing around Barnstormer? If so, I think he did a great job. At no time did I insult Barnstormer. I just said that the track itself was off the shelf. But as far as I can tell, that's not what upset him anyway. He went ballistic on me when I told another member to PM me with an explanation of who Corrus was if he felt that was important for me to know. The reason I said that (and I've explained this already) is because the other member seemed to think it was important enough to point out to me, but at the same time, he didn't seem to want to say it in the public forum. I just wanted to give him an opportunity to tell me in private. For some reason, Corrus took that as an insult. I didn't mean it as one.


Merlin said:
IOn a related note, I just discovered there are 26 incarnations of rides using this exact track design (designed by Vekoma, by the way).

No...actually you didn't.
I assume you are referring to the 26 coasters that RCDB lists as Junior Coasters. Notice which one is not there? Barnstormer. Why? It's a custom installation. Very similar to many other "Roller Skaters" out there...but not exact.

And when Corrus says he knows's kinda like E.F. Hutton. :wave:


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BwanaBob said:
I would further point out that there is a level of maturity that has become quite evident... seeing as how he has chosen to walk away from this issue because of what was pointed out above, and take a higher road.


We're talking about the guy who jumped down my throat for no reason and then put me on his "ignore" list, right?


Well-Known Member
Sergeant Tibbs said:
Is Rotm the same in orlando as it is in California. I went on the one in California and was kinda dissapointed.

The one in Orlando is supposed to be much better by most people's opinions, but after experiencing the one in Orlando and watching the video of the Hollywood version, I think I perfer California's version.


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dxwwf3 said:
The one in Orlando is supposed to be much better by most people's opinions, but after experiencing the one in Orlando and watching the video of the Hollywood version, I think I perfer California's version.

Ironically, I LIVE in California and haven't done the one here. I thought the one in Orlando was great, so if the California version is better then maybe I need to go check it out.


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cac2889 said:
Wow...I'm almost tempted to flat out tell you who he is...

...almost. :lol:

Perhaps you shouldn't. Something tells me it will be a letdown after the buildup everyone's given him. To read everyone's posts, you'd think we were talking about Walt himself, brought back from the dead. I suspect it's more along the lines of him being the night janitor at Imagineering who happens to have the key to everyone's office. :rolleyes:

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