Trip Report The Audrey’s 3rd Birthday Trip Trip Report…!!!!!

Who: myself (Steve), my DWifey of 35+ years (Carolyn), oldest DD (Megan, turned 33 today), DS (Matthew, 31), youngest DD (Sarah, 29), SonIL (Daniel, oldest DDs husband, 34), oldest granddaughter (Emory, “Emmy”, 5) and youngest granddaughter (Audrey, turned 3 during the trip) for who the TR title is obviously dedicated to…!!! 😉:)

When: June 26th to July 2nd, 2024.

Where: Old Key West Resort. First time ever staying there…!!! :)

Some initial fave PP pics below…!!!!! :inlove::happy:


More to come, soon…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

We had a bit of a PPP photoshoot near the end of Main Street, of course…!!! :)


We had all eaten, at least some, breakfast before we headed to the bus stop, but thought we’d head to Sleepy Hollow Refreshments first thing, in case anyone still had a hankering for something.
We were at the bridge to Liberty Square at about 7:27a, and were waiting for rope drop, along with many other Guests.
Emmy and Audrey were doing some more posing for pics for Megan, and I could only get as close to the end of the bridge, because of other Guests, to take what would normally be that classic castle pic we all take, to get the shot below that one.
But, I think it actually turned out kinda’ cool, with the sunrise coming through the tree obscuring the top of the castle, and the top of the castle being reflected in the moat/water…and, that’s about as “artsy” as I get…!!!!! :hilarious:


After a few minutes of that, us adults finally remembered… D’oh…!!!!! :facepalm:
Only Fantasyland and Tomorrowland rope dropped at 7:30a for resort Guest EE.
So, we headed over to that path just in time. Initially, there was talk of hitting up Mad Tea Party, but Emmy and Audrey had their hearts set on another attraction in Tomorrowland…!!! ;)


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

For their first attraction, Emmy and Audrey were excited to ride Buzz, so we headed that way…!!! :)


Our PP ride pics below…

Audrey and Carolyn in the first pic, and all you can see of Audrey is her tiny arm, and her tiny hand on the joystick…!!!!! :hilarious:


Sarah and Megan…


Daniel havin’ fun with Emmy…!!!!! :hilarious:


And, myself and Matthew…


None of us scored anywhere near remotely close to Galactic…..anything, but somehow Zurg still ended up behind bars…???!!! 🤔🤷‍♂️;)


Some mischievous kiddos musta’ been helpin’ Zurg escape ‘cause they tightened up the bars of his cell (l liked it better more open ;))…!!! ;)
(Image from the interwebs)


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

Then, believe it or not, Emmy and Audrey saw Astro Orbiter, and actually wanted to do it…!!!!! :eek:o_O🤣


To be sure, my DWifey, Carolyn, hates spinners, but she’ll do anything for her granddaughters, so off her and Emmy went together, with smiles on their faces…!!! ;);)


I opted out. I’ve never had a problem with spinners, and have been on them many times over the years.
But, I’m pretty wide these days, with bad knees. I’m sure I coulda’ gotten in the ride vehicle, but I didn’t want the ride to be down while RCFS had to grease my ol’ butt up and pry me out of it…!!!!! 😂
I stood buy and took pics, and have a video, but there’s a lot of screaming in it…!!!!! :hilarious:

Daniel and Matt…


Megan, Audrey and Sarah…


Another shot of Carolyn (Nana) and Emmy…!!!!! :happy:


And, the last one with Megan and Audrey…!!! :)


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

Then, believe it or not, Emmy and Audrey saw Astro Orbiter, and actually wanted to do it…!!!!! :eek:o_O🤣

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To be sure, my DWifey, Carolyn, hates spinners, but she’ll do anything for her granddaughters, so off her and Emmy went together, with smiles on their faces…!!! ;);)

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I opted out. I’ve never had a problem with spinners, and have been on them many times over the years.
But, I’m pretty wide these days, with bad knees. I’m sure I coulda’ gotten in the ride vehicle, but I didn’t want the ride to be down while RCFS had to grease my ol’ butt up and pry me out of it…!!!!! 😂
I stood buy and took pics, and have a video, but there’s a lot of screaming in it…!!!!! :hilarious:

