The big ? Everest v's The Mummy which one wins?


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Perhaps you shouldn't. Something tells me it will be a letdown after the buildup everyone's given him. To read everyone's posts, you'd think we were talking about Walt himself, brought back from the dead. I suspect it's more along the lines of him being the night janitor at Imagineering who happens to have the key to everyone's office. :rolleyes:
How dare you.

Yensid "I hope to never use my ignore feature" tlaw1969


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
How DARE I?? I'm going to assume that you've GOT to be kidding.
Please, I could have droned on for an hour, I just figured that that said it all.

Yensid "even I was insulted by the janitor comment, and I have no ties to Corrus!" tlaw1969


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Ironically, I LIVE in California and haven't done the one here. I thought the one in Orlando was great, so if the California version is better then maybe I need to go check it out.

Remember I'm in the minority on this one. The California one is shorter and doesn't have as good of a queue, but I just found the ride and storyline to be better. Maybe it would be different if I actually got to ride it in person.


Premium Member
Merlin said:
Perhaps you shouldn't. Something tells me it will be a letdown after the buildup everyone's given him. To read everyone's posts, you'd think we were talking about Walt himself, brought back from the dead. I suspect it's more along the lines of him being the night janitor at Imagineering who happens to have the key to everyone's office. :rolleyes:

Can you please give this a rest? There are members on this forum who are at the highest level of Imagineering. We may also have some Imagineerin janitors, as you put it, on the forum. There are also members who have been heavily involved in many of the recent major WDW attractions. Their identity, for obvious reasons, is unknown to most on the forums. For members who have been here a while, it is fairly obvious that things said by some members (even if their identity isnt known), is fact, and is not to be disputed.


Account Suspended
My apologies, Steve.

I'm sorry to any janitors I may have offended with my remarks. In all sincerity, I hold janitors in the highest regard and did not mean it as an insult. I think it is a very under-appreciated job and is usually performed by individuals who work harder than your average person. Unfortunately, it's a job that is often looked down upon as being an "unimportant" one. That's a shame, because janitors perform a critical task and more people need to realize that.

Having said that, I think I have finally gotten the clue that that's the job Corrus has (or had) at Imagineering, due to the fact that this remark struck such a nerve. Again, I didn't mean to insult Corrus, or other janitors in general, with my remark. I simply meant that usually janitors do have access to quite a bit more information than most people realize. It's like the character of the janitor in the movie the Breakfast Club and how he talked about all the information he had.

I also learned a long time ago that if you are around Imagineering for any period of time, regardless of your position, you're going to see a lot of inside information. The janitor would probably have more info than your average Imagineer because he/she would see different people's projects, as opposed to an Imagineer who might only be intimately familiar with the one he/she is working on. Years ago, when I was working for the Disney Store, I went with a co-worker to Imagineering in Glendale to shop in the CM gift shop (I think it used to be called "Mickey's of Hollywood", but it essentially a "Company D" for Imagineers). Anyway, after we left the gift shop, we got lost and ended up wandering the halls and into different rooms. It was a long time ago, but I remember seeing concept drawings for Honey I Shrunk the Audience, Space Mt at Disneyland Paris, and a huge model for Animal Kingdom (I think it was the same one that is now on display at One Man's Dream). It amazed us how easy it was for us to wander around and see that stuff...and we didn't even work there. At no point did anyone stop us, and it was totally obvious that we didn't belong there (ie. we were wearing visitor badges and we looked lost). I remember a week or so later, an Imagineer came into our store and we were talking to him, and he mentioned that getting into the Imagineering building was harder to do than to get into the secure rooms at the Pentagon. After he left, my co-worker and I looked at each other and busted up laughing because it wasn't hard at all to get in and around there.

Anyway, I apologize again to Corrus and any other janitors who might be on these boards. :wave:


Merlin said:
Ironically, I LIVE in California and haven't done the one here. I thought the one in Orlando was great, so if the California version is better then maybe I need to go check it out.
As everyone knows, I absolutely love the USF version....went on the USH one back in March, and while it was still an enjoyable ride, I really didn't think it was as good as its USF counterpart (the story was solid, but it really just needed more room to tell it).


Premium Member
Merlin said:
Having said that, I think I have finally gotten the clue that that's the job Corrus has (or had) at Imagineering, due to the fact that this remark struck such a nerve. Again, I didn't mean to insult Corrus, or other janitors in general, with my remark. I simply meant that usually janitors do have access to quite a bit more information than most people realize. It's like the character of the janitor in the movie the Breakfast Club and how he talked about all the information he had.

Anyway, I apologize again to Corrus and any other janitors who might be on these boards. :wave:

hmmm ok, if you want to think that Corrus is a janitor, go ahead LOL. I am guessing by the way you are behaving, that you are attempting to get someone to spill the beans about certain member's identities in defence to you calling people "Imagineering janitors". You are going to have to do much better than that.


Account Suspended
wdwmagic said:
hmmm ok, if you want to think that Corrus is a janitor, go ahead LOL. I am guessing by the way you are behaving, that you are attempting to get someone to spill the beans about certain member's identities in defence to you calling people "Imagineering janitors". You are going to have to do much better than that.

Not at all. I just felt bad because I thought maybe that was his job and I had offended him (only because I know a lot of people unfairly look down on janitors...which I don't feel is right). I don't actually have an interest in knowing. As someone has suggested, I could figure it out from posts that he's made in the past. But I'm not interested enough to take the time to do that. It's just that several people have hinted that his job is somehow an important detail for me to know.

Nevertheless, if he IS a janitor, I'm sorry if I offended him. Also sorry if I offended any janitors who post here. :)

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