Daniel and Matt…

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Megan, Audrey and Sarah…

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Another shot of Carolyn (Nana) and Emmy…!!!!! :happy:

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And, the last one with Megan and Audrey…!!! :)

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Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)
Glad the kids enjoyed the ride!! (Kudos to your wife for riding the spinner, along with Emmy.) This is the one ride I refuse to ever get back on, as the one and only time I rode it (mega years ago . . . ), I felt like I was going to fall out of it -- because it tips inward at one point. There was only a loose seat belt. Scared out of my mind -- never again! :jawdrop: :hilarious:


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Glad the kids enjoyed the ride!! (Kudos to your wife for riding the spinner, along with Emmy.) This is the one ride I refuse to ever get back on, as the one and only time I rode it (mega years ago . . . ), I felt like I was going to fall out of it -- because it tips inward at one point. There was only a loose seat belt. Scared out of my mind -- never again! :jawdrop: :hilarious:

Oh my…!!!!! :eek:;)
Yea, the spinning wouldn’t bug me, but feeling like I was gonna’ fall out would, even though it’s (as far as I know ;)) never happened before.
Carolyn was fine when she got off…I think she was just having so much fun riding with Emmy that it distracted her…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

After Astro Orbiter we headed for HM.
We queued up at 8:23a, and stand-by was showing a 20 minute wait…


While we waited, Emmy and Audrey had a quick snack of half a peanut butter sammy each…


Always love the view of Rivers of America from the queue, and the queue in general, especially the grave markers…!!! 👻;)


So, we queued up at 8:23a with the stand-by wait being shown at 20 minutes, and the time stamp on the 2 pics below is 8:33a, so, not bad at all…!!! :)


Unfortunately, I have no decent pics from during the actual ride itself, as I was still trying to figure out the best way to set up my iPhone camera for dark rides. More on that later…

Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

A quick HM wrap up…
Emmy and Audrey loved the ride…!!! :)
I can’t remember why, but we never made it on HM on our trip last October.
Emmy did ride it on our one day “Worldwind” trip (we flew from Austin to Orlando on Oct. 29th, spent about 6 hours in MK, and flew back that night) back in 2019, but she was only a year old, so doesn’t remember it, of course. Link to that TR below, if anyone is interested…’-emy-one-day-mk-“worldwind”-trip.961409/

I first rode the original HM in Disneyland when I was 7, back in the summer of 1970, about a year after it opened, and it’s been a favorite ever since.
As an aside, I love the windows in the exit hall of the WDW version…


After HM we headed for Peter Pan’s Flight.
We entered the queue at 8:57a and were boarding our ships by 9:16a.
Again, no decent pics from the actual ride-through , but I have plenty from the queue…


The one below would have been better if I didn’t accidentally catch the green exit sign on his head…!!!!! :hilarious:


To Emmy and Audrey, I’m known as Pappy and Carolyn is known as Nana, thus the pic below…!!! :)


And, a few more from the queue…


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

A few more pics with Emmy and Audrey, just before boarding our ships at PPF…!!! :)


For whatever reason, we didn’t make it on PPF on our October trip, or on our 1-day trip with Emmy back in 2019.
Both Emmy and Audrey enjoyed the ride, but even Emmy thought it was too short, so she wanted to ride again…!!!!! :hilarious:

Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

After PPF, we headed to IaSW.
Or, as we alternately named it on one trip several years ago “It’s a Smell World”, as a guy in the row in front of us probably hadn’t had even a sponge bath in the previous 2-3 weeks…!!!!! 🤢:hilarious:

Anyway, I first experienced IaSW at age 5 in Disneyland in the summer of 1968. Yes, that Sherman brothers song looping can get annoying for many, but this attraction (even at WDW) has sentimental value to me.
The last time we were on the one in Disneyland was 2010…we need to fix that…!!! ;)

Carolyn and “Aunt Sassy” (Sarah) rode up front with Emmy and Audrey…!!! :)


Gotta’ get a shot of the wonky-eyed hippo…!!! ;)


And the rest for this post…


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

More from IaSW, and last post from that attraction.

The below pic is of Emmy’s first ride on IaSW from the aforementioned one day “Worldwind” trip from October of 2019…she was just so enthralled with it all…!!!!! :inlove::happy:
Sorry, ol’ Pappy just had to relive a moment here…!!! ;)


And, the last ones from IaSW…


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)
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And, another proud Pappy thread interlude…
Audrey started dance class this morning…!!!!! :inlove: :happy:


Man, it’s just sooo AWESOME being a grandparent…!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:

Also, Emmy starts dance class after school tomorrow, sooooo…!!! ;)

Thank you all again for indulging a proud ol’ Pappy…!!! :happy:

More, actual ;), TR coming soon…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

After IaSW, it was time for second breakfast from The Friar’s Nook in Fantasyland.
I was so hungry, the only pic I snapped was of my hotdog BM (Before Mustard ;)) and tater tots, and can’t remember what everyone else had. :facepalm:🤷‍♂️
It was good enough to hit the spot…!!! :)


After second breakfast, we then headed for the Prince Charming Regal Carousel.
Along the way, there was an Anastasia and Drizella siting…!!!!! :eek:;)
Gotta’ love when characters are out, and they really need to do more of this, as something so simple just adds so much more to the experience, IMO…!!! :)


Emmy, Audrey and the rest of our group escaped the evil stepsisters to the carousel. Except me. I stood guard along the perimeter…!!!!! 😁:hilarious:;)


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

After the carousel, we were heading through Liberty Square and caught the last part of the Disney Adventure Friends Cavalcade…!!! :)

On a related aside…
We’re, generally, not parade, cavalcade, etc., people.
That being said, we actually always loved SpectroMagic back in the day with our young kiddos. We all always just loved the music, and just thought it was beautifully done.

Anyway, some of those cavalcade pics…


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

Then, it was on to Jungle Cruise…!!! :)

Those of you who may have read my TR from our 1-day “Worldwind” trip to MK with Emmy back in October of 2019 May remember the below pic from JC, and the pic below that is, of course, of Emmy and Audrey from this trip…!!!!! :inlove::happy:


A pic of our ride…


And, the rest of the pics for this post, including the world famous backside of water…!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:;)


Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

The last few pics from JC are of the elephants, ‘cause, well, I love the elephants…!!!!! ❤️;)


Something of note from this particular ride experience…
There was a child on the center bench with her mother (grandmother was sitting across from them on the side opposite us), about Emmy’s age.
She never really made a sound, but she fought her mother the whole time because she kept trying to stand up and her mother was trying to restrain her.
She managed to get loose and stand up a few times, and each time the skipper stopped the boat (regulations/law he announced).
This went on for, literally, the entire ride, with grandma just ignoring it all like it wasn’t happening, and mom never made a sound either.
Once we finally docked and unloaded, and as soon as they cleared the exit, all verbal h**l was unleashed on that child by mom and grandma…!!!!! :hilarious:
I know I shouldn’t laugh, but it was just nuts…!!!!! 🤪

Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)


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Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)

Then, it was on to Jungle Cruise…!!! :)

Those of you who may have read my TR from our 1-day “Worldwind” trip to MK with Emmy back in October of 2019 May remember the below pic from JC, and the pic below that is, of course, of Emmy and Audrey from this trip…!!!!! :inlove::happy:

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A pic of our ride…

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And, the rest of the pics for this post, including the world famous backside of water…!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:;)

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Up next: Friday, June 28th, and Audrey’s 3rd birthday celebration at MK continued…!!! :)
You went from cuteness to double the cuteness in your Jungle Cruise pics!

Loving the report.


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You went from cuteness to double the cuteness in your Jungle Cruise pics!

Loving the report.

Thank you so very much…!!! :)
They are both just an absolute joy to be around…!!!!! :inlove::joyfull:

And, thank you so very much for following…I was just gathering some more pics for my next post…coming soon…!!! :bookworm:;)

But first, like the good hubby that I am, I have some laundry to fold… :cool:
IDK, is there a way to look cool while folding laundry…???!!!!! 🤔:cool:😁:hilarious:

